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This is a wonderful crates plugin that is fully configurable, supports 11 modes (listed below), and is very popular with players.
Non-pick modes: horizontal, vertical, roulette, circle, rectangle, physical
Pick modes: horizontalchoose, csgo, shuffle, mystery
You can select if you want keys to be in 'unlock' mode (where the player has to right click the actual crate block) or in 'package' mode (where the player can unlock them anywhere they choose). There is a crate preview.

Latest reviews

Just Magic...Waiting for years for someone to upload it to bs. If you had the spawner plugin by any chance and you upload it, you will be the new God xd ty ;)
I currently do not have QuadrexSpawners, waiting until I receive it. Thanks :), lemme know if you need other plugins!
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    Arctomium @ Arctomium: @FoxH, should be able to click your profile at the top and there should be an option called...