- Blood effects
- Level in chat
- Damage Sounds
- Level system / xp
- New stats message (update config)
- LevelUp rewards
- custom coins and xp commands
- Added game time (for example 5:00 minutes)
Description: A survival minigame with luckyblocks and many awesome features.
- MultiArenas
- Add as many arenas as you want per world
- Simple to setup
- Per arena luckyblock rewards
- Advanced luckyblock system
- Custom luckyblock rewards
- Reward type [Entity, Item, Block]
- Entity: Spawns an entity (with custom name and requipments)
- Item: Spawns items (with custom names, enchantments)
- Block: set the broken luckyblock to a block (like enchantment table)
- Random rewards
- Per arena rewards
- Advanced Scoreboard
- Non flicker scoreboard
- Contains many variables
- 3 scoreboards for (lobby, starting, ingame)
- Abilities
- Explosive Bow
- TNT Rocket launcher
- Thunder light wand
- Cooldowns
- More abilities coming soon
- Scoreboard variables:
- Lobby Scoreboard
- %max% | max arena players size
- %size% | players joined the arena size
- %map% | arena map name
- %state% | game state
- Starting Scoreboard
- %kit% | player selected kit
- %max% | max arena players size
- %size% | players joined the arena size
- %map% | arena map name
- %countdown% | starting game countdown
- %state% | game state
- Ingame Scoreboard
- %spectators% | spectators amount
- %kills% | amount of kills player killed
- %players% | amount of players ingame
- %date% | view day/month/year
- %map% | map name
- %time% | game time
- %state% | game state
- Lobby Scoreboard
- Custom configs
- Messages config: edit any message in game
- Settings config: edit game settings
- Rewards config: edit win/kill rewards in game
- Arenas config: to save arena data
- Data config: saves stats of players
- UUID Support
- To save players stats (kills,deaths,wins,coins) with UUID
- Custom sounds
- Kill sounds
- Break luckyblock sound
- Countdown sound
- Cages
- Allow players to have an awesome colorful cage before the game starts 10 cages supported.
- Cage shop is supported
- Resource pack:
- Kits System
- Create any type of kit you want (with potions, enchantments etc)
- Kit Shop is supported
- Inventory saver
- Save players inventory when they join/quit games
- Join signs
- Awesome custom join signs for all arena states (end, starting, ingame, lobby)
- Light weight rollback system
- Don't worry about your arenas map it will be restored 100%
- Spectator Mode
- Custom spectate locations set by admins
- Stats system
- Kills, Deaths, Coins, Wins
- Rewards
- Reward players when they kill or win and levelup
- Game Time
- Per arena time
- Normal time 5 minutes
- Custom time: /lbw settime <arena> <seconds>
- Damage sounds (if player has armor)
- Level System with xp and xp to levelup..
- Player commands
- /lbw | main command
- /lbw join <arena> | joins an arena
- /lbw leave | leaves an arena
- /lbw shop | opens the shop gui
- /lbw stats | view own stats
- /lbw stats <player> | view other players stats
- Admin Commands
- /lbw admin | main command
- /lbw create <arena> | creates an arena
- /lbw remove <arena> | removes an arena
- /lbw wand <arena> | gives a wand
- /lbw setlobby | set main lobby
- /lbw setwait <arena> | set waiting lobby for arena
- /lbw setspectate <arena> | set spectator position for arena
- /lbw addspawn <arena> <number> | adds spawns for arena
- /lbw createkit <name> <id> <price> | creates a kit
- /lbw removekit <name> | removes a kit
- /lbw start <arena> | starts an arena
- /lbw (addcoins, removecoins, getcoins) <player> <amount> | manage player coins
- /lbw (addxp, removexp, getxp) <player> <amount> | manage player xp
- /lbw reload | to reload config files
- /lbw settime <arena> <seconds> | set arena time
- /lbw admin for admin commands
- /lbw setlobby | to set main lobby
- /lbw create <arena>
- /lbw wand <arena>
- select both high and low bounds for a arena
- /lbw addspawn <arena> <number> | spawn number should start from 0
- /lbw setwait <arena>
- /lbw setspectate <arena>
- Make sure you have setup rewards for luckyblocks and win/kill rewards to make the arena work
Code (Text):
- In config.yml there is an example reward
- test is the arena name that you want to create reward for it
- 0, 1 | are the random rewards for example choose random number between 0, 9 (5) it will run the 5th reward
- reward1 is the first reward
- reward2 is the second reward
- You can add rewards as many as you like for example reward3
- Reward types:Entity: Spawns an entity (with custom name and requipments
- Item: Spawns items (with custom names, enchantments)
- Block: set the broken luckyblock to a block (like enchantment table)
- Remove enchantments or equipments? edit the remove it.
