Premium Minecraft Servers List

SpigotVIP Premium Minecraft Servers List 2.2.3

Premium Minecraft Servers List
Premium Minecraft Servers List is a complex servers management system which allows users to track their own servers and visitors to find out great servers from all over the world. Our product is very flexible and, with a little imagination you can make your own unique servers list website. Check out all the features available in the following list and live on the demo below!


Minecraft Servers List Demo
Password: admin

User Features
  • SRV Checker Ready: Already implemented srv checker for servers who need that extra check.
  • Uptime Statistics
  • Cron Job Ready: Ready to use cronjob for keeping the servers on check at all times.
  • Dynamic banners: Each server will get an automatic banner with dynamic statistics
  • Filters: Multiple types of filters so the users can find the perfect servers for them.
  • Order by: Sort servers by: Online Players, Votes, Favorites or Latest
  • Mini Blog System: Each server page has a mini blog system so that owners can announce important news to their users.
  • Voting System + Votifier: Each user can vote a server once per day so that servers get a better ranking position and more exposure.
  • Favorites System: A user can favorite a server and it will be stored in a page called “My Favorites”
  • Comments System: Ajaxed comments system for each server with reCaptcha and live updating after submiting a comment.
  • Server Description: You can add your own description with some predefined BBCodes for each server you add.
  • Advanced Statistics: Live statistics for each server that has an engine and basic statistics with graphs
  • User Profiles: Custom user profiles with custom Avatar, Cover, Social details and of course, their own servers.
  • Video Presentations: If some servers have their own youtube presentation video, they can add that too.
  • Server Banners: Each server have the option to add their own custom banner.
  • Quick Servers Status: If you are logged in, you can find your own servers status in the sidebar.
  • Server Hits: Check how many hits any server has got in the last 7 days displayed in a graph
  • Responsive: Responsive and clean design thanks to bootstrap 3
  • Country Flags: Select your servers country so users from your region can find their countries best servers.
  • Private Servers: If you dont want your server listed on the list or accessed by anyone
  • Forgot Password & Resend Activation:
  • and many more..
Admin Features
  • Automatic Payment System: You can earn money on paypal by selling Highlighted / Sponsored slots on your servers list.
  • Users Management: View, Edit, Activate / Disable, Delete Users
  • Servers Management: View, Edit, Activate / Disable, Delete Servers, Make Private or Highlight servers
  • Categories Management: View, Add, Edit, Delete Categories
  • Categories with different game engines: Each category can have a different game engine
  • Categories and Subcategories with Cover Image
  • Advanced Reports System: Reports available for User profiles, Servers, Comments and Blog Posts
  • Reports Management: View, Edit, Delete and Approve Reports
  • Dynamic Titles: Each page has a dynamic title, with the option to change your websites name
  • Restriction for Image Sizes
  • Censor Words: Censoring system that apply on server comments, blog posts.
  • Analytics Ready: Just enter your analytics tracking id and you’re ready to go
  • Servers Cache System: Set in the admin panel after how many seconds a server should be checked again.
  • Custom Servers Pagination
  • Display only online servers option
  • 3 Ready Adspots: Top, header and sidebar optional adspots
  • reCaptcha: Setup your recaptcha directly from the admin panel
  • Multi Language System: Easy 1 file translation
  • Statistics: Great overall and monthly statistics
  • Sitemap: Automatic generated sitemap that can be accessed with /sitemap.xml or /sitemap.php

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