Powder 0.1.6
Powder 0.1.6
What is it?

Powder is a Spigot plugin which utilizes particles & sound effects to allow for fully customizable pictures and animations.

Powders can be used for a fun donator perk (like SimplePets or LibsDisguises), they can be used for simple particle effects, they can be used as signs (like HolographicDisplays), or they can be used to spruce up a world/build. Powders are created in a powders.yml file, where sounds and particles can be manipulated extensively. Images can be imported to be created out of particles, Note Block Studio files can be imported to create songs, and other features can be utilized to allow for virtually any creation.

Powder was designed with optimization and customization in mind. The most minimal resources are used to spawn bunches of sounds and particles. The FPS lag from particles is unavoidable, but the plugin's performance is unparalleled.

Some features:
Unlimited usage of layering/animation in a Powder
Alter the rotation/pitch of an animation
Use any sound or particle in the game
Manipulate the parameters of individual particles for many possibilities
Create a dusty effect with a particle in the radius of a location
Allow components of a Powder to start whenever, iterate however many times, repeat whenever, or go on infinitely
Allow components of a Powder to follow the direction of the body or eyes of a player (perfect for laser beam eyes)
Alter the spacing between particles
Attachable to players and entities alike
Attachable to a specific location (stored in a yml file)
MySQL integration -- allow Powders to be used between servers or after logging out and logging in
Import pictures from URLs or local files to be used in a Powder
Import songs (Note Block Studio (.nbs) files) to be played with the Powder, with alterable speed and volume
Attach a particle to a certain note used in the Powder, allowing for particles to appear with a song's melody/beat
Highly customizable locale
Much more! Check out the wiki for more information.
Powder in Action


Java 8 is required!
1) Stop your Spigot server.
2) Drag and drop the Powder .jar into the plugins folder.
3) Start your server.
A config.yml file will be created on installation in the plugin directory (/plugins/Powder/config.yml), along with locale files and a powders.yml if specified.


Commands & permissions list
Check out the wiki: https://github.com/Ruinscraft/Powder/wiki
Note: This resource is still very much in beta. I have lots of ideas/plans for this project, so please feel free to input any thoughts on how Powder could be improved.
Feel welcomed to post issues or contribute to the source code: https://github.com/Ruinscraft/Powder
Have a suggestion for a feature to be added, or a bug to report? Please post in the discussion! You can also message me here or on Discord at stupiddrew9#1349.
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