- more arenas? copy paste change arena name
- How to make 1 reward for all arenas?
- Just remove the arena name and make the config only has rewards and in settings.yml set luckyblock per arena to false
Code (Text):
Code (Text):
Win/Kill rewards:
- rewards.yml edit them for each arena
- change test to the arena you would like to add
- done, add more rewards copy paste different arena name
How to setup abilities:
- Change ability name in messages.yml
- in the luckyblock drop reward change the item name to the ability item name done..
Config Files:
Code (Text):
world: world
x: 40.76610678239941
y: 82.0
z: 542.1428086758309
yaw: 161.5507049560547
pitch: 12.299955368041992
- '1'
world: world
x: 44.0
y: 80.0
z: 530.0
world: world
x: 31.0
y: 75.0
z: 545.0
World: world
x: 38.5140504584548
y: 76.0
z: 532.558402503445
yaw: 359.85064697265625
pitch: 2.699969530105591
World: world
x: 38.51822350967144
y: 76.0
z: 543.3989479359286
yaw: 359.85064697265625
pitch: 2.699969530105591
world: world
x: 40.76610678239941
y: 82.0
z: 542.1428086758309
yaw: 161.5507049560547
pitch: 12.299955368041992
world: world
x: 40.76610678239941
y: 82.0
z: 542.1428086758309
yaw: 161.5507049560547
pitch: 12.299955368041992
Signs: {}
Code (Text):
explosive-bow-item-name: '&cExplosive Bow'
light-item-name: '&fLight'
tnt-rocket: '&cTnt Rocket'
receive-coins: '&e&l[LBW] &aYou have received &6%coins% &acoins!'
kit-not-select: '&7not selected'
kit-shop-gui-title: '&1&lKits Shop'
kit-select-gui-title: '&b&lKit Selector'
not-enough-coins: '&cYou have already purchased that kit!'
cage-purchase: '&e[LBW] &aYou have purchased &b%cage% &acage!'
kit-select: '&eYou have selected kit &a%kit%'
kitselect-item-name: '&aKit Selector'
kitselect-item-lore: '&eSelect your kit'
kitselect-item-id: 261
kitselect-item-durability: 0
death-message1: '&e[LBW] &6%player% &7has died!'
death-message2: '&e[LBW] &6%killer% &7has killed &6%player%&7!'
join-error: '&e[LBW] &cYou can''t join that arena because its already started!'
already-in-arena: '&e[LBW] &cYou are already in an arena!'
arena-full: '&e[LBW] &cThat arena is full!'
game-start-message: '&e[LBW] &aThe game has been started!'
cage-alert: '&e[LBW] &aCages opened! &cFIGHT!'
not-in-arena: '&e[LBW] &cYou are not in arena!'
player-join-arena-message: '&e[LBW] &a%player% &ehas joined the game &b[%min%/%max%]&a!'
player-leave-arena-message: '&e[LBW] &a%player% &ehas left the game &b[%min%/%max%]&a!'
game-soon-start-message: '&e[LBW] &aThe game will starts soon!'
cancel: '&e[LBW] &cStarting has been cancelled due not enough players!'
countdown: '&e[LBW] &aThe game will starts in %time% seconds!'
spectate-message: '&e[LBW] &cYou are a spectator now!'
win-message: '&e[LBW] &b%player% &ehas won the game!'
arena-created-message: '&e[LBW] &aArena has been created!'
arena-remove-message: '&e[LBW] &aArena has been created!'
spectate-set-message: '&e[LBW] &aSpectator position has been set!'
arena-already-exits: '&e[LBW] &cArena already exits!'
gui-purchased-kit: '&eYou have purchased this kit!'
gui-not-purchased-kit: '&cYou didnt have purchase this kit!'
purchased-kit: '&cYou have already purchased that kit!'
already-purchased: '&cYou have already purchased that kit!'
gui-kit-cost: '&cPurchase this kit for %cost% coins!'
