PvPing Enchantments || 55+ Enchantments || Tinkerer || Enchanter || Transmog/Black scrolls added!

 PvPing Enchantments || 55+ Enchantments || Tinkerer || Enchanter || Transmog/Black scrolls added! 3.1

PvPing Enchantments || 55+ Enchantments || Tinkerer || Enchanter || Transmog/Black scrolls added!
What is PvPing Enchantments?

Have you ever found that spigots current enchantment plugins are either too bland for pvp or have too many bugs to put on your server? Well look no further, because this is a new enchantment plugin with 60+ working enchantments, and a non buggy tinkerer to spice up the fighting and grinding spirit on your server. This new addition will make your players compete further for the best enchantments for their "god sets", and it will keep them out of their bases.


Success/Destroy system

1.8 - 1.11 support.

55+ different enchantments

4 different tiers

A config.yml to configure a whole pile of things, from name and lore, to the amount of experience given by each enchantment by the tinkerer, including vanilla ones!

Different enchantments for different gear

Each enchantment has it's own effect, and they are very unique for pvp servers.

Cool enchantment randomizer for your server!

Cool looking enchanter, to purchase enchantments with experience.

lang.yml to edit the different messages in the plugin.

Commands and Permissions:
/tinkerer - Open the tinkerer to tinker your enchantments into books and experience! Requires BeastXpWithdraw to use the experience bottles!

/enchantedbook give <player> <tier> - enchants.book

Give a player an enchantment book of a tier! Also includes scrolls in this command, specify "Scroll" in the tier argument to get a white scroll.


Open up the enchanter to purchase books with your experience points!

/enchantedbook give player blackscroll

/enchantedbook give player transmogscroll


Enchanted Book Example, this one is a basic enchantment, that I got from opening a basic enchanted book.

Default Enchantment book examples, all are configurable.







Example of a dust, all are configurable. The examples will be Divine dust.

(Configurable with placeholders)




Tinkerer Picture, to tinker your stuff.

White scroll, this is configurable too.



(Sorry for the link, but there is a 10 image max)


What white scrolls do:
Save an enchantment from destroying by applying.

Black Scrolls:

Take an enchantment off an item and return it in book form by applying it on the item you want an enchantment taken off!


Adds up all the enchantments and adds that number to your item's display name! Now you can show how many enchantments you have off!


Venom - Chance to strike your enemy with poison
Tier: Basic
Level: 1-3
Tool: Weapon

Inky - Chance to blind your enemy
Tier: Basic
Level: 1-3
Tool: Weapon

Quickdraw - Gives you permanent haste effect..
Tier: Basic
Level: 1-2
Tool: Weapon, Pickaxe

Ravenous - Chance to effect your enemy with hunger.
Tier: Basic
Level: 1-5
Tool: Weapon, Bow

Explosive - Chance to cause an explosion on impact.
Tier: Basic
Level: 1-4
Tool: Bow

Furnace - Automatically smelts ores while mining.
Tier: Basic
Level: 1-4
Tool: Pickaxe

Glowing - Gives you permenant night vision effect.
Tier: Basic
Level: 1-1
Tool: Helmet

Diver - Ability to breathe underwater.
Tier: Basic
Level: 1-1
Tool: Helmet

Saturated - Lose hunger slower.
Tier: Basic
Level: 1-3
Tool: Any Armor

Swap - Chance to be teleported behind your opponent.
Tier: Basic
Level: 1-5
Tool: Weapon

Freeze - Chance to freeze your opponent in place.
Tier: Basic
Level: 1-2
Tool: Weapon

Reflector - Chance to reflect arrows.
Tier: Basic
Level: 1-5
Tool: Leggings

Ghast - Chance to shoot fireballs instead of arrows.
Tier: Basic
Level: 1-3
Tool: Bow

Scavenger - Chance to drop extra ores while mining.
Tier: Basic
Level: 1-5
Tool: Pickaxe

Strength - Gives permanent strength effect.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-2
Tool: Weapon

Thor - Chance to strike your opponent with lightning.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-5
Tool: Weapon, Bow

Obsidian - Destroyer Chance to insta-break obsidian.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-4
Tool: Pickaxe

