➤ Optimized management of players’ IPs and alts
➤ Full and unified management of both Premium and Cracked users
➤ Full management of premium domains and sub-domains
➤ User-friendly syntax for both players and administrators’ commands
➤ Supports every 5.x+ AuthMe release
➤ Supports every 7.x+ nLogin release
➤ Supports almost every BungeeCord fork (e.g. WaterFall, HexaCord, FlameCord)
➤ Supports VelocityPowered proxy
➤ Well-optimized performance with suitable data structures
➤ YAML Storage support for users and IPs database
➤ MySQL Storage support for users and IPs database
➤ MariaDB Storage support for users and IPs database
➤ 24/7 assistance for any problems or doubts related to the plugin
➤ Lifetime guaranteed updates for all license owners;
➤ Access to “Customer” tag and privileges on our official Discord server;
➤ Access to our official customers’ Telegram group (Over 80+ customers already joined it!)
- /nyx | nyx.cmd - Main command
- /nyx reload | nyx.reload - Reloads DB and configurations
- /nyx set <user> <true|false> | nyx.set - Force sets an user as Premium or Cracked account
- /nyx info <user> | nyx.info - Gives information about the user's online-mode
- /nyx purge | nyx.purge - Manually clears all useless Nyx accounts, useful after bot attacks and periodically
- /nyx accounts <user> | nyx.accounts - Gives a full list of all the multiple accounts of a certain player. It is fully compatible with AuthMe, to ensure that every logged IP is owned by the right player!
- /nyx IP <user> | nyx.ip - Gives the user's stored IP History
- /password <newPassword> | nyx.password - Updates a premium player's password without requiring the previous one
- /check <user> | nyx.check - Check whether an user is currently using a premium or cracked launcher
- /setmode <premium|cracked> | nyx.setmode - Sets the player's online-mode and stores it in the DB
- /premium - Same as /setmode premium
- /cracked - Same as /setmode cracked
- Make sure you're using a Java 8+ version on your machine
- Download the Nyx-1.x.x.jar file (you should have received it once purchased!) from MCM or Discord and copy it inside your proxy's /plugins/ folder
- Copy the plugin's JAR file inside EVERY LOBBY's /plugins/ folder (it requires a Login plugin and PowerLib to start)
- Start your proxy server (N.B.: NYX REQUIRES a proxy! May be bungeecord, or Velocity, or any fork) to let Nyx create the default files, then stop it.
- Put your license in the proxy's /plugins/Nyx/nyx.yml (inside the "License" section) file. Configure the plugin.
- Restart the proxy.