Ignore cancer music the song was for all the shit posters.
This shows 5 autos on a pretty good dedi hitting from 20tps to 19.89 tps even better cpu you will achieve even better results.
4.0ghz i74790k
Features of the JAR
- Can disable tnt and creeper exsplosions in config (good for start of map when you want to disable exsplosions)
- Knockback modifier /setkb Knockback section: you can modify the knockback of Sprint, NoSprint ,Air ,Floor and general.
- Async Potions
- Fast Maths (incrases speed of cos, sin, tan, asin etc) this is good for knockback / vector calculations
- Option to disable that minecraft disables sprinting when hitting people
- Added a command to set the server tickrate to 21 ticks or 19tps or 40tps whatever you want will effect performance.
TacoSpigot Features add to JAR
- Optimizes hoppers by 80-95
- Adds an option to disable InventoryMoveItemEvent
- Optimizes armor stands by 90%+
- Disables gravity for armor stands (you must set "armor-stand.optimize-movement" to true)
- Avoiding looking up entities when moving
- XRay optimization
Reduces redundant checking for blocks
Optimize getting blocks
- Helps with entities and redstone
- Optimize setting blocks
- Slightly faster event execution
Looking for more things to add to the jar as well leave suggestions or dm me suggestions.
- No taking parts of the code
- No reselling
- No redistributing
If interested add on discord All credit goes to @Leftwitch hes a great dev
Carry Lord#8349
This shows 5 autos on a pretty good dedi hitting from 20tps to 19.89 tps even better cpu you will achieve even better results.
4.0ghz i74790k
Features of the JAR
- Can disable tnt and creeper exsplosions in config (good for start of map when you want to disable exsplosions)
- Knockback modifier /setkb Knockback section: you can modify the knockback of Sprint, NoSprint ,Air ,Floor and general.
- Async Potions
- Fast Maths (incrases speed of cos, sin, tan, asin etc) this is good for knockback / vector calculations
- Option to disable that minecraft disables sprinting when hitting people
- Added a command to set the server tickrate to 21 ticks or 19tps or 40tps whatever you want will effect performance.
TacoSpigot Features add to JAR
- Optimizes hoppers by 80-95
- Adds an option to disable InventoryMoveItemEvent
- Optimizes armor stands by 90%+
- Disables gravity for armor stands (you must set "armor-stand.optimize-movement" to true)
- Avoiding looking up entities when moving
- XRay optimization
Reduces redundant checking for blocks
Optimize getting blocks
- Helps with entities and redstone
- Optimize setting blocks
- Slightly faster event execution
Looking for more things to add to the jar as well leave suggestions or dm me suggestions.
- No taking parts of the code
- No reselling
- No redistributing
If interested add on discord All credit goes to @Leftwitch hes a great dev
Carry Lord#8349