Minigames [1.8-1.12.1] The Ultimate Minigames Plugin

 Minigames [1.8-1.12.1] The Ultimate Minigames Plugin

Minigames [1.8-1.12.1] The Ultimate Minigames Plugin
LEAKERS NOTE: This resources is donated by @codename007
Original Link:
Please Give me a positive rating as a token of appreciation
DONATION: Want more plugins donate any amount to

Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12
Contributors: Synapz_


Tutorial by @ericbarbwire at

Full In-Depth Setup & Config | Created by @noodles

Gameplay from by TE Staff: Ralfeh

Setup Video | Created by @LtJim007


The Giant Feature List
  • Unlimited Arenas
  • FULLY supports old versions including: 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, etc. Check version list for full versions
    • I will not randomly drop support ;)
  • CTF, TDM, DOM, LTS, DTC, RTF, KC and FFA Mode -- This plugin is basically 8 different plugins in one
    • Team Deathmatch: The traditional Paintball game mode. Whichever team gets the most kills wins
    • Capture the Flag: Whichever team gets the most other team's flags to their base wins
    • Rush the Flag: Same as Capture the flag, however there is only one flag in the middle. Each team fights for to rush it to their base.
    • Free For All: Team Deathmatch, without the teams. Each player is on their own team.
    • Domination: Each team has a 4x4 sqaure which other teams try and secure. They secure it by standing over it for a certain amount of time.Their score is subtracted every 10 seconds to the amount of bases they have (the more they keep secured the more points they get)
    • Last Team Standing: No arena timer, the arena will not end until there is one team left, and that team wins.
    • Destroy the Core: Each team has a "core" with levels. To win you destory the other team's core by throwing Paintballs at it. Whichever team is last alive or has the highest life on their core wins.
    • Kill Confirmed: From Call of Duty. Like Team Deathmatch, however when you die you drop a tag. To confirm the kill you collect the tag and get points. If you do not confirm the kill and someone on the other team gets it, you do not get any points
  • Up to 16 teams per arena
    • Each team is easily set with their own team color with a command
    • Ability to change each a team's name in config--You are not just limited to color names
    • Based on their team color they will have that colored armour and name-tag
  • Arena Wagers
    • Lets all players in game be able to wager by betting money
    • At the end of the game the money will be divided amoung the winning players
    • Requires Vault, see commands for usage
  • BungeeCord Support
    • Make a hub server and connect as many servers as you want for each game
    • Super easy setup! (see FAQ)
  • Prize Commands
    • On arena Win/Loose/Tie for a team, you can specific specific commands to be run at the end of an arena
    • For example, you can have a Win-Command which has a 30% chance of giving a diamond sword to a player
    • Read more inside the config.yml
  • Simultaneous games
    • Have unlimited Paintball games going on at once with no limitations
  • Built in AutoClicker blocker
  • Ability to edit all messages sent
    • This can be useful for different language support or to customize the plugin even more
  • No shape limitationsWhen creating an arena, make sure it is enclosed
    • You do not need to set a region with World Edit, allowing whatever arena shape you want (without the hassle of setting regions)
  • Custom health system
    • Health is shown in scoreboard, and also reflected onto the player's health scale. For example, 3 hits to kill makes the player's health scale 3 hearts. Then every hit takes away a heart.
    • See the example inside screenshots
  • Join/Auto-join/Spectate/Leave signs
    • Auto join signs will automatically join the arena with the most players
    • Join signs can join a specific arena
    • Look how to easily make on in Signs section
  • Win/Lose/Tie Commands
    • When a player wins, loses, or ties, the console will be forced to send a player custom commands defined in config.yml, or per arena in arenas.yml
    • If you want a command to be run by a player, I recommend Essential's sudo command
  • Auto updating signs and holograms
    • Join, Auto join and leaderboard signs/holograms will be automatically updated with a configurable time in config to update players on their current state
    • Updating happens at smart times and does not require an interval to lag the server
  • Does not require any dependencies to use
    • You can, however, download Vault or HolographicDisplays to get extended features those plugins have to offer. See the Dependencies section for more information regarding optional dependencies.
    • More optional dependencies in "Dependencies" section
  • Change Paintball colors to match your server
    • Many servers have chosen colors to match their server. You can make the plugin match your server or chat with two useful configs, theme-color, secondary color, and prefix to make your plugin look custom to your server
    • These values help match everything from chat and scoreboard to title messages and item names
    • Changing the colors in config will create a totally new look for the plugin making it look custom to your server
  • Safe reloading (/reload and /stop)
    • Players will be kicked, arenas will be reset, and items will be given back
    • Ability to reload just the configuration, will not affect any arenas and gameplay
  • Efficiently and safely works alongside all server types (faction, mini games, etc)
  • Team Chat
    • Set fully customizable chat layout with tags (%TEAM%, %COLOR% etc.) in your config
    • Lobby chat, spectator chat, or if in game, arena chat
  • Set team's specific lobby, spectator, and game spawn points
    • Set multiple spawn points
  • In-depth step system to show you what you have to set before you can start the arena
  • Defined errors
    • Many plugins do not have an in-depth error system for when you type a command in wrong
    • Paintball informs users with detailed errors that are not ambiguous
  • Per player statistics
    • Highest kill streak, K/D, kills, deaths, games player, wins, defeats, ties, hits, shots, accuracy, time played, flags dropped, flags captured
  • Holographic, Skull and Sign Leaderboards
    • Leaderboard signs
    • Leaderboard command
    • Auto updates signs as leaderboards change
    • You can click a skull or sign and it will show that player's stats
  • Designed using Object Oriented principals
    • Allows me to limit bugs, fix them faster, and add features quicker
  • Titles and ActionBar use
  • Coin Shop
    • Earn Coins per kill to buy items inside the Coin Shop
    • Comes with CoinItem API so you can add your own items to the Coin Shop
    • Also uses Vault so you can save money and use it throughout each arena
    • Each item has a different kill message you can set in items.yml's action setting
  • Scoreboards
    • Show many values in game
    • Elegant and organized design
    • Does not break plugins like FeatherBoard which takes advantage of Scoreboards
  • Per Arena Settings
    • Every time a new arena is created there are settings created in arenas.yml with a copy of all the settings so you can edit just that arena.
    • This allows you to edit all arenas in config.yml, or edit a specific one inside arenas.yml
  • Smart Config
    • Configuration will create a backup of your old config and make a new config with updated settings on updates
    • arenas.yml, database.yml, and items.yml will automatically add the new settings added on an update
    • Does not require you to backup and delete files yourself
  • Item Damage, Material, Sound, Name, and Amount configuration
    • Is the name not snazzy enough for your server? Do you have a diamond hoe fetish instead of horse armour liking for your guns? Does the item count 3 just make you feel special? Maybe you want a super OP item. Whatever the case is, I give you the option to edit everything aspect of a coin item.
  • Spawn protection
    • A new way to protect from spawn killing
    • You can set how long spawn protection lasts
    • Player gets an action bar on how long spawn protection lasts
  • Over 14 thousand lines of code

