Hi, the mod is awesome, but it need some basic changes.
- I decompiled the mod to see how it was made and I saw some variables that isnt in use (https://prnt.sc/10wg3ij), and the 'evLabel = "Growth Filter"' is with the wrong name I guess.
- It was cool for us to only search ALL pokemon for nature or growth without need to insert a pokemon name (to be more explicit, I want to search all pokemon for Calm nature for example, without specifying a pokemon name).
- The nature tracking under the Search pokemon label isnt working right, it is tracking the wrong nature pokemon, but the growth is working fine.
- The options to remove tracking from players pokemon (it will help a lot in servers).
- IVs tracking
- The IVs tab in the pokemon stats doenst work
- Higher Tracking Range
- The round minimap when is setted to rotate, the pokemon on it rotate to, whe I'm looking at south the pokemon are upside down.
- The minimap struggles a little bit trying to load the map, idk if its trying to load previous loaded maps, but it struggles
- The Sableye pokemon in the minimap has the shiny sprite (he is yellow instead of purple)
I can't see EVs filter :/
And the waypoints and maps are overlapping with maps and waypoints from other servers, it would be better if that doesn't happen.
Very nice, does most things I need it to. A few things to improve: it would be nice to have a gender filter; some minimap icons show pokemon as shinies (sableye, that I can remember); at least one minimap icon has a missing texture; there's no option to trace non-shiny alternative pokemon, such as pink beedrill, butterfree, etc.
Works perfect, I was wondering though, Pixelmon has made an item that can detect IV/Nature/Ability with a right click is it possible to make use of this?
I have a problem with not having game sound when using the mod about 90% of the time, I have had this problem for several versions but didnt realize it was this mod causing it until now.
Good Radar however there are some missing features that would be great a way to unmark pokestops you already got a way to find HA pokes and the Hidden Ability always says Fighting in the Summary Hope this helps!