Springs - Gives you permanent jump boost effect.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-3
Tool: Boots

Speed - Gives you permanent speed effect.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-2
Tool: Boots

Hefty - Gives you permanent resistance effect.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-2
Tool: Any Armor

Nausea - Chance to give your enemy nausea effect.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-5
Tool: Any Armor

Radioactive - Chance to give nearby players debuff effects.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-3
Tool: Any Armor

SelfDestruct - Chance to drop a tnt whereever you die.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-3
Tool: Any Armor

BlastImmune - Makes you immune to all explosions.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-5
Tool: Any Armor

Shield - Chance to block damage from attacks.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-4
Tool: Chestplate

Escapist - Chance to give a burst of Speed IV on low HP.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-1
Tool: Boots

Kevlar - Chance to gain resistance while being attacked.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-8
Tool: Weapon

Drain - Chance to steal your opponent's xp.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-5
Tool: Weapon

Counter - Chance to redirect an opponent's attack onto themselves.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-3
Tool: Leggings

Wound - Chance to cause the bleed effect on your opponent.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-4
Tool: Weapon

Summoner - Chance to summon Iron Golems to help defend you in battle.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-10
Tool: Chestplate

Wolves - Chance to summon wolves to help defend you in battle.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-10
Tool: Chestplate

Pushed - Chance to cause extreme knockback.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-2
Tool: Weapon

crap - Chance to your opponent weakness.
Tier: Rare
Level: 1-3
Tool: Weapon

Penetrate - Increases the amount of armor damage you do per hit.
Tier: Legendary
Level: 1-5
Tool: Weapon

Quake - Chance to toss your enemy in the air.
Tier: Legendary
Level: 1-5
Tool: Weapon

Overload - Gives you permanent health boost effect.
Tier: Legendary
Level: 1-3
Tool: Chestplate

Revival - Chance to give you health when you are low.
Tier: Legendary
Level: 1-5
Tool: Any Armor

Curse - Chance to give your enemy mining fatigue effect.
Tier: Legendary
Level: 1-2
Tool: Any Armor

Firework - Chance to give you multiple positive potion effects at low health.
Tier: Legendary
Level: 1-3
Tool: Any Armor

Immune - Makes you immune to all debuffs.
Tier: Legendary
Level: 1-5
Tool: Any Armor

Angel - Chance to give Regeneration IV on low HP.
Tier: Legendary
Level: 1-3
Tool: Helmet

MortarStrike - Chance to strike your opponent with lightning.
Tier: Legendary
Level: 1-6
Tool: Weapon

Behead - Chance to drop your opponent's head upon death.
Tier: Legendary
Level: 1-6
Tool: Weapon

Flashbang - Chance to blind enemies with particles.
Tier: Legendary
Level: 1-8
Tool: Helmet

FrostWalker - Walk on water leaving behind an icy trail.
Tier: Legendary
Level: 1-1
Tool: Boots

LavaWalker - Walk on lava leaving behind an glass trail.
Tier: Legendary
Level: 1-1
Tool: Boots

SlingShot - Chance to do double damage with a bow.
Tier: Legendary
Level: 1-3
Tool: Bow

Sneaky - Chance to go invisible for 5 seconds.
Tier: Legendary
Level: 1-5
Tool: Chestplate

Experience - Increases the amount of experience dropped from mobs.
Tier: Divine
Level: 1-5
Tool: Weapon

Lifesteal - Chance to steal a heart from your opponent.
Tier: Divine
Level: 1-5
Tool: Weapon

Rage - Multiplies the damage dealt based on your combo.
Tier: Divine
Level: 1-6
Tool: Weapon

Meteor - Chance to have overpowered fireballs hit your opponent.
Tier: Divine
Level: 1-10
Tool: Chestplate

KillAura - Chance to deal damage to all nearby players.
Tier: Divine
Level: 1-6
Tool: Weapon

Immolation - Does insane damage and sets nearby players on fire.
Tier: Divine
Level: 1-4
Tool: Weapon

Pyro - Chance to do double damage if the opponent is on fire.
Tier: Divine
Level: 1-3
Tool: Weapon

Barbarian - Does more damage if your opponent is using an axe.
Tier: Divine
Level: 1-4
Tool: Weapon

