
 PortableHorses-RELOADED 3.3


This is the long awaited recreation of the plugin PortableHorses by metalhedd! Original link: https://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/portable-horses/

If you are the owner of a factions, survival or RPG kind of server, then you should know for sure how much of an issue horses are. Going on expeditions just to find horses than having to bring them back home on a usually long, frustrating trip that almost certainly has to go over rivers or oceans (which horses can't cross) just doesn't seem to be worth it, leaving many players without a horse. In a role-play server, horses should be essential, as well as in a factions server, where horse battles between factions are just glorious. Those are all just several reasons a server owner should promote horses to their players, but the limitations of vanilla minecraft make this almost impossible.
However, metalhedd solved this issue a long time ago with the release of portable horses, an awesome plugin that allows players to wield horses right into their saddles, giving them the opportunity to store them in chests (making them ideal raid targets in factions) or trade them with others (great for survival servers). I have myself used PortableHorses and my players simply loved it. When it was discontinued in 1.7.9, although I tried to replace it with other horse management plugins, like Stables, players simply didn't like it's system as much as the good old PortableHorses, so I ended up coming back to the vanilla behavior. Now however, after spending several weeks into creating this plugin as configurable and with as many features as possible, I think it's ready for the ultimate test: hitting the road!

English Video

Thanks to @powerwarp for the video! Link to his channel: http://-Redacted-/2fyMe4S

Spanish Video

Thanks to @HyZone for the video! Link to his channel: http://-Redacted-/2tp9wBj

  • Extremely lightweight and well-optimized
  • Support for multiple Minecraft versions (1.8 - 1.12)
  • Hooks into other plugins (area protection and combat logging ones)
  • Everything is configurable!
  • No database or file storage! The horses are stored right inside the saddle using NBTTags!
  • Included anti-theft options!
  • Two different modes for taking horses into saddles!
  • Option for special saddle to be used!
  • Supports different kinds of horses (even modded ones if they are registered with EntityHorse) and even saddle stacking*!
  • Stores all data of the horse, including possible custom tags added by other plugins (or by commands), ensuring 100% compatibility with plugins that interfere with horses.
  • Permissions support!
  • Reload command!

*The plugin doesn't add stacking itself, but it's compatible with any plugins doing so.

  • portablehorses.command: Allows access to the /ph command
  • portablehorses.command.help: Allows access to the /ph help command
  • portablehorses.command.reload: Allows access to the /ph reload command
  • portablehorses.command.givesaddle: Allows access to the /ph givesaddle command
  • portablehorses.use: Allows users to use saddles to take horses into them
  • portablehorses.use.ignore-ownership: Allows users to take horses into saddles even when not belonging to them
  • portablehorses.use.ignore-protections: Allows users to spawn portable horses in any location, protected or not
  • portablehorses.*: Gives access to all PortableHorses related things.
  • portablehorses.playerpack: Basic permission pack that newcomers get by default, which gives them access to /ph help and taking horses in to saddles.
  • /ph reload: Reloads the plugin's config
  • /ph help: Help command that displays info about the plugin and how to use it. It can be disabled in the config, and the info it displays can also be edited there.
  • /ph givesaddle: Gives the player who issued the command a special PortableHorse saddle that can be used to take horses into it. Only available if special saddle is enabled in the config.
Every field in the config is well documented in the file. Reading the whole config file (especially the comments) will help you understand all the features of the plugin and how to fine-tune them to your server's needs. Comments are present before each field to help you understand what that setting does and how it does affect the game-play (with examples). A copy of the default configuration file can be seen bellow:

Why paid?...
...You might ask. Althought the original pluin metalhedd made was free, it was lacking some features my plugin now offers (such as the ability to translate every single message displayed), and it dropped support after 1.8 came out. Further more, potential bugs discovered couldn't be fixed, as metalhedd seems to have taken a break from minecraft altogether. You should also keep in mind that I didn't use a single line of code from his plugin, everything I did was 100% original, altough he might have done things in a simmillar manner to me. However, if you REALLY consider you can't afford paying for this (you have a very small server, little or no donations), feel free to send me a PM about that and we shall discuss things.

Terms of service
Make sure to read those terms BEFORE purchasing!

By buying PortableHorses - RELOADED, you agree to the following:
  • You are allowed to use the plugin on a maximum of 3 server instances!
  • You can not resell or -Redacted- this plugin in any way!
  • Decompiling the plugin is strictly forbidden, unless explicitly granted by me.
  • Modifiying the plugin in ANY way, by decompiling and editing sourcecode or by deliberately modifiyng it's behaviour at runtime by using other plugins is also stricly forbidden, unless explicitly granted by me.
  • Refounds will not be given unless I decide so in some special cases.

Donations help me keep working on this and other free and paid plugins!

Click here to join the official help chat!


I love my country, and I bet you'd love it too ;)

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