
EXCLUSIVE SpigotVIP QuestsEffect 1.0


QuestsEffect is a plugin which adds unique particle designs to the free Quests plugin (required). Auto-magically spawn configurable effects upon your players as they make progress! Compliment quest-giving NPCs with an eye-catching pattern above their head!


Available particles vary with Minecraft version, but these are guaranteed. Full list of effect classes is here.

Submit feature/bug reports using the "Discuss This Resource" link, or visit us on Discord:

Setup is a two-step process:
  1. Install minimum required version of Quests. Set up permissions as desired.
  2. Download the QuestsEffect jar and place it in your server's /plugins folder. Restart the server!
By downloading, you agree not to distribute this premium resource jar and to only make and/or use extra copies of said jar for Minecraft servers of which you have sole administrative access to.

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Works flawlessly with Paper 1.19.4!! Thanks for sharing.
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