Mystic Generators | Ultimate Item Generation [1.8.8-1.13.2]

 Mystic Generators | Ultimate Item Generation [1.8.8-1.13.2] 1.2.1

Mystic Generators | Ultimate Item Generation [1.8.8-1.13.2]

About the plugin
Mystic Generators is the ultimate item generation plugin currently available unlike other generator plugins which allows you to select limited items usually only a item type option is available, with this plugin you have full control on what items your players can receive ranging from custom items with stored metadata such as name, lore, enchantments and even NBT tags.

Mystic Generators also uses a leveling system in which users can either use their in-game cash or current experience to level up their generator which can unlock new items or even increase the speed of their generator, each level's settings can be customly configured to your liking.

What makes Mystic Generators so different from other plugins of this category is that you can edit each generator and even create new ones all in-game through our admin panel in which you can also create and edit levels which will allow you to set the prices, set the speed and to select items to be added to the generator pool when this level is reached.

This plugin also has the option of storing all user data to a MySQL database if you chose to use it but by default all data will be saved to a YAML file in the plugins/MysticGenerators/ Directory.

If you want to disable a type of payment from being accepted for a level you are creating just set the value to 0 and it will disable that payment method.

New Features
  • Optional status holograms (display level, type, owner, and time until next item).
  • Construction option (generators can have a period of being built where they are unusable - also comes with a optional hologram which can display information on the generator and how much construction time is remaining. (Bypass Permission:
  • Configurable level up sequence - you can configure what messages, sounds, particles and titles are sent to the user and for how long when they level up a generator.
  • Full Generator notifications - you can configure how the message is sent and what the interval between messages is.
  • Fountain mode - you can make your generators not have a storage inventory for items but that it spews items out from the block instead. To do this you must: set #Generator-Inventory.Enabled to false
  • Generator Limitations - with the use of permissions you can limit the amount of generators a user can place. Permission: mysticgenerators.limit.<amount> - The amount of generators a user can place by default there is no limit.
  • Quick Break - To quickly break a generator and receive all the items in it without them dropping on the ground, shift right-click it. (must be owner of generator or an admin).
Planned Features
  • The ability to assign a generator a schematic that is constructed from the ground up over a period of time instead of just one interactable block the whole build will be an access point to the generator. (OPTIONAL)

Required Plugins

Supported Plugins
BentoBox, ASkyblock, uSkyblock, Towny, WorldGuard, Factions, ProtocolLib, HolographicDisplays, CoreProtect

Images | GIFs










Commands & Permissions
Aliases: generator, mgenerator, gen, mgen

Code (YAML):
mysticgenerators.admin - Allows full access to the MysticGenerators plugin. (View other's generators, Break generators, allowed use of /generator command).

mysticgenerators.limit.<amount> - The amount of generators a user can place by default there is no limit. - Bypass any generator construction delays.

mysticgenerators.alwaysactive - Users with this permission will not need to be logged in for their generators to work.


Code (YAML):

# MysticGenerators v1.0.9 by Callum McCloskey
# Generator Data Storage
Enabled: false
IP: "ip"
Port: "port"
Name: "database-name"
Username: "username"
Password: "password"
Enabled: true
# Item used for every generator. (
Name: "&8[&f{type} &5Generator&8]"
- "&7Place this generator down to start its"
- "&7automated item generation process!"
- ""
- "&7Level: &f{level}"
# Should generators only work when owner is online?
# Players with the 'mysticgenerators.alwaysactive' permission are not affected by this.
Require-Owner: true
# If #Generator-Inventory.Enabled = FALSE then the items will spawn on top of the generator block.
# Generator's Inventory Title shown when right-clicked.
Enabled: true
Title: "&8&n{type} Generator"
# When a user's generator is filled up a message can be sent to them either by TEXT, ACTION_BAR or TITLE
# The Interval setting is the amount of time that should be waited before sending this message again if nothing is done.
# For this to work #Generator-Inventory.Enabled must be equal to TRUE.
Enabled: true
Message: "&cYour {type} generator has filled up!<nl>&f{location} "
Message-Type: TITLE
Interval: 300
# The hologram displayed above a generator, for this to work HolographicDisplays must be installed on your server.
Enabled: false
- "&5{type} &fGenerator"
- "&5Level &f{level}"
- "&5Owner &f{owner}"
- ""
- "&7&oNext item in &c&o{time}&7&o..."
# Generator Level-Up Sequence - Here you can confirgure what messages, sounds, particles and titles are sent to the user and for how long.
# Message Types - (TEXT, ACTION_BAR or TITLE)
Enabled: true
Text: "&f&lLEVEL UP<nl>&7This generator has reached level &5{level}&7!"
Delay: 5
Delay: 0
Duration: 5
Delay: 5
# Generator Construction - Here you can add a construction time to your generators.
# Bypass Permissions - (
Enabled: false
# List of generators that will have constuction enabled with the amount in seconds that it will take
# to build that generator.
Example: 900
# The hologram displayed above the constuction site, for this to work HolographicDisplays must be installed on your server.
Enabled: false
- "&f&lBuilding..."
- "&7&oThis generator will be built in &c&o{time}&7&o!"

Code (YAML):
# Here you can customise each message that is sent to the user.
Invalid-Player: "&cCouldn't find any players online with the username: {attempt}"
Invalid-Generator: "&cThat generator type does not exist: {attempt}"
Invalid-Number: "&cThe amount you have entered is not a valid number: {attempt}"
Generator-Given: "&fYou have given &5{player} &f{amount}x &5{type} &8(&dL{level}&8) &fgenerator(s)."
Generator-Received: "&fYou have received &f{amount}x &5{type} &8(&dL{level}&8) &fgenerator(s)."
Level-Too-Small: "&fThe level you have entered is too small: {level}"
Level-Too-Big: "&fThe level you have entered is too big: {level}"
Limit-Reached: "&fYou cannot place anymore generators as you have reached your limit of &5{limit}&f."
Generator-Placed: "&fYou have placed a &5{type} &fgenerator!"
Generator-Deleted: "&cYou have deleted the {type} generator!"
Generator-Now-Disabled: "&cYou have disabled the {type} generator!"
Generator-Now-Enabled: "&aYou have enabled the {type} generator!"
Generator-Disabled: "&cThe {type} generator has been disabled by staff."
Construction-Start: "&fConstruction of &5{type} &fgenerator started, &d{time} &funtil completion!"
Construction-Stop: "&fYou have cancelled the construction of your &5{type} &fgenerator!"
Construction-Click: "&fConstruction of &5{type} &fgenerator is underway, &d{time} &funtil completion!"
Construction-Complete: "&fConstruction of your &5{type} &fgenerator has been completed!"

Code (Java):

// Accessing the API
if (MysticGensAPI.isHooked()) {
MysticGens instance = MysticGensAPI.get();

Servers using this plugin

If you have an issue or a suggestion feel free to join my discord server!

All reviews are respected but please if you have an issue contact me first before leaving a bad rating.

  • You will not re-upload this to any website.
  • You will not claim this as your own.
  • You will not chargeback.
  • You will not decompile this plugin.
  • You will not resell this plugin.
Violating any of the above will get you removed from the buyer's list and you will not be reimbursed.

Credits: @tr7zw - NBT API

Latest updates

  1. 1.2.1


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