
 MobCatcher 3.31 for 1.12

LEAKERS NOTE: This resources is donated by @Batuzay
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MobCatcher allows players to capture mobs and get the corresponding spawn eggs. This is useful for trading and transporting mobs from player to player or even across worlds. As well as having a configurable capture item, MobCatcher also boasts configurable mob types and item costs per capture, bringing a new economic value to mob types both peaceful and hostile. MobCatcher is able to store and recall mob specific data saved to specific spawn eggs. This means things like capturing and spawning colored sheep, baby animals, and tamed wolves is possible! This is done via a separate .dat file which saves data for each mob and removes it when that mob is spawned. Try it out on your server today!

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MobCatcher Basics

  • Capturing configurable mob types
  • Saves mob data (color, age, health, etc) to specific spawn eggs
  • Changed mob spawners use MobCatcher Data
  • Item lore to tell you about your mob
  • Respects Towny regions
  • Getting spawn eggs without creative mode
  • Makes spawn eggs throwable
  • Configurable capture item, including projectiles
  • Configurable costs for every mob type
  • Sign-based mob protection
  • Vault Economy support!
  • Permissions
  • Percent Chance for captures
  • Dispensers can shoot spawn eggs at higher speeds

  • All Mobs
    • Health/Max Health
    • Active Potion Effects
    • Name
  • All Animals
    • Age (Appearance, Time until breeding)
  • Pig
    • isSaddled
  • Sheep
    • Color
    • isSheared
  • Wolf/Dog
    • isAngry
    • isTamed
    • Color
  • Ocelot/Cat
    • isTamed
    • Cat Breed Type
  • Rabbit
    • Type
  • Horse
    • Color
    • Style
    • Variant
    • Jump Strength
    • Speed
    • Full Inventory
    • isTamed
  • Villager
    • Profession
    • Merchant Recipes (all trade information)
  • Creeper
    • isSupercharged
  • Slime
    • Size
  • Skeleton
    • Type
    • Equipment
  • Zombie, Pig Zombie, Husk, Zombie Villager
    • isBaby
    • Equipment
    • Villager Profession
  • Guardian
    • isElder
All you have to do is hold an egg (configurable) and left click on the mob you wish to capture. Its really that easy.

/mobc - Displays all command usage
/mobc item - Displays Capture item setting
/mobc clean - Removes data from a spawn egg itemstack.
/mobc projectiles - Displays current projectile settings
/mobc settings [mob type] - Displays settings
/mobc worlds - Displays which worlds MobCatcher is enabled in
/mobc area - displays how many Protection Signs the player is within the radius of
/mobc resetsigndata - Deletes all saved sign data

The mobcatcher.catch nodes all default to true, you must negate them to remove them.

If you have any additional questions about the permissions nodes, feel free to PM me or post a comment on the main page.

description: All the permissions that default to OP
default: op
mobcatcher.op.catchchance: true true
mobcatcher.op.sign: true
mobcatcher.op.ignoreprotection: true
mobcatcher.op.ignoreconfig: true
description: catch permissions (all nodes are positive)
default: true
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.*: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.*: true
description: catch permissions for all peaceful mobs
default: false
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.mooshroom: true
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.pig: true
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.sheep: true
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.cow: true
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.chicken: true
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.squid: true
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.wolf: true
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.ocelot: true
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.villager: true
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.irongolem: true
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.snowgolem: true
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.bat: true true
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.rabbit: true
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.donkey: true
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.llama: true
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.mule: true
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.skeletonhorse: true
mobcatcher.catch.peaceful.zombiehorse: true
description: catch permissions for all hostile mobs
default: false
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.pigzombie: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.magmacube: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.cavespider: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.creeper: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.skeleton: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.spider: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.zombie: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.slime: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.ghast: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.enderman: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.silverfish: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.blaze: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.angrywolf: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.enderdragon: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.witch: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.witherskeleton: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.wither: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.endermite: true true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.elderguardian: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.shulker: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.husk: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.zombievillager: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.vindicator: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.evoker: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.vex: true
mobcatcher.catch.hostile.stray: true
description: allows the placement of protection signs
default: true
description: catch chance is always 100%
default: false
description: all captures are free
default: false
description: allows all protective signs to be broken, regardless of owner, allows database resets, and allows sign limit and radius bypass.
default: false
description: allows mobs to be captured regardless of area protection, owner, or mob spawner settings
default: false
description: allows the capture of mobs disabled in the config file (based soley on permissions)
default: false
If after reading this page you still have a question, feel free to PM me.

Multi World Support
Under the PluginEnabled section, true means that the plugin is enabled in that world, while false means it isn't. NOTE: If you add a new world to your server, reload, and the config file should be updated.

