- OVER 60 Morphs!
- Features like the real MorphMod!
- Choose between 6 catergories:
- - Blocks
- - Items
- - FriendlyMobs
- - EvilMobs
- NEW - Players
- NEW - Baby Mobs
- Random Falling Block Morph!
- Random Dropped Item Morph!
- Random Player Morph (choose names in the Config)
- Very easy Config (messages.yml)
- Cooool Sounds!
- Much Options!
- Special effects on morph remove!
- Perfect for you hub/lobby!
- CustomMob Support
- This Update: (2.9)
- # Fixed InventoryClickEvent bugs again!
- + Added Permissions to open Blocks GUI: morphgui.blocks.use
- + Added Permissions to open Items GUI: morphgui.items.use
- + Added Permissions to open Players GUI: morphgui.players.use
- + Added Permissions to open Babys GUI: morphgui.babys.use
- + Added Permissions to open EvilMobs GUI: morphgui.evilmobs.use
- + Added Permissions to open FriendlyMobs GUI: morphgui.friendlymobs.use
- How to use MorphMod Features:
- You need to enable the Features under MorphGUI -> MorphModFeatures: false -> true
- You will need the permissions: morphgui.morphonmobkill or OP!
- If you kill now InGame a Mob/Player it will create 2 new Files (players.yml and mobs.yml) there it will save your killed Entitys.
- If you now Sneaking and Rightclick a Mob you will see all your Unlocked Mobs!
- If you now Sneaking and Rightclick a Player you will see his Head if you killed him!
- - Mushroom_Calf
- - Calf
- - Lamb
- - Piglet
- - Chick
- - Puppy
- - Baby_Zombie
- - Baby_Zombie_Villager
- - Baby_Zombie_Pigman
- - Kitten
- - Foal
- - Villager_Children
- - morphgui.babys.mushroom_calf
- - morphgui.babys.calf
- - morphgui.babys.lamb
- - morphgui.babys.piglet
- - morphgui.babys.chick
- - morphgui.babys.puppy
- - morphgui.babys.baby_zombie
- - morphgui.babys.baby_zombie_villager
- - morphgui.babys.baby_zombie_pigman
- - morphgui.babys.kitten
- - morphgui.babys.foal
- - morphgui.babys.villager_children
- You need 2 Plugins to run it:
- First: ProtocolLib - To run Lib'sDisguises!
- Second: Lib'sDisguises - To create the Morphs!
- ProtocolLib:
- https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/protocollib.1997/
- Lib'sDisguises
- https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/libs-disguises.81/
- There are only 2 simple Commands:
- /morphgui - To open the MorphGUI - Permissions: morphgui.open
- /morphgui reload - To reload the MorphGUI - Permission: morphgui.reload
- You can use /mg and /mgui as command too !
Specify Permission for Players GUI:
For all MorphGUI Permissions
- morphgui.evilmobs
- morphgui.friendlymobs
- morphgui.items
- morphgui.blocks
- morphgui.open
- morphgui.reload
- morphgui.morphonmobkill
- morphgui.players.use
For all MorphGUI Baby Permissions
- morphgui.babys.mushroom_calf
- morphgui.babys.calf
- morphgui.babys.lamb
- morphgui.babys.piglet
- morphgui.babys.chick
- morphgui.babys.puppy
- morphgui.babys.baby_zombie
- morphgui.babys.baby_zombie_villager
- morphgui.babys.baby_zombie_pigman
- morphgui.babys.kitten
- morphgui.babys.foal
- morphgui.babys.villager_children
- morphgui.babys.use
For all MorphGUI evil mob permissions
- morphgui.evilmobs.blaze
- morphgui.evilmobs.cave_spider
- morphgui.evilmobs.creeper
