MineSec (Anti Proxy, VPN and Bad IP)

 MineSec (Anti Proxy, VPN and Bad IP) MineSec3

MineSec (Anti Proxy, VPN and Bad IP)



This plugin is not designed to counter bot flooding!
Make sure to read the disclaimer!
Minecraft versions < 1.9 are LEGACY. NO SUPPORT!
Read the updates for actual changelogs


MineSec offers a premium service that determines how likely an IP address is a Proxy / VPN / Bad IP using advanced mathematical and modern computing techniques. MineSec performs GET requests on a web server combined with asynchronous tasks to make sure your main server thread will never be blocked.
With the player's IP address, the system will return a probabilistic value between 0 and 1 of how likely the IP is a Proxy / VPN / Bad IP. A value of 1 means that the IP is explicitly banned (a web host, VPN or TOR node) and a value of 0 means that MineSec doesn't think it's a Proxy / VPN / Bad IP. Otherwise, the output will return a real number value between 0 and 1, of how likely the IP is bad, a VPN or a proxy, which is inferred through machine learning and probability theory techniques using dynamic checks with large datasets. MineSec is designed to be efficient, fast and accurate. Also, billions of new records are parsed each month.

  • Serve traffic / content to real users, not bots, which reduce server load. (bot detection) Check will be run for every player when they join
  • Bungeecord support
  • Prevent trolls / people that are trying to bypass a ban.
  • Since the system returns a real value, you can customize the level of protection.
  • (Onhover) IP to geolocation. (Retrieve country, country code, region, region code, city, time zone, internet service provider, organization and an AS number)
  • Designed to be efficient, fast and accurate.
  • Custom allowance, fully configurable in the configuration file.
  • Execute any command you want when a player is detected as a Proxy user. (Configured in the configuration file)
  • Manual IP whitelist. Whitelist those players who need a VPN to play on your server.
  • Add and remove players, UUID's and IP's to and from the whitelist with 2 simple in-game commands.
  • /ms check <playername> - Run a check on a player.
  • /ms add <playername/uuid/ip> - Add a player, UUID or IP to the whitelist
  • /ms remove <playername/uuid/ip> - Removes a player, UUID or IP from the whitelist
  • ms.viewhelp (Default: OP) - Permission node that allows users to view the help menu.
  • ms.receive (Default: OP) - Permission node that allows users to receive the report of a test.
  • ms.check (Default: OP) - Permission node that allows users to check other users.
  • ms.add (Default: OP) - Permission node that allows users to add players/UUID's/IP's to the whitelist.
  • ms.remove (Default: OP) - Permission node that allows users to remove players/UUID's/IP's from the whitelist.
Code (Text):
# Welcome to the configuration of MineSec. We provide an extensive configuration for our Proxy/VPN/Bad IP detection.
# MineSec does not provide any protection methods except for banning IP's and dropping connections. We also do not detect
# nor protect against (D)DoS attacks.

# =-= Common =-=
# Reset the config
ResetConfig: false
Email: [email protected]
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

# =-= Detection =-=
# Do you want to enable Proxy/VPN/Bad IP detection?
Enabled: true

# Customization
# You can add as many condition blocks as you want.
# The min and max are in percentages
# You can use the following placeholders: %player%, %result%
Min: 0
Max: 30
Command: 'say Alert: %player% was had a percentage of %result% percent.'
Min: 31
Max: 60
Command: 'say Alert: %player% was kicked because he had a probability of %result% percent!'
Min: 61
Max: 85
Command: 'say Alert: %player% was kicked because he had a HIGH probability of %result% percent!'
Min: 86
Max: 100
Command: 'say Alert: %player% was banned because he had a HIGH probability of %result% percent!'

# Do you want to use an input flag? You can pick one of three available flags.
# Flag m, is used when you are only looking for the value of 1 as the result. The m flag skips the dynamic checks and only
# uses static ban lists
# Flag b, is used when you want to use static ban and dynamic checks with partial bad IP check.
# Flag none, is used when you want to run full checks. UNUSABLE AS OF NOW
Flag: none
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
1) Install the MineSec.jar version of your choice in the plugins folder of your server.
2) Run your server and a MineSec folder should appear in your plugins folder of your server.
3) Open the config.yml
4) Change the default email-address otherwise the plugin won't load!
5) Go down to the customization section and you will see 4 condition blocks. The first one is from 0 to 30, the second one from 31 to 60 and so on.
6) You can add and remove as many blocks as you wish, as long as EVERY percentage is covered. What do I mean by this?
You should NOT have 0 to 30 and 50 to 100 as the plugin won't know what to do if someone has a percentage between 30 and 50.
7) Even if you only wish to do anything from 90-100 you should still create a block for 0-89. Just leave the command between the quotation marks empty and for the 90-100 enter a command which is supported by your server. You can enter any command from any other plugin as well, as long as it's installed on your server.
8) Save and restart your server to see your changes taking effect.

NOTE: This is me using a VPN

Why should I pick MineSec over other similar plugins?

There are many other services like this one that uses simple block lists, meaning a particular IP block is specifically added or removed manually or by code from various known/trusted sources. During a lookup, if the IP is on the list, then simply return the result accordingly. However, it's a very limited view because if the IP is not on a list, it doesn't mean it's not a proxy / VPN / bad IP. It means that the simple block list system does not know or have not come across that IP address.

Will this lag my server?

No, MineSec performs GET requests on a web server combined with asynchronous tasks to make sure your main server thread will never be blocked.

What is a 'Bad IP'?
Bad IPs are IPs that are behaving "badly" in an automated manner. Networks that are infected with malware / trojans / -Redacted- / etc are also considered "bad".

Can I customize probability allowances and action texts?

Help! The plugin(/config) doesn't work for me!
Send me a PM and include the following things:
  • Bungeecord / Spigot
  • MineSec version
  • Console log if any errors appear.
  • Your config.yml

Future Updates
  • Customize some in-game messages.
  • Add support for probability allowance configuring.
  • Ingame adding and removing from whitelist.
  • Bungeecord
  • Reload command
  • Multiple commands
Terms of Purchase
  • Do not distribute this plugin anywhere without my consent. Doing so will result in you being removed off of the buyers list, meaning you will not get any further updates.
  • Do not decompile, modify or re-sell this plugin.
  • Purchase is for one person/server/network only.
  • I am not required to post updates, but I do often.
  • All sales are final, there will be no refund.
  • These terms may change over time.
  • Doing a charge-back or creating a PayPal dispute before communicating with me will result in your being removed from the buyers list, and you will be reported to FraudRecord anonymously.

Disclaimer: When sending more than 1000 queries a day, you risk your IP being blacklisted from IPIntel's database. This means, if your server is being flooded, it is your task to either shutdown the server or disable MineSec to prevent damages. Those who have their IP banned should ask their server provider for an IP change.
Java Info: All versions are using Java 8.

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