Capture Item
The Capture item field is used to configure the item held in the players hand when capturing a mob. By default, it is a normal egg, but by changing the item ID to another value, you could make it whatever you want. "UsedOnCapture" is by default set to true, this means that 1 of the capture item will be removed from the players hand upon capture and "ReturnedOnSpawn" will give it back once you've used a spawn egg. Disabling the Capture "Enabled:" field, would mean projectile captures only.

The Item Name field by default will allow you to use any items, vanilla names or renamed, but by specifying a name you can make it only work with items with that exact name (i.e chicken eggs named "Capture Egg").

Projectile Captures
The types of projectiles that can be used to capture are by default all set to false, except chicken eggs. Simply change the other fields to true to allow Snowballs or Arrows to capture mobs. These fields are completely independent of the Capture item (direct capture) settings. The SpawnEggsDirectToInventory, which by default is false, means that Spawn eggs, when captured from projectiles, will be dropped on the ground. If you set this to true, the eggs will be placed directly into the players inventory, like a direct capture. The MissedEggsSpawnsChickens field defines whether or not chicken eggs will spawn chickens if they hit a block.

Note: MobsMustBeKilled also applies to projectiles

Iron Golems Protecting Villagers
By default, Iron Golems will attack any player who has damaged a villager. Set the "IronGolemsProtectVillagersFromCaptures" to false to be able to capture villagers without getting attacked by golems. Hitting the villager with anything other than the capture item will still aggro the golem.

By default, Effects are enabled. The Effect is smoke, in all directions, and the sound of a blaze firing.

Thrown Spawn Eggs
Set this to false to turn off the ability to throw spawn eggs. Note: There are override permissions, default OP.

With MobCatcher, dispensers can shoot out mob eggs and then spawn them, rather than just spawning them one block in front. In order to turn it back to the old way, set enabled to false. The power field defines how fast the egg will shoot out of the dispenser. This number is a MULTIPLIER, where 1 is a normal speed. Numbers less than 1 slow it down(decimals). Number greater than one MULTIPLY its speed.

This section is for disabling messages from this plugin. Set either capture or spawn messages enabled to false to turn them off.

Simple and Complex Configuration

ItemName: '[all names]' OR 'custom item name' - allows all items to work by default OR allows you to set it so that only specifically named items will work
ItemID: 331 - Actual Item ID of the cost item
Amount: 5 - the amount that will be taken
VaultCost: 10.0 - amount of money taken (if vault is enabled)
Chance: 100 - Percent chance that the capture WILL be successful
MustBeKilled: true - means you must ENTIRELY kill a mob to capture it, default is 1 hit

Simple Configuration
Simple config is used by default. This splits everything up between peaceful and hostile and allows for the simple customization of those broad categories of mobs. While it is easier to manage, it doesn't give you the same flexibility as the Complex Config.

Complex Configuration
In order to use the complex configuration you must set ComplexConfig > Enabled to true. This overrides everything in the SimpleConfig section and solely defines all of the costs. The complex configuration offers individual customization for every mob.

If you use a Vault supported Economy plugin, set Vault to true to enable Economy costs per capture. Change the Vault Cost fields at the bottom, per mob, to change their prices. Note that the Item cost is still active and must be have their amounts set to 0 or you will be charged for both.

Protective Signs
Default Radius defines the radius that is used if either PlayerSet Enabled is set to false or if the player doesn't type a radius. PlayerSet Enabled must be true for players to be able to set their own radii. SignLimit defines the maximum number of protection signs a single player can place. MaxRadius defines the highest number a player can set as the signs radius. If a player attempts to exceed the radius, they will be given the default radius instead.

Note: These fields apply to EVERYONE. To change allowed mob types for a specific player see the Permission Nodes spoiler.


MobCatcher now offers a Sign-based mob protection system!

This feature will allow you to keep your mobs safe. Within the radius of your sign, you are the only one who can capture mobs.

To Create a MobCatcher Sign:
Line 1: mobcatcher
Line 2: whatever you want to name the area (purely cosmetic)
Line 3: radius (only if PlayerSet is enabled, otherwise leave blank)
Line 4: Blank


It will then create a sign that looks like this.
Line 3 is the player who owns the area.
Line 4 is the radius the sign is effective for.


For older versions please visit the old BukkitDev plugin page.

MobCatcher will NOT work if you are not using the version of CB it was intended for. Due to the Bukkit "safeguard' system, MobCatcher will break every package version change. Do NOT post tickets or comments about ClassNotFoundExceptions as these are caused by you using the wrong version.

Before posting a bug, check your server console for a giant red error message.

Support Me! :)
To further support this plugin and its development and maintenance, please consider making a donation on Paypal.

Latest reviews

I need version 3.28 for 1.10, can you update it ?
god bless you, man.
thank you for your work!
Thx for leak!!!
Your welcome <3
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