Please note some of these pictures may be from much older versions


Custom texture pack, fancy scoreboards, informative chat messages, fireworks on kill. This resource pack is from a custom server


Securing a flag in a domination arena with the Coin item 'Duel Wield'


Before game starts, screen titles, chat messages, and advanced scoreboards.


While waiting for more players, screen title, team switch item, scoreboard displaying information, and a chat message being sent.



Advanced health system. Hits are reflected in health scale and on scoreboard. Here, the health scale is set to 3 hits per kill and the player has been hit one time.


While waitinf for more players, you can change your team. You can see the use of the action bar informing the player when the team switch cooldown is over.


Paintball signs are automatically updated to display the arena's name, status, time, player count, and server prefix.


A direct example of the dynamic signs.


Example of how Paintball is able to hook into Vault to get the group's prefix or suffix. Paintball also color codes messages.


An example of all leaderboard holographic


An example of a kills leaderboard holographic.


Player commands.


Administrative commands.


Arena setup commands.


Paintball info command.


How CTF Mode looks in game when being watched by a spectator (You can see Darkness running with Light's flag, the game messages, and how a spectator scoreboard looks)


Preview into the Coin shop. you can see the descriptions, coin items, and messages on whether they can buy it or not.


Example of 12 team game


Spectator players look like Ghost players to other spectators and are un-seen by game players


Spectator teleporter menu to easily spectate another player


All the avaiable team colors as seen in game with their chat.


