Tested Minecraft Versions:
- 1.8
- 1.9
Permission: Overwatch.use
- Using Overwatch
Permission: Overwatch.record
- /overwatch record start [player]
=> Start recording.
=> Without giving player you are recording all players.
- /overwatch record stop [player]
=> Stop recording.
=> Without giving player you are stop recording all players.
- /overwatch record play <name> [player]
=> Playing a capture
=> Without giving player you are playing all files of the filename.
Permission: Overwatch.snapshot
- /overwatch snapshot start <fileName> [player]
=> Start snapshoting.
=> Without giving player you are recording all players.
- /overwatch snapshot stop [player]
=> Stop snapshoting.
=> Without giving player you are stop recording for all players.
- /overwatch snapshot play <fileName> [player]
=> Playing a snapshot.
=> Without giving player you are playing all files with the filename.
Difference between snapshot and record:
Record = Copying world and teleporting to world.
Snapshot = Register recording where the world is. Not copying the world.
#The maximum time in seconds a ShadowCap recording can be. (Set to 0 to disable shadowcap)
shadowcap_time: 60
#Plugin Metrics - Send anonymous usage statistics to MCStats.org. Please leave this on, it gives me insight into how much my plugin is used!
plugin_metrics: true
#Where the plugins will be saved. Standard path: standard.
path: standard
#MySQL information for website integration + key usage.
enable: true
hostname: localhost
port: 3306
database: overwatch
username: root
password: ''
single_player: '&aPlaying file &e#%key% &awith the player &e%playername%&a.'
file_not_exists: '&cThis file doesn''t exists.'
all_players: '&aPlaying all files with the name &e#%key%&a.'
not_start_with_char: '&cThe file didn''t start with the &e#&c! Please remove it.'
all_players: '&aRecording &eall &aplayers with the file name &e#%key%&a.'
single_player: '&aRecording the player &e%playername% &awith the file name &e#%key%&a.'
single_player: '&aRecording stopped for player &e%playername%&a. Saved as &e#%key%&a.'
all_players: '&aRecording stopped for all players. Saved as &e#%key%&a.'
already_recording: '&cYou are already recording.'
player_not_online: '&cThis player is not online.'
single_player: '&aPlaying file &e%filename% &awith the player &e%playername%&a.'
all_players: '&aPlaying all files with the name &e%filename%&a.'
all_players: '&aSnapshating &eall &aplayers with the name &e%filename%&a.'
single_player: '&aSnapshating the player &e%playername% &awith the name &e%filename%&a.'
single_player: '&aSnapshating stopped for the player &e%playername%&a. Saved as
all_players: '&aSnapshating stopped for all players. Saved as &e%filename%&a.'
no_permission: '&cYou have no permissions to execute this command.'
You can implement the jar to your plugin to use the Overwatch API.
First class is the OverwatchAPI.class
Code: OverwatchAPI.getInstance()...
Here there are some util methods for Overwatch.
The second class is the Capture.class
Here you create a new Capture Object and you can give the Object a key parameter.
Code: Capture capture = new Capture("Not necessary filename");
There are a lot of methods you can use for example startSnapshot().
There will be a lot more updates for this API.