Enrage - Do more damage at lower health.
Tier: Divine
Level: 1-3
Tool: Weapon

Reveal - Reveal a random piece of your opponent's armor.
Tier: Divine
Level: 1-8
Tool: Weapon


Code (Text):

prefix: '&c&lPvPing Enchantments &f&l>'
Name: '&b&lBasic Enchantment Book &7(Right-Click)'
- '&7Examine to recieve a random'
- '&fBasic enchantment book.'
Tier: Basic
Name: '&a&lRare Enchantment Book &7(Right-Click)'
- '&7Examine to recieve a random'
- '&aRare &7enchantment book.'
Tier: Rare
Name: '&6&lLegendary Enchantment Book &7(Right-Click)'
- '&7Examine to recieve a random'
- '&6Legendary &7enchantment book.'
Tier: Legendary
Name: '&c&lDivine Enchantment Book &7(Right-Click)'
- '&7Examine to recieve a random'
- '&cDivine &7enchantment book.'
Tier: Divine
Name: '&eWhite Scroll'
- '&7Prevents an enchantment from being destroyed'
- '&7due to a failed enchantment book.'
- '&ePlace scroll on item to apply.'
Name: '&f&lBlack Scroll'
- '&7Takes one enchantment off your item'
- '&7and gives it as a book!'
- '&ePlace scroll on item to apply.'
Name: '&5&lTransmog Scroll'
- '&7Counts up all enchantments and adds'
- '&7that number to the display name of your item'
- '&ePlace scroll on item to apply.'
SpawnRegion: 'Spawn'
WhiteScroll: 1
ProjectileProtection1: 1
ProjectileProtection2: 1
ProjectileProtection3: 1
ProjectileProtection4: 1
ProjectileProtection5: 1
BlastProtection1: 1
BlastProtection2: 1
BlastProtection3: 1
BlastProtection4: 1
BlastProtection5: 1
Protection1: 1
Protection2: 1
Protection3: 1
Protection4: 1
Protection5: 1
FeatherFalling1: 1
FeatherFalling2: 1
FeatherFalling3: 1
FeatherFalling4: 1
FeatherFalling5: 1
FireProtection1: 1
FireProtection2: 1
FireProtection3: 1
FireProtection4: 1
FireProtection5: 1
Reveal1: 1
Reveal2: 1
Reveal3: 1
Reveal4: 1
Reveal5: 1
Reveal6: 1
Reveal7: 1
Reveal8: 1
Enrage1: 1
Enrage2: 1
Enrage3: 1
Rage1: 1
Rage2: 1
Rage3: 1
Rage4: 1
Rage5: 1
Rage6: 1
Barbarian1: 1
Barbarian2: 1
Barbarian3: 1
Barbarian4: 1
Pyro1: 1
Pyro2: 1
Pyro3: 1
Immolation1: 1
Immolation2: 1
Immolation3: 1
Immolation4: 1
KillAura1: 1
KillAura2: 1
KillAura3: 1
KillAura4: 1
KillAura5: 1
KillAura6: 1
Meteor1: 1
Meteor2: 1
Meteor3: 1
Meteor4: 1
Meteor5: 1
Meteor6: 1
Meteor7: 1
Meteor8: 1
Meteor9: 1
Meteor10: 1
Lifesteal1: 1
Lifesteal2: 1
Lifesteal3: 1
Lifesteal4: 1
Lifesteal5: 1
Experience1: 1
Experience2: 1
Experience3: 1
Experience4: 1
Experience5: 1
Sneaky1: 1
Sneaky2: 1
Sneaky3: 1
Sneaky4: 1
Sneaky5: 1
SlingShot1: 1
SlingShot2: 1
SlingShot3: 1
LavaWalker1: 1
FrostWalker1: 1
Flashbang1: 1
Flashbang2: 1
Flashbang3: 1
Flashbang4: 1
Flashbang5: 1
Flashbang6: 1
Flashbang7: 1
Flashbang8: 1
Behead1: 1
Behead2: 1
Behead3: 1
Behead4: 1
Behead5: 1
Behead6: 1
MortarStrike1: 1
MortarStrike2: 1
MortarStrike3: 1
MortarStrike4: 1
MortarStrike5: 1
MortarStrike6: 1
Angel1: 1
Angel2: 1
Angel3: 1
Slice1: 1
Slice2: 1
Slice3: 1
Immune1: 1
Immune2: 1
Immune3: 1
Immune4: 1
Immune5: 1
Firework1: 1
Firework2: 1
Firework3: 1
Curse1: 1
Curse2: 1
Revival1: 1
Revival2: 1
Revival3: 1
Revival4: 1
Revival5: 1
Overload1: 1
Overload2: 1
Overload3: 1
Drunken1: 1
Drunken2: 1
Drunken3: 1
Drunken4: 1
Drunken5: 1
Quake1: 1
Quake2: 1
Quake3: 1
Penetrate1: 1
Penetrate2: 1
Penetrate3: 1
Penetrate4: 1
Penetrate5: 1
Strength1: 1
Strength2: 1
Thor1: 1
Thor2: 1
Thor3: 1
Thor4: 1
Thor5: 1
ObsidianDestroyer1: 1
ObsidianDestroyer2: 1
ObsidianDestroyer3: 1
