The premium version of StaffList
<< List Staff Members In A Neat GUI >>
Add and remove staff members easily with an in-game command and let your players see the staff.
<< Features >>
> Display staff in a neat GUI
> Display the staff's rank
> Display whether they are online
> Display their last login
> Display the world they are in
> Display their coordinates
> Display their online time
> Display the server they are on (bungee)
> Add spacers to make the GUI look nice!
<< Where Is This Useful? >>
It could be that you may want to make it clear to your players who are staff and who to ask for help. It will also show information about their rank and what server they are online on (bungee).
<< Plugin Support >>
This currently supports Essentials and VanishNoPacket so that if they are vanished they appear offline. Also if the plugin uses the Bukkit method of hidePlayer then it should also be supported as I used canSee.
<< What's New In The Premium Version? >>
> Place the heads where ever you like in the inventory, it now saves spaces!
> Add spacers! Add items to make the GUI look cooler!
> UUID support! Change your names as much as you like!
> Bungee support! Now display the server a player is on!
> It is extremely more optimized and now only saves on an interval! No more high CPU usage from this plugin!
<< Will There Be New Features Added? >>
> Yes of course!
> Feel free to request features and any popular / good suggestions will be added.
Follow the Development Road Map here.
<< Command List >>
Show staff members (GUI)
No Permission
/staff help
Display help
No Permission
/staff info
Display plugin information (includes version)
No Permission
/staff add <player> <position> <rank>
Add a staff member to the GUI
/staff [remove/delete] <player>
Remove the specified staff member from the GUI
/staff addSpacer <name>
Add the item in your hand as a spacer
/staff removeSpacer <name>
Remove the specified spacer
/staff reload
Force save of all files and reload the config
/staff modify
Open the GUI and allow for editing of all the positions
[New] /staff <rank/changerank> <player> <rank>
Change the rank of an existing player
[New] /staff fake
Toggle faking offline or not (if faking offline you will always show offline)
<< Command Usage >>
Player's name
Position in the GUI (1-54)
Player's rank (Can be multiple words)
Place an item in your hand edited to your own liking and it will add that item as a spacer
Using Spacers
Once you've added a spacer, you will need to use /staff modify. It will add the spacers to your inventory and allow you to place them inside the GUI where you wish.
Examples staff list
lastline_(ONLINE/OFFLINE/ONLINE_BUNGEE) = Very last line of the head and will be added if ShowIfOnline = true. It will display one of the 3 depending whether they are online, offline or online and it's a bungee server.
UsingBungee = If you are using a bungee server change to true to allow for seeing of what server they are on
BungeeServers = Enter the server names you wish to use to check if they are online. It should be in the format of server1,server2,server3 (etc) (Requires bungee=true)
DynamicInvSize = The inventory size will depend on what the last item in the GUI is. E.G if the last item is in slot 15, the inventory size will be 18. Set it to false to be 54 size.
SaveInterval = Interval in seconds in which the files are saved
BungeeUpdateInterval = Interval in which the server retrieves the online players from bungee servers.
%player% = Replaced with the players name)
%world% = Replaced with the players name
%x% = Replaced with the world the x coordinate
%y% = Replaced with the players y coordinate
%z% = Replaced with the players z coordinate
%rank% = Replaced with the rank of the player
%lastlogin% = Replaced with the last login of the player
%onlinetime% = Replaced with the online time of the player if online or time since last login and not a date
&1-9 + &a-f = Color Codes