PremiumVanish - Stay hidden [+ Bungee support]

 PremiumVanish - Stay hidden [+ Bungee support] 1.7.1

Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
Please read the whole description before purchasing the plugin. By purchasing this plugin you agree to the Terms of Service at the bottom of the description below.

Yes, there are lots of vanish-plugins which might do their job and hide you from other players.
They may seem to work, but they actually cost you more time than needed and hackers with special tactics can still notice you and quickly act normal. Or they just don't have enough features for you - Or don't work at all because your other plugins break them...

That's why I've created PremiumVanish.
It's more than that, while being extremely configurable, it doesn't only hide you, but it also simulates you leaving the server and stops the server from sending any information about you to other players who aren't allowed to see you.
Since PremiumVanish uses ProtocolLib to hide players on packet level, it's virtually impossible to know that a vanished player is on the server if you're not supposed to know.
Except if another plugin tells you in which case I will stop that plugin from doing it if possible.

Apart from that, it uses 1.8 features to make catching griefers and hackers as easy and quick as possible.
With this plugin, you can check what 20 players are doing in less than one minute!

  • Nobody can see you - It's exactly like you actually left the server
  • Customizable - You can customize and toggle every single feature
  • Well-designed - Based on the feedback for SuperVanish, my other project
  • Easy to use - After the initial setup it's as simple as running /pv help
  • Full bungeecord support - All you need to have is a MySQL database
  • Compatible with most plugins - It's really hard to break the core features


(you can get more details by doing /pv help in-game; it's also possible to change the label in case another plugin has the same command label)

There is also a bungeecord command called /networkvanish which toggles whether you always join the bungeecord vanished (Requires PV to be installed on bungeecord).

(you can get more details by doing /pv help in-game)
Miscellaneous permissions:

Note: the permission pv.see doesn't only work on bukkit servers but also on bungeecord, on bungeecord it allows seeing hidden players in bungeecord's commands

You can also use pv.use.levelX and pv.see.levelX if enabled in the config, higher levels override lower ones so you can specify which player can see which player more precisely. Details:
  • A higher or equal level of pv.see overrides a lower or equal level of pv.use; A higher level of pv.use overrides a lower level of pv.see
  • Format: pv.use.level1, pv.use.level12, etc; pv.see.level1, pv.see.level43, etc
  • Example: If John has pv.use.level3 and Max has pv.see.level3 then Max can see John even if John is vanished, however if John has pv.use.level4 then Max cant see him if he's vanished unless Max has pv.see.level4 or higher
  • For example, you can use this feature to let nobody but the owner see admins but admins can still see mods and mods can see each other
  • pv.use and pv.see without any level still work and both are level 1
  • Players with pv.* and/or premiumvanish.* have access to pv.use.level1 and pv.see.level1 by default
  • Opped players or players with * perm have access to pv.see.level100 and pv.use.level100 and can therefore see any player and can not be seen by any player who hasn't got pv.see.level100
  • Maximum level: 100; Higher levels don't work (this is a default value, you can change this in the config)

There is also the permission pv.networkvanish for the bungeecord command /networkvanish (Requires PV to be installed on bungeecord).
Other permissions can be found in the config file.

The configuration is split into messages.yml for messages and config.yml for settings. On bungeecord premiumvanish's config file is called configuration.yml.