ObsidianDestroyer4: 1
Springs1: 1
Springs2: 1
Springs3: 1
Speed1: 1
Speed2: 1
Hefty1: 1
Hefty2: 1
Nausea1: 1
Nausea2: 1
Nausea3: 1
Nausea4: 1
Nausea5: 1
Radioactive1: 1
Radioactive2: 1
Radioactive3: 1
SelfDestruct1: 1
SelfDestruct2: 1
SelfDestruct3: 1
BlastImmune1: 1
BlastImmune2: 1
BlastImmune3: 1
BlastImmune4: 1
BlastImmune5: 1
Sheild1: 1
Sheild2: 1
Sheild3: 1
Sheild4: 1
Escapist1: 1
Kevlar1: 1
Kevlar2: 1
Kevlar3: 1
Kevlar4: 1
Kevlar5: 1
Kevlar6: 1
Kevlar7: 1
Kevlar8: 1
Counter1: 1
Counter2: 1
Counter3: 1
Wound1: 1
Wound2: 1
Wound3: 1
Wound4: 1
Summoner1: 1
Summoner2: 1
Summoner3: 1
Summoner4: 1
Summoner5: 1
Summoner6: 1
Summoner7: 1
Summoner8: 1
Summoner9: 1
Summoner10: 1
Shotgun1: 1
Shotgun2: 1
Shotgun3: 1
Wolves1: 1
Wolves2: 1
Wolves3: 1
Wolves4: 1
Wolves5: 1
Wolves6: 1
Wolves7: 1
Wolves8: 1
Wolves9: 1
Wolves10: 1
Drain1: 1
Drain2: 1
Drain3: 1
Drain4: 1
Drain5: 1
Pushed1: 1
Pushed2: 1
Virus1: 1
Virus2: 1
Virus3: 1
Venom1: 1
Venom2: 1
Venom3: 1
Inky1: 1
Inky2: 1
Inky3: 1
Quickdraw1: 1
Quickdraw2: 1
Ravenous1: 1
Ravenous2: 1
Ravenous3: 1
Ravenous4: 1
Ravenous5: 1
Explosive1: 1
Explosive2: 1
Explosive3: 1
Explosive4: 1
Furnace1: 1
Furnace2: 1
Furnace3: 1
Furnace4: 1
Glowing1: 1
Saturated1: 1
Saturated2: 1
Saturated3: 1
Diver1: 1
Swap1: 1
Swap2: 1
Swap3: 1
Swap4: 1
Swap5: 1
Freeze1: 1
Freeze2: 1
Reflector1: 1
Reflector2: 1
Reflector3: 1
Reflector4: 1
Reflector5: 1
Ghast1: 1
Ghast2: 1
Ghast3: 1
Scavenger1: 1
Scavenger2: 1
Scavenger3: 1
Scavenger4: 1
Scavenger5: 1
Divine: '&cDivine Magic Dust &7(Right Click)'
- '&7Contains: &bMagic, &ePrimal, &7or &fMystery &7dust.'
- '&7An unidentified satchel of dust.'
Legendary: '&6Legendary Magic Dust &7(Right Click)'
- '&7Contains: &bMagic, &ePrimal, &7or &fMystery &7dust.'
- '&7An unidentified satchel of dust.'
Rare: '&aRare Magic Dust &7(Right Click)'
- '&7Contains: &bMagic, &ePrimal, &7or &fMystery &7dust.'
- '&7An unidentified satchel of dust.'
Basic: '&bBasic Magic Dust (Right Click)'
- '&7Contains: &bMagic, &ePrimal, &7or &fMystery &7dust.'
- '&7An unidentified satchel of dust.'
Divine: '&cDivine Magic Dust'
- '&a+%percent%% Success'
- '&7Apply to a Divine &7Enchantment Book'
- '&7to increase its success by %percent%%'
Legendary: '&6Legendary Magic Dust'
- '&a+%percent%% Success'
- '&7Apply to a Legendary &7Enchantment Book'
- '&7to increase its success by %percent%%'
Rare: '&aRare Magic Dust'
- '&a+%percent%% Success'
- '&7Apply to a Rare &7Enchantment Book'
- '&7to increase its success by %percent%%'
Basic: '&bBasic Magic Dust'
- '&a+%percent%% Success'
- '&7Apply to a Basic &7Enchantment Book'
- '&7to increase its success by %percent%%'
Divine: '&c&lDivine Magic Dust'
- '&a&l+%percent%%&r &aSuccess'
- '&7Apply to a Divine &7Enchantment Book'
- '&7to increase its success by %percent%%'
Legendary: '&6&lLegendary Magic Dust'
- '&a&l+%percent%%&r &aSuccess'
- '&7Apply to a Legendary &7Enchantment Book'
- '&7to increase its success by %percent%%'
Rare: '&a&lRare Magic Dust'
- '&a&l+%percent%%&r &aSuccess'
- '&7Apply to a Rare &7Enchantment Book'
- '&7to increase its success by %percent%%'
Basic: '&b&lBasic Magic Dust'
- '&a&l+%percent%%&r &aSuccess'
- '&7Apply to a Basic &7Enchantment Book'
- '&7to increase its success by %percent%%'
SuccessLore: '&aSuccess Rate: &7%successlore%%'
FrostWalker: 'ENABLED'
LavaWalker: 'ENABLED'
Strength: 'ENABLED'