It's not like the plugin does not offer a full command list just like this inside the plugin (it does). This is just out there for those of you who really really like black letters on white backgrounds. Take advantage of the joy it has to offer!

Parent permission: paintball.default
/pb join [arena] -- Autojoin/Join an arena. -- paintball.join
/pb join <arena> <team> -- Join an arena and its team --
/pb leave -- Leave an arena -- paintball.leave
/pb spectate <arena> -- Spectate an arena -- paintball.spectate
/pb stats [player] -- View a player's statistics -- paintball.stats
/pb list -- List of all arenas -- paintball.list
/pb top <stat/all> [page] - View leaderboards -
/pb wager <amount> - Wager money - paintball.wager
paintball.leaderboard.use -- Allows clicking a leaderboard sign to see player's stats
paintball.spectate.use -- Allows clicking a spectate sign
paintball.join.use -- Allows clicking a join sign
paintball.autojoin.use -- Allows clicking a autojoin sign
paintball.join.* -- Allows a player to join any arena
paintball.join.<arenaName> -- Allows a player to join a specific arena, make sure to remove paintball.join.* from them to enable this
Parent Permission: paintball.arena
/pb arena -- Display all Paintball Arena commands --
/pb arena create <arena> -- Create a new Arena -- paintball.arena.create
/pb arena set <arena> <spawn/lobby> <team/all> -- Set arena spawn locstions -- paintball.arena.setlocation
/pb arena del <arena> <spawn/lobby> <team/all> -- Delete an arena spawn location -- paintball.arena.dellocation
/pb arena setspec <arena> -- Set spectate locations -- paintball.arena.setspec
/pb arena delspec <arena> -- Delete spectate locations-- paintball.arena.delspec
/pb arena setflag <arena> <team> -- Set a CTF Flag location --paintball.arena.setflag
/pb arena delflag <arena> <team> -- Delete a CTF Flag location -- paintball.arena.delflag
/pb arena min <arena> <number> -- Set the minimum amount of players to start -- paintball.arena.min
/pb arena max <arena> <number> -- Set the maximum amount of players -- paintball.arena.max
/pb arena setteams <arena> <chatcolors> -- Set teams via chat colors, /pb arena setteams arena &6,&7,&0,&f --
/pb arena rename <arena> <new name> -- Rename an arena-- paintball.arena.rename
/pb arena steps <arena> -- List steps of an arena to start it -- paintball.arena.steps

Parent Permission: paintball.admin
/pb admin - Display Paintball Admin commands --
/pb admin start <arena> -- Force start an arena -- paintball.admin.start
/pb admin stop <arena> -- Force stop an arena -- paintball.admin.stop
/pb admin remove <arena> -- Remove an arena -- paintball.admin.remove
/pb admin reload -- Reload config.yml -- paintball.admin.reload
/pb admin enable <arena> -- Enable an arena -- paintball.admin.enable
/pb admin disable <arena> -- Disable an arena -- paintball.admin.disable
/pb admin info <arena> - Shows arena's stats --
/pb admin setholo <stat/all> [page] - Create a leaderboard hologram -
/pb admin delholo [radius] -paintball.admin.delholo - paintball.admin.delholo
/pb admin reset <player> [stat] - Resets a player's stats, or all their stats - paintball.admin.reset
/pb admin convert <arena> <ctf/tdm> - Converts an arena to a different type - paintball.admin.convert
/pb admin kick <player> -- paintball.admin.kick -- Kicks a player from an arena
paintball.leaderboard.create -- Allows creating a leaderboard sign
paintball.join.create -- Allows creating a join sign
paintball.autojoin.create -- Allows creating an autjoin sign
paintball.join.remove -- Allows removing a join sign
paintball.autojoin.remove -- Allows removing an autojoin sign
paintball.leaderboard.remove -- Allows leaderboard sign
paintball.spectate.create -- Allows creating a spectator sign
paintball.spectate.remove -- Allows removing a spectator sign
paintball.update -- Player will be notified that there is a needed update on join

paintball.admin.commands - disables all command restrictions while in game
paintball.join.<arena name>.bypass -- Lets a player with this permission bypass a full lobby by kicking someone without this permission out, applied to only the specfic arena
paintball.join.*.bypass -- Lets a player with this permission bypass a full lobby by kicking someone without this permission out, applied to all arenas


Ew... Commands are so 1980s. Make signs. Your players' time is too valuable to learn commands. They just want to play Paintball! All they have to do is click. All you have to do is place. The plugin does the rest. How innovative.