- morphgui.evilmobs.ender_dragon
- morphgui.evilmobs.enderman
- morphgui.evilmobs.ghast
- morphgui.evilmobs.giant
- morphgui.evilmobs.magma_cube
- morphgui.evilmobs.pig_zombie
- morphgui.evilmobs.silverfish
- morphgui.evilmobs.skeleton
- morphgui.evilmobs.wither_skeleton
- morphgui.evilmobs.slime
- morphgui.evilmobs.spider
- morphgui.evilmobs.witch
- morphgui.evilmobs.wither
- morphgui.evilmobs.zombie
- morphgui.evilmobs.zombie_villager
- morphgui.evilmobs.endermite
- morphgui.evilmobs.guardian
- morphgui.evilmobs.use
For all MorphGUI friendly mob permissions
- morphgui.friendlymobs.bat
- morphgui.friendlymobs.chicken
- morphgui.friendlymobs.cow
- morphgui.friendlymobs.horse
- morphgui.friendlymobs.donkey
- morphgui.friendlymobs.mule
- morphgui.friendlymobs.skeleton_horse
- morphgui.friendlymobs.undead_horse
- morphgui.friendlymobs.iron_golem
- morphgui.friendlymobs.mushroom_cow
- morphgui.friendlymobs.ocelot
- morphgui.friendlymobs.pig
- morphgui.friendlymobs.sheep
- morphgui.friendlymobs.snowman
- morphgui.friendlymobs.villager
- morphgui.friendlymobs.wolf
- morphgui.friendlymobs.squid
- morphgui.friendlymobs.rabbit
- morphgui.friendlymobs.player
- morphgui.friendlymobs.use
For all MorphGUI item permissions
- morphgui.items.arrow
- morphgui.items.dropped_item
- morphgui.items.ender_pearl
- morphgui.items.ender_signal
- morphgui.items.experience_orb
- morphgui.items.fireball
- morphgui.items.firework
- morphgui.items.fishing_hook
- morphgui.items.item_frame
- morphgui.items.leash_hitch
- morphgui.items.painting
- morphgui.items.small_fireball
- morphgui.items.snowball
- morphgui.items.splash_potion
- morphgui.items.thrown_exp_bottle
- morphgui.items.egg
- morphgui.items.use
For all MorphGUI block permissions
- morphgui.blocks.ender_crystal
- morphgui.blocks.falling_block
- morphgui.blocks.wither_skull
- morphgui.blocks.boat
- morphgui.blocks.minecart
- morphgui.blocks.minecart_chest
- morphgui.blocks.minecart_furnace
- morphgui.blocks.miencart_hopper
- morphgui.blocks.minecart_command
- morphgui.blocks.minecart_tnt
- morphgui.blocks.minecart_spawner
- morphgui.blocks.primed_tnt
- morphgui.blocks.armor_stand
- morphgui.blocks.use
# Programmed by nflug
- Prefix: '&7[&6MorphGUI&7]'
- NoPermissions: '&4You don''t have permissions for this!'
- MorphComplete: '&7You are now a/an %morph'
- Removed: '&cYou have removed your current morph!'
- ReloadComplete: '&aReload successfully!'
- AccessLore: '&a&lYou can use that Morph!
- DeniedLore: '&c&lYou cant use that Morph!'
- UseSound: true
- JoinItem: false
- ItemEnchantments: true
- EnderDragonAnimation: true
- EnderDragonAnimationOptions:
- Name: '&c&lYou have removed your current Morph!'
- SetAsPassanger: false
- OnlinePlayersInPlayersGUI: true
- UseBabyGUI: true
- Enabled: true
- MobsInventoryName: Your unlocked Mobs
- - Notch
- - nflug
- - jeb_
- - Tester
- Slot: 1
- ID: 138
- Name: '&6&lMorphs'
- AllowDrop: false
- AllowMove: false
- Lores:
- - '&7Opens the MorphsGUI'
- AddOnRespawn: false
- Name: '&6&lMorphGUI'
- FriendlyMobs: '&a&lFriendlyMobs'
- EvilMobs: '&4&lEvilMobs'
- Blocks: '&7&lBlocks'
- Items: '&2&lItems'
- Remove: '&4&lRemove your current morph!'
