Spigot: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/mc1-7-mystery-mob-spawner-java-7.22617/
This plugin was created for the purpose to have a random spawner which when clicked will give you a random spawner. This plugin is 100% customizable. Aswell as also being able to get a random spawner you can customize the mob drops and exp drops for any mob in the game. All valid mobs are:
Bat, Chicken, Cow, MushroomCow, Pig, Rabbit, Sheep, Squid, Villager, CaveSpider, Enderman, Spider, PigZombie, Blaze, Creeper, Endermite, Ghast, Guardian, VillagerGolem, SilverFish, Skeleton, Slime, Witch, Zombie, Wolf, EnderDragon, Villager, LavaSlime, Snowman.
if there is any mobs that is not listed or you are unsure what a mob is visit the Wiki and look for the Savegame ID of that mob, that is what it is defined as for in this plugin.
/mms or /mysterymobspawners - These are the default commands for this plugin.
/mms give {player} {amount} - This will give a player that amount of Mystery Spawners.
/mms giveall {amount} - This gives all online players that amount of Mystery Spawners.
/mms add {mob name} - This will add that mob to the Spawner-Output list. (the list which handles which spawners can be gained from a Mystery Spawner).
/mms remove {mob name} - This removes the specified mob from the Spawner-Output list if it contains it.
/mms buy {amount} - If you have permission you will buy the specified amount of spawners.
/mms reload - This will reload the config.yml.
mms.admin - This command is used for all the commands.
mms.open - This will allow you to open a Mystery Mob Spawner.
mms.purchase - Required to purchase spawners via. sign or command.
mms.createsign - Required to make a sign which enables people to be able to buy a spawner.
This plugin was created for the purpose to have a random spawner which when clicked will give you a random spawner. This plugin is 100% customizable. Aswell as also being able to get a random spawner you can customize the mob drops and exp drops for any mob in the game. All valid mobs are:
Bat, Chicken, Cow, MushroomCow, Pig, Rabbit, Sheep, Squid, Villager, CaveSpider, Enderman, Spider, PigZombie, Blaze, Creeper, Endermite, Ghast, Guardian, VillagerGolem, SilverFish, Skeleton, Slime, Witch, Zombie, Wolf, EnderDragon, Villager, LavaSlime, Snowman.
if there is any mobs that is not listed or you are unsure what a mob is visit the Wiki and look for the Savegame ID of that mob, that is what it is defined as for in this plugin.
/mms or /mysterymobspawners - These are the default commands for this plugin.
/mms give {player} {amount} - This will give a player that amount of Mystery Spawners.
/mms giveall {amount} - This gives all online players that amount of Mystery Spawners.
/mms add {mob name} - This will add that mob to the Spawner-Output list. (the list which handles which spawners can be gained from a Mystery Spawner).
/mms remove {mob name} - This removes the specified mob from the Spawner-Output list if it contains it.
/mms buy {amount} - If you have permission you will buy the specified amount of spawners.
/mms reload - This will reload the config.yml.
mms.admin - This command is used for all the commands.
mms.open - This will allow you to open a Mystery Mob Spawner.
mms.purchase - Required to purchase spawners via. sign or command.
mms.createsign - Required to make a sign which enables people to be able to buy a spawner.
- 100% customizable.
- 1.7.x-1.9.x support.
- Mystery Spawner when clicked.
- Custom Mob Drops.
- Custom EXP drops.
- Includes an API.
- Vault support.
- Create a sign to buy a spawner from using [BuyMMS] on the first line.