Join Signs

  • Change line 3 to be your own arena name
Spectate Sign

  • Change line 3 to be your own arena name
Auto-Join Sign

Leaderboard Skull

  • Change line 3 to be the stat type you want (See Leaderboard Sign below for a list of stat types)
  • Change line 4 to be the rank you want for the skull
Leaderboard Sign

  • Change line 3 to be any stats you want
    • Options: kills, deaths, kd, killstreak, accuracy, shots, hits, gamesplayed, wins, defeats, ties, timeplayed, flagsdropped, flagscaptured
    • Type exactly seen in the above bullet
  • Change line 4 to be the rank
Leave Sign

  • When clicked, a player will leave their current arena (if they are in an arena)
  • Works for spectators, lobby or arena players


What the heck is even a dependency? Isn't that just like a giant brick you need to install on your server to take up more room? Ugh, those are so annoying! Well good thing there are no required dependencies... Just place the plugin, and your good to go. Oh, but if you want, of course you can download them for some extra features. But it is totally up to you.

HolographicDisplays: Allows you to have access to /pb admin setholo [stat] and set hologram leaderbards
PlaceHolderAPI: Gives you many place holders that can be used with other plugins like scoreboards and chat to display game specific infomation to players. Paintball placeholders syntax is paintball_{stat name}, where the stat name is lower cased name with no spaces. Example: paintball_kills, paintball_gamesplayed, paintball_kd, etc.
Vault: Allows this plugin to access the server's money (for buying items). Without this plugin all money exchanges will be removed and the only form of currency will be coins earned per kill
LeaderboardHeads: Paintball offers basic leaderboard handling-- top signs, holograms or heads. However, you can extend the leaderboards beyond limits with this plugin, create weekly, monthly, daily, or lifetime leaderboards, signs, npcs, etc. Then, you can even sync it to your server's website to see the stats online! (Please note this has been implemented on my side but may take a few weeks for the author to update it as he has exams)


Just edit the file and type in /pb admin reload. Yep, no restart required. Unless you really like restarts, well, good thing that works aswell.


This stupid plugin does not have my favorite item in the world!! I just want to yell at the sky and hope someone adds this item!!! Oh, there is an API? For adding items myself? Why didn't you tell me! Tell me more about this magical feature...

Well, maybe you think the items I have are not enough. Maybe you have some cool ideas you want to add. Well, you can! Thanks to the help of this handy dandy API. Basically, create a plugin. Make the main class extend JavaPlugin, and inside your onEnable() make a new CoinItem(). Here is an example:

public class Main extends JavaPlugin {

    public void onEnable() {

        Creates a new CoinItem that is a GOLD_BARDING, named AK-47, has 1, is shown is shop,
        has a description of "Shoot with 100% accuracy\nout of an AK-47", is 0$ to buy, is 5 coins to buy
        lasts 120 seconds, has no permission, has an action of plowed (killer plowed died) that plays the sound UI_BUTTON_CLICK
        when it is clicked.
        new CoinItem(Material.GOLD_BARDING, "AK-47", 1, true, "Shoot with 100% accuracy\nout of an AK-47", 0, 5, 120, "", "plowed", Sound.UI_BUTTON_CLICK) {
            public void onClickItem(ArenaClickItemEvent event) {
                // Gets the arena player who clicked the item, then gets the player
                Player player = event.getArenaPlayer().getPlayer();

                // Makes a new snowball
                Projectile snowball = player.launchProjectile(Snowball.class);
                // Sets the snowball's speed to the speed set in arenas.yml

                Other things you can do:
                // Gets the arena
                Arena arena = event.getArena();

                // Stops the game

                // Gets the ArenaPlayer instance of the player
                ArenaPlayer arenaPlayer = event.getArenaPlayer();

                // Gets the player's last death location

                // Gets the player's money

                // Gets the player's kills

                // Gets the player's team

                There are many more methods you can access you can see in your IDE.
                After this is placed in your onEnable, build and reload/restart your server!
                Check in the CoinShop and it will be there is shown is true.


