Is AAC giving you a headache because of false positives? Fear no more! This may be the ultimate FREE solution for you!
Hello! I am NulledXenforo, an AAC configuration specialist. Recently, I have decided to share my deep knowledge of AAC with you guys. I love configuring AAC but I also wanted to release this as a legal resource. I will be using GitHub to keep all of my updates so that you can access ALL of my updates if you just feel like backtracking or you are a n00b who uses leaked AAC :/.
I do my best to keep the configs updated, but sometimes I am busy and may miss a config version or two.
These configs use ConditionalCommands by konsolas to prevent false kicking. The way I set it up checks not only the player's ping before punishing the player, but also the server tps. This helps prevent MANY false flags.
Hello! I am NulledXenforo, an AAC configuration specialist. Recently, I have decided to share my deep knowledge of AAC with you guys. I love configuring AAC but I also wanted to release this as a legal resource. I will be using GitHub to keep all of my updates so that you can access ALL of my updates if you just feel like backtracking or you are a n00b who uses leaked AAC :/.
I do my best to keep the configs updated, but sometimes I am busy and may miss a config version or two.
These configs use ConditionalCommands by konsolas to prevent false kicking. The way I set it up checks not only the player's ping before punishing the player, but also the server tps. This helps prevent MANY false flags.