1. Install PremiumVanish
Compatibility Notes:
  • An updated version of Spigot 1.8.X/1.9.X/1.10.X is a requirement.
  • The AutoVanishOnJoin feature doesn't work if you use GroupManager for permissions.
  • PremiumVanish is meant to be a replacement for SuperVanish so you cannot have both installed on the same server
Installing PremiumVanish is really simple.
  1. Install a version of ProtocolLib which supports your current server version (see here)
  2. Drag & drop PremiumVanish.jar into your plugins folder
  3. Load PremiumVanish (Restart server or use a plugin manager)
  4. Adjust the config files
  5. Adjust your permissions (Use /pv help for a list of permissions)
  6. Reload it (/pv reload)
  7. Optional: Enable bungeecord support (see below)
2. Setup Database support
Enabling database support requires a MySQL-Database.
This is also possible without using Bungeecord, simply skip the Bungeecord steps if you don't use it.
Note: If you use BungeeCord this is only possible if ip-forwarding is turned on and 'bungeecord' is set to true in spigot.yml.
  1. Install PremiumVanish on the actual bukkit servers (see above)
  2. Adjust the bungeecord settings in PremiumVanish's config.yml file (don't forget to set Enable to true; don't reload it yet)
  3. Drag & drop PremiumVanish.jar into the plugins folder of your bungeecord (Yes, it's the same .jar)
  4. Stop and start your bungeecord server
  5. Adjust the settings of PremiumVanish's configuration.yml file on your bungeecord server
  6. Check all the settings, make sure they're correct
  7. Stop your bungeecord server
  8. Reload PremiumVanish on your bukkit servers
  9. Start your bungeecord server
If you manage to do it correctly everything is gonna work, if not you will be spammed with warnings. If it's not working, please read what the warnings say and try to fix the problems yourself. If you can't seem to fix it, please send me a pm containing allthe PV-related errors/warnings in your consoles / log files, the output of /pv printstacktrace and a screenshot of premiumvanish's database table in e.g. a phpmyadmin interface (if it exists).
3. Report an issue
Did something not work? First of all check this:
  1. Look at the error, some errors tell you how to fix them
  2. Make sure that you're using the latest version of PremiumVanish
  3. Please make sure that your version of ProtocolLib supports your server version
  4. Restart your server and see if that fixes the issue
  5. Make sure that your config is up-to-date (/pv rccfg)
Still not working?
If you manage to find an issue, please send me a private message with the following details:
  1. If the issue is an error, please use to include the full error in your private message (If you are using Multicraft please copy and paste the error out of your server log file in case the error is incomplete)
  2. If the issue is not an error, please use /pv stacktrace and include the console output in your private message using
  3. Make sure you didn't miss step 1 or 2
  4. Please include an exact and really detailed explanation of what happened and what you expected to happen
  5. Does it work if you remove all plugins except ProtocolLib and PremiumVanish? If so, please remove the other plugins one by one on a test server to see which one causes the problem and provide its name and version. (I know that's a lot of work but it would be even more work for me and I have to provide support for other people too)
  6. Send me a pm with a reasonable title

(For plugin developers)
PremiumVanish and SuperVanish share the same API, the only difference is that PremiumVanish's API has an additional method to get offline hidden players too. Also PremiumVanish has an additional API for BungeeCord plugins.
Plugins which already use SuperVanish's new api correctly most likely don't have to add direct support for PremiumVanish too. Same the other way around if you don't use that one method.


By purchasing PremiumVanish you agree to the following Terms of Service:
  1. You must not file a chargeback or paypal dispute
  2. You must only use PremiumVanish on one minecraft server or network and you have to own that server/network
  3. You must not give PremiumVanish to anyone else
  4. You must not decompile or modify PremiumVanish
  5. You must not -Redacted- PremiumVanish or any of its contents
  6. I may revoke your access to PremiumVanish if you violate any of the terms above
  7. I am not obliged to provide support for PremiumVanish however that is not to say I won't, I'll do my best
  8. You must have read the entire description of PremiumVanish on this page before purchasing
  9. I reserve the right to change these terms at any time and you agree to abide by the most recent version of the terms
Legal notice:
PremiumVanish contains the following libraries:
  • HikariCP which is released under the Apache License Version 2.0 which you can obtain here.
  • SLF4J which is released under the MIT license which you can obtain here.
Phew... 40000 characters... thanks for reading!
If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the discussion area.
If you want to suggest a feature, please do so in the discussion area.
If you want to report an issue, please private message me (see how-to).

Please only use reviews for a real review about the plugin (e.g. how good is the support, did it fulfill your expectations, do you recommend it, ...), reviews are not the place to ask for help or report bugs!
First release
Last update
3.00 star(s) 4 ratings

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Fix link pls
Download link broken. No Response
awesome plugin but please update
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All works like charm tnx !
Thanks man for your rating!

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