The goal is to hit the other players with your shovel or the touches with your bow when they touch they will be projected back! With this mechanism, your goal is to make all the other players fall into the void and thus to be last survivor.
Once their is a minimum numbers of players connected has required in the configuration, the game will launch and a cooldown of 60 seconds will start. Once you finish the cooldown all the players will be teleported to random locations defined in the configuration and it will receive a bow and shovel. If you fall into the void, you will be in spectator mode and will be able to seen the end of the game. On the other hand if you win, a message will be sent and the server will restart 20 seconds later.
/ptsetlobby - The lobby is the point where the players will be teleported to their connection.
/ptsetpoint <id> - The points are the places where the players will be randomly teleported when starting the game.
/ptsetspectator - The spectator is the point where the players will be teleported to when loose.
Waiting: "&9&lGame waiting!" //When the game awaits players.
Progress: "&9&lGame progress!" //When the game is in progress.
Finish: "&9&lGame finish!" //When the game is finished.
RestartCmd: restart //Change to your command!
RestartTime: 20 //Change time to restart!
Min: 2 //Minimum number of player to start a game.
Max: 16 //Maximum of player to start a game.
Name: '&6&lPitchOut'
Players: '&aPlayers : &9%co/%maxco'
Name: '&6&lPitchOut'
Alive: '&aAlive : &9%alive'
Dead: '&aDead : &9%dead'
NumberOfLifeStart: 5 //Number of life players have at start of game
SecondOfArmorRespawn: 3 //Number of seconds players have chain mail armor at respawn.
WaterKill: true // If is true, players was eliminate in water.
AlreadyStartedMsg: "&9Game already started!" //Message sent if a player tries to connect and that the party has begun.
FullMsg: "&9Server is full!" Message sent if a player tries to connect and the server is full.
Msg: "&6%p &9has joined the game! &9[&6%co&c|&6%maxco&9]" //Message broadcast at all players when pl
ayers join the game.
//%p : Player join name.
//%co : Number of players connected.
//%maxco : Maximum connected player.
Msg1: "&9The game starts in &6%time&9 seconds!" //Message send at all players when cooldown game starts.
//%time : Time in seconds before the game starts.
Msg2: "&9The game starts!" //Message send at all players when start game.
Msg: "&6%p &9have win! &9Server shutdown in &6%time&9 seconds!"
//Message send at all players when finish game.
//%p : Name of player win the game.
//%time : Time to wait before shutdown server.
- Turn off your server.
- Drag and drop PitchOut.jar in plugins folder.
- Start the server and stop server.
- Open config.yml and configure this.
- Start your server.
- Configure your server with commands.
- Restart your server.
- Coins systems
- Maps
- Kits
- Scoreboard system
- Restart system
- Map regen system
- Bug fix very fast
- Config system
- 1 maps
- When players fall in void and is in lobby tp to spawn
- Chat support,
else: Spectator <name> <message>
With super colors
Not available, bug integration.
Tp to : 250 100 1100