Yet another Minecraft server list? Isn't this suppose to be a like a Minecraft plugin page or something... Geez. Oh wait, is this a list of servers for me to test this Amazon Paintball plugin I have been reading about on? Wow! This is the best Minecraft Server list ever!
  • (600 players)
  • (en only)


Why stop at up to 16 teams per arena?
There are 16 color codes in Minecraft. Teams are set using color codes so I can easily link the player's team to a color code and display it in chat. Since there are only 16 color codes, there is a limit.

Which versions work where?
The latest version supports 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 and 1.11.2

How do I set an arena's teams?
For example, if you wanted to make an arena with gold, yellow, white, and black, you would use: /pb arena setteams arena-name &6,&e,&f,&0. Which is way better than the traditional and limited blue and red teams. If you notice each new color is separated by a comma. If you wanted to add more just add another comma and a color code.

I have had some really bad past experiences with premium plugins and am hesitant on downloading anymore...
Don't worry. I take your money's value extremely seriously. I have never neglected to help or add a new requested feature. If anything is wrong, I will look deeply into the issue. I have noticed a lot of premium plugins who offer terrible support... That will not happen here! Take a look at the discussion, I always reply back quick and deliver amazing support. I will even personally go to your server so I can see the issue in depth so I can fix it. Basically, you will never be left with bugs which make the game unplayable.

How to setup BungeeCord? And how does it work?
  1. Go to bungee.yml, set bungee to true
  2. Go to bungee.yml set hub-server-id to the name of your hub server
  3. Download a plugin like BungeePortals or BungeeSigns to your hub server
  4. Place signs in hub server to send a player to the game server
  5. When the player clicks the hub sign, they will join the server and automatically join a game
  6. When a game ends, the arena will shut and players will be sent back to hub
  7. If you want the plugin to set the Bungee server's motd, inside bungee.yml set state-as-motd to true. Then use a plugin like BungeeSigns which would fetch the motd with %motd% placeholder to be displayed on a sign

I do not want this item in the Coin Shop!
Inside items.yml, turn shown to false and your good to go! There are actually even a few in there that are set to false by default. Items like Fly, which should only be enabled if the owner wants it.

What is the difference between Paintball's Coin and Money system?
Coins are the plugin's default money system. Coins are basically like killstreaks (You can set how many player's gain/loose on kill/death in config). Because they are like killstreaks, they reset every game. You can also have money if you install Vault. Money is saved throughout each arena, in other words it is never reset. You have the choice to remove Coins (set coins: false in config.yml). You have the choice to remove Money by not installing Vault, or, if you need Vault for another plugin you can just set all money values to 0. Or, you can even use both. To me, Coins are more to make it harder for people to buy new items because they cannot just save up their money for awhile. Money can be saved overtime and can make it easy to buy big items. This is the reason why there is a choice (or both) for you to pick from."]

What Java version does this support?
This plugin was built off of Java 8 and will not support lower versions.

How exactly do I change a team name?
After you set the teams, go into arenas.yml and find the "Teams" list in the arena you want to edit section. Rename the colored team to whatever you want. For example:
    - 0:Black
    - f:White
Would turn into:
    - 0:Chocolate
    - f:Vanilla
Save, and do /pb admin reload. (Note: The specific arena will not reload until it is not in progress)
I have "java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: UI_BUTTON_CLICK"?
Where is the list for all the materials and sounds I can choose from in items.yml?

Some are added in 1.9 that are not in 1.8 so follow the version of your server. This will result in a NoSuchFieldError, especially for sounds because almost all sound names were changed from 1.8 to 1.9. The default Sound and Material values are for 1.9, so to get 1.8 support you must change to the 1.8 equivalent.

1.9 Materials
1.8 Materials

1.9 Sounds
1.8 Sounds

I have an error!
First, download the latest version. If that does not fix it, PM me or post in the discussion your error and stacktrace if there is one.



  1. You are not permitted to -Redacted- the plugin in any form.
  2. There are no refunds
  3. You are only permitted to use this plugin on your own server or network
  4. You will not file a chargeback, dispute, or perform any similar action. Doing so will result in your license revoked along with further action from SpigotMC

Latest reviews

really good plugin works great!
this shut off server for no reason. it deleted my files. this is crap beware.

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