- BackButton: '&7<- Back'
- InventoryName: Blocks
- Ender_Crystal: '&f&lEnderCrystal'
- Falling_Block: '&7&lRandom Falling Block'
- Wither_Skull: '&0&lWitherSkull'
- Boat: '&f&lBoat'
- MineCart: '&7&lMineCart'
- MineCart_Chest: '&8&lMineCart with Chest'
- MineCart_Furnace: '&6&lMineCart with Furnace'
- MineCart_Hopper: '&8&lMineCart with Hopper'
- MineCart_Command: '&8&lMineCart with CommandBlock'
- MineCart_Tnt: '&4&lMineCart with TNT'
- InventoryName: Items
- Arrow: '&8&lArrow'
- Dropped_Item: '&6&lRandom Dropped Item'
- Ender_Pearl: '&5&lEnder Pearl'
- Ender_Signal: '&d&lEnder Signal'
- Exp_Orb: '&a&lXP Orb'
- Fireball: '&c&lFireball'
- Firework: '&4&lFirework'
- Fishing_Hook: '&7&lFishing Hook'
- Item_Frame: '&8&lItem Frame'
- Leash_Hitch: '&0&lLeash_Hitch'
- Painting: '&b&lPainting'
- Small_Fireball: '&a&lSmall Fireball'
- Snowball: '&f&lSnowball'
- Splash_Potion: '&2&lSplash Potion'
- Thrown_Exp_Bottle: '&a&lThrown XP Bottle'
- InventoryName: FriendlyMobs
- Bat: '&7&lBat'
- Chicken: '&d&lChicken'
- Cow: '&8&lCow'
- Horse: '&2&lHorse'
- Donkey: '&a&lDonkey'
- Mule: '&0&lMule'
- Skeleton_Horse: '&f&lSkeleton Horse'
- Undead_Horse: '&4&lUndead Horse'
- Iron_Golem: '&7&lIron Golem'
- Mushroom_Cow: '&c&lMushroom Cow'
- Ocelot: '&e&lOcelot'
- Pig: '&d&lPig'
- Sheep: '&7&lSheep'
- Snowman: '&f&lSnowman'
- Villager: '&6&lVillager'
- Wolf: '&7&lWolf'
- Rabbit: '&2&lRabbit'
- Squid: '&b&lSquid'
- InventoryName: EvilMobs
- Cave_Spider: '&7&lCave Spider'
- Creeper: '&a&lCreeper'
- Ender_Dragon: '&8&lEnderDragon'
- Enderman: '&5&lEnderman'
- Ghast: '&f&lGhast'
- Giant: '&2&lGiant'
- Magma_Cube: '&c&lMagma Cube'
- Pig_Zombie: '&d&lPigZombie'
- Silverfish: '&7&lSilverfish'
- Skeleton: '&a&lSkeleton'
- Wither_Skeleton: '&0&lWither Skeleton'
- Slime: '&a&lSlime'
- Spider: '&8&lSpider'
- Witch: '&2&lWitch'
- Wither: '&0&lWit&f&ler'
- Zombie: '&4&lZombie'
- Zombie_Villager: '&2&lZombie &d&lVillager'
- Blaze: '&6&lBlaze'
- Guardian: '&b&lGuardian'
- Endermite: '&5&lEndermite'
- InventoryName: Babys
- Mushroom_Calf: '&cMushroom Calf'
- Calf: '&fCalf'
- Lamb: '&7Lamb'
- Piglet: '&dPiglet'
- Chick: '&fChick'
- Puppy: '&2Puppy'
- Baby_Zombie: '&aBaby Zombie'
- Baby_Zombie_Villager: '&aBaby Zombie Villager'
- Baby_Zombie_Pigman: '&dBaby Zombie Pigman'
- Kitten: '&eKitten'
- Foal: '&7Foal'
- Villager_Children: '&bVillager Children'
- -- play.toxicnation.net -- Owner: @C_Gaming
- ...
- Add more Morphs! [Finished]
- Add Option JoinItem on Respawn [Finished]
- Fix PlayerInteractBug [Finished]
- Please send me your questions with your TODO Ideas in the discussion or per PM !
- Bugs:
- DONT /reload if you are Morphed because it can be that you bugg then! I will fix that soon!
- By downloading this plugin, you agree to the following:
- You are not permitted to -Redacted- the plugin in any form.
- You are not permitted to decompile or modify the plugin in any form.
- You will not receive any refunds.
- You will not file a chargeback, dispute, or perform any similar action. Doing so will result in your licence revoked along with further action from SpigotMC. Unless you contacted SpigotMC, and they have approved a chargeback.
- You agree to make an effort to get help (by PM'ing me) if you are having problems, before leaving a review. I recommend you leave suggestions in the discussion and not in a review.
- We reserve the right to change these Terms at any time, and you agree to abide by the most recent version of this.