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PermissionsEx (PEX) is a new permissions plugin, based on Permissions ideas and supports all of its features. But PEX is more! It offers different backends, powerful ingame management, fine grained restrictions for world modification.

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Documentation (wiki)

Please use forum for help/discussions.

Current features
  • Support for UUIDs as of version 1.21
  • Several backend support. Currently bundled backends is File (YAML) and SQL (MySQL, SQLite). Also it's possible to add your own.
  • YAML backend, with new, fully rethinked, config schema. Now all user, groups and their permissions are stored in one file - permission.yml. File name can also be adjusted.
  • SQL backend, most delicious. Currently MySQL and SQLite supported, but other DB (like Postgre) are possible too. PEX deploys the DB scheme (tables and initial data) automatically. This means, that you only need to provide data on how to connect to the db, everything else PEX will handle by itself.
  • Flexible architecture and API - you can change a lot programmatically.
  • Rich chat/console command interface. You can do almost everything ingame. Command list below.
  • Modifyworld - Permission-based restrictions mechanism (we call it "modifyworld"), which provides the possibility to control players abilities, such as destroying/placing blocks, riding carts/boats or even getting spotted by mobs and much more. Available from its project page
  • Multigroup inheritance. User, as well as Group, can be member of several groups. And inherit their permissions, options and prefix/suffix.
  • Permissions based upon Regular Expressions. This mean you can use regular expressions. Example: modifyworld.blocks.(destroy|place).(3|12) - this permission allow place or destroy only sand (12) or dirt (3) blocks. There is still limitation on dot usage in your regexps - dots are escaped by default. Raw regex flag is also available and explained on the wiki.
  • Multiworld permissions. Just don't specify world and permission would work in any world.
  • Multiworld inheritance. You can inherit different groups in different worlds.
  • Perfomance friendly. Low-level caching helps a lot when you have 100+ online users
  • Promotional/Demotional system. You can assign ranks to groups and promote/demote users to higher/lower ranked group. NEW: new you can make serveral ranking ladders.
  • World-inheritance - permissions/option of one world can be inherited by another world.
  • Timed Permissions - you can give user permission only for some amount of time.
  • As of version 1.21.1, PermissionsEx automatically updates to keep you up to date with the latest bugfixes and new features. The automatic update functionality will only perform updates between minor releases (for example only 1.21.1->1.21.2, not 1.21.3->1.22). To disable it, set the updater option to false in plugins/PermissionsEx/config.yml.
  • Bukkit Permissions (SuperPerms) compatible.

YourKit supports open source projects with its full-featured Java Profiler. YourKit, LLC is the creator of YourKit Java Profiler and YourKit .NET Profiler, innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications. The PermissionsEx team uses YourKit to analyze performance and is thankful for their continued support of open-source software.

To disable error reporting, create a file called `report-disable` in the plugins/PermissionsEx folder. Note that enabling this option means you WILL NOT get any support for errors because the information published (permissions file, configuration, and versions) is essential to resolving issues.

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