create-kit: '&eYou have created kit %kit%!'
arena-not-exits: '&e[LBW] &cArena not exits!'
kit-purchase: '&e[LBW] &ahave successfully purchased %kit% kit!'
select-cage-message: '&e[LBW] &aYou have selected cage &b%cage%&a!'
reset-cage: '&e[LBW] &aYou have reset your cage!'
cage-gui-title: Cage Selector
select-cage: '&eClick to select!'
buy-cage: '&7Buy this cage for %cost% coins!'
cage-item-name: '&aCage Shop'
quit-item-name: '&cQuit'
cage-item-lore: '&eChange your cage''s color'
cage-item-id: 95
cage-item-durability: 0
cage-item-location: 11
kit-item-name: '&aSolo kits Shop'
kit-item-id: 276
kit-item-durability: 0
kit-item-lore: '&eBuy skywars solo kits'
kit-item-location: 15
shop-gui-title: Shop
win-title: '&6VICTORY'
win-subtitle: '&7You were the last man standing!'
add-spawn-message: '&e[LBW] &aSpawn added!'
lobby-set-message: '&e[LBW] &aLobby has been set!'
wait-lobby-set-message: '&e[LBW] &aWait lobby has been set!'
lobby-scoreboard-title: '&e&lLBW'
wait-scoreboard-title: '&e&lLBW'
countdown-scoreboard-title: '&e&lLBW'
ingame-scoreboard-title: '&e&lLBW'
sign-header: '&b[LBW]'
game: '&cIngame'
sign-lobby: '&aLobby'
sign-starting: '&6Starting'
sign-end: '&1End'
sign-arena: '&e%arena%'
players: '&emin/max'
- '&5&m------------------'
- '&eName: &7%player%'
- '&eCoins: &7%coins%'
- '&eKills: &7%kills%'
- '&eWins: &7%wins%'
- '&eDeaths: &7%deaths%'
- '&5&m------------------'
- '&5%player% LUCKYBLOCK STATS'
- '&5&m------------------'
- '&eName: &7%player%'
- '&eCoins: &7%coins%'
- '&eKills: &7%kills%'
- '&eWins: &7%wins%'
- '&eDeaths: &7%deaths%'
- '&5&m------------------'
- '&r'
- '&fPlayers: &a%size%/%max%'
- '&r&r'
- '&fWaiting for players'
- '&r&r&r'
- '&ewww.server.net'
- '&r'
- '&fPlayers: &a%size%/%max%'
- '&fKit: %kit%'
- '&fStarting: &a%countdown%s'
- '&r&r&r'
- '&ewww.server.net'
- '&7Solo %date%'
- '&r&r'
- '&fPlayers: &a%players%'
- '&fKills: &a%kills%'
- '&fMap: &a%map%'
- '&r&r&r&r'
- '&espigotmc.org'
Code (Text):
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2
Code (Text):
win-rewards: true
kill-rewards: false
disable-block-placing-out-side-arena: true
disable-block-breaking-out-side-arena: true
min-players-to-start: 1
day-time-on-start-game: true
countdown: 30
tnt-explode-power: 2
bow-explode-power: 4
tnt-velocity: 2
light-cooldown: 2
bow-cooldown: 2
coins-on-kill: 5
enable-sounds: true
squid-explode-power: 2
squid-velocity: 2
Code (Text):
type: item
item: 276
durability: 0
name: '&cFancy Sword'
amount: 10
type: item
item: 1
durability: 0
name: '&cStone'
amount: 10
type: item
item: 261
durability: 0
name: '&fLight'
amount: 1
type: entity
custom-name: true
name: '&cZombie'
entity: Zombie
item-in-hand: 276
item-helmet: 310
item-chestplate: 311
item-leggings: 312
item-boots: 313
type: block
id: 1
data: 0
type: entity
custom-name: true
name: '&cZombie'
entity: Zombie
item-in-hand: 276
item-helmet: 310
item-chestplate: 311
item-leggings: 312
item-boots: 313
type: block
id: 1
data: 0
Terms of use:
- You are not allowed to resell the plugin
- You are not allowed to reupload the plugin anywhere else
- Leaking the plugin will result a nice ban
- Refunds are not accepted
- Any error/bug should be posted in the resource's thread not in the review section otherwise i will not give a support for reported bugs in review section
- You are not allowed to share this resource with others