In the TinkererExp section, those are all the amounts of exp that will be put onto the actual exp bottle.

%percent% is the percent that will be added to the success rate section.

Language File:

Code (Text):
purchased: '&aYou Purchased a Tier {tier} Enchant!'
noLevels: '&cYou do not have enough levels for this!'
success: '&aApplied &b{enchant} &ato your item'
destroy: '&cYour enchantment was destroyed'
permDenied: '&cYou dont have permission to use that command!'
invFull: '&cInventory full!'
sentScroll: '&aSent White Scroll to {player}'
whiteScroll: '&aWhite Scroll Protection saved you from losing {enchant}'

{tier} is the tier of the book purchased.

{enchant} is the enchantment applied.

{player} is the player.

{enchant} is the enchant lost.

Remember that each placeholder is in order by message, and they can only be used where they are used in the example.


- BeastXpWithdraw - if you want the tinkerer to work.
- World Guard 6.1
- World Edit 6.1
- FactionsUUID

Video Tutorial:
Could come soon!

Plugin terms:
- You may NOT take credit for this plugin.
- You may NOT resell/repost this plugin to other people.
- You may NOT decompile this plugin.
- You may NOT make another download link.
- You may NOT charge back your purchase.
- If you violate any of these plugin terms, I may remove you from the buyers list.
- I don't need to add requested updates, or update it frequently. It is my choice when I choose to make an update.

If you don't like what I have built after purchasing and reading these terms, I will refund you.

- 10
- 25
- 50
- 100 Incomplete :(
- 200 Incomplete :(
- 500 Incomplete :(

If you have any bugs please do not rate my resource about the bug, contact me in the discussion first or pm me! Thanks!

Note that this plugin could have bugs that I missed when testing. Note that there were no bugs that I saw when I tested it. Thanks!

Latest reviews

Update! Update! Update! Update!

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