What is RolCards? RolCards is a new game that tries to bring the gameplay of games like Hearthstone to Minecraft. It uses Vault. Working on Spigot 1.8.x and Spigot 1.9.x. Features:
- ELO system to make a top of the players.
- Automatically enable texturepack when you join the game and disable when you leave it. (/rolcards play, /rolcards leave)
- Language File "messages.yml" to translate to your own language.
- Top 10 ordered by elo.
- MySQL or File Storage (config.yml the option enableMySQL false to File Storage, true to MySQL).
- Deathmatch when both has consumed all their cards.
- Donator Features (Double elo and double prize on win)
- Different classes (Mage,Hunter,Warrior, more coming soon...). Each class has a different class skill and their own class cards.
- Card Shop where you can buy the class cards with the money you earn winning games.
- GUI system that make so easy the deck creation, accept challeng requests, buy cards, etc.
- Easy challeng requests system.
- Permissions for all cards and class (when you buy a card the plugin gives the perm, dont worry).
- Commands to create arenas with the different spawns of players
- Nowadays the plugins support 1v1 challengs , maybe in future versions I can make Team vs Team.
- Each card has his own effect, sound, damage, etc.
- