- Better GUI for player vault
- Mysql support
- UUID support
- Sound effects
- Permissioned based
- Unlimited rank creations
- Custom permissions for every rank
- Every message is configurable
- Configurable GUI Tittle
- No duplication glitches
- Constant updates
Why this plugin is Premium when i can get it for free?
This plugin dont have bugs and glitches like free version (when checking players vaults, his pv is moved in your pv, missing items from pv). This is a few free version bugs. I wanted to give you better performance and player can now search through the GUI without exiting pv and typing /pv again.
1. Download PlayerVault.jar
2. Drag PlayerVault.jar in your server plugins
3. Reload/Restart your server
4. Config to your liking
5. Reload/restart your server/config
6. Enjoy
Depend: Vault
Works only with Java 8!
Spigot 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10 and 1.11!
Code (Text):
blindness: true
open: CHEST_OPEN;1.0;1.0
changePage: CLICK;1.0;1.0
close: CHEST_CLOSE;1.0;1.0
vaults: 1
permission: "hcvault.god"
op: true
vaults: 3
permission: "hcvault.overlord"
op: true
next: WOOL;1;5
next-disabled: WOOL;1;8
previous: WOOL;1;14
previous-disabled: WOOL;1;8
next-page: "&aNext Vault >"
previous-page: "&6< Previous Vault"
no-vault: "&cYou dont have a vault!"
targer-no-vault: "&cPlayer %s doesn't have a vault!"
no-page-number: "&cWrong format!"
vault-not-found: "&cVault not found!"
failing-to-open-page: "&cFailed to open page &b%s &cfrom &b%s&c's vault!"
target-not-online: "&cCan't open the vault of an offline player!"
no-perm: "&cNo permission."
reloaded: "&aConfig Reloaded."
# %player- replaces the name of the vault owner.
# %pagenumber- replaces the current page.
# %maxpages- replaces the max pages of the owner which can be changed under vaults option.
GuiTitle: "&e✪&b&o%player&e✪ &a%pagenumber&7/&a%maxpages"
enabled: false
user: 'root'
password: ''
server: localhost
port: 3306
database: 'playervaults'
table-prefix: ''
/pv | Base Command
/pv 1, /pv 2, ... |Switch to desired vault
Aliases: vault,chest,pvault
(Open pv's| Store items)
/vault reload | Reload the Config
(Reload the config in-game)
/pv <player-name> <page>| Open pv from players
(Opens desired pv from Online player)
hcvaults.others | Access to all players vaults(OP deafult)
hcvaults.reload | Access to reload command
- If you would like to see a new feature in the plugin, you can write it in discussion.