Pandorra Bounty

 Pandorra Bounty 2.4.1

Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.9
Please take note of the following:
The 2.2 update added support for offline servers. It is NOT recommended, however several people have requested it. Setting the plugin to offline mode will create security issues and I advise against using it.
NOTE: This plugin is designed for SPIGOT. If you are using another server software, I may not be able to provide support.
NOTE: Version 2.0.9 and earlier should work on Spigot versions 1.8. However any version after 2.1 will only work on Spigot versions 1.9 and higher.
NOTE: Using the /reload command or using a plugin manager to load/reload this plugin will cause this plugin to not work. There is a warning on the /reload command for a reason.

This plugin allows players on your server to place bounties on other players and complete existing bounties by killing their targets. After performing a targeted kill, the bounty hunter will be compensated with the specified reward. This is a must have for survival and faction servers!
This plugin has two options for bounties: Money and Items
Using the Money option requires Vault to work, however using Items does not require Vault.
Juggernaut add on: makes players with a bounty stronger for a fun competitive challenge.


  • Dynamic GUI
  • Language file (Supports Color Codes)
  • The ability to use items as currency! A feature UNIQUE to this bounty plugin!
  • Configurable preset bounty amounts through the GUI or custom amounts using commands
  • Compass pointing to players with bounties
  • BossBar to show your target's health
  • Tiered BossBars to show higher bounties
  • Configure every aspect of the plugin: Minimum bounty, Maximum bounty, Player head drop chance, Bounty fee, Automatic server placed bounties, Compass pointing to players with bounties, and much more!
  • Player skins appear on heads in the GUI
  • YtcaG7z.png
  • /bounty <player name> <amount> - Place a bounty on the specified players head for the specified amount.
  • /bounty list - View all current bounties.
  • /bounty gui - Opens the GUI menu.
  • /bounty remove <player>
  • /bounty reload
  • /bounty global <bonus%> <time in minutes>
  • /bounty clearbars
  • WTCROlS.png
  • pandorrabounty.add
  • pandorrabounty.add.offline
  • pandorrabounty.list
  • pandorrabounty.gui
  • pandorrabounty.admin.remove
  • pandorrabounty.admin.reload
  • pandorrabounty.cantcollect
  • pandorrabounty.immune
  • pandorrabounty.feeexempt
Note: OP players must be given negative permissions to negate pandorrabounty.cantcollect and pandorrabounty.immune
The immune permission will stop players from being able to place bounties on that player. The cantcollect permission stops players from collecting bounties, it is especially useful if you do not want players to be able to collect bounties in a certain world or minigame. (Assuming you have the ability to add permissions when a player changes world or enters the minigame.)


Main Config

Language Config
Please note that all messages that start with a special character MUST be surrounded with 'single quotations'. This includes the & character to color the messages.

GUI Config

Other Language Files
If anyone has translated the language file into another language, it would be greatly appreciated if you could share it with everyone else on the discussion page and I will add it here. You will receive full credit for the translation. I have no guaranty that these translations are correct, use them at your own risk.

Future Content
In the future I hope to add the following content:

- Configurable claiming system so bounty hunters(players) can claim a bounty for themselves for a specified amount of time.

This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
- Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.

Terms of Use

- By purchasing this plugin you are entitled to use it on any server you own.
- The source code has also been included in the JAR file for developers to edit however they please, however, reselling or redistributing this plugin is not allowed.
- Chargebacks will not be tolerated, if you have a problem with the plugin or are unsatisfied please contact me and I will try my best to resolve the issue.
- If you notice any bugs with the plugin or you are having difficulties with something, send me a message on spigot and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
- Lastly, leaving a bad review before asking for help just makes you look like a fool, I am willing to help anyone that needs help and you can always post your troubles on the discussion page for others to look at as well.
Extention type
File size
57.2 KB
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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  1. 2.4.1


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Need 1.8 version
is good but this version is 2.4.0,can u please upload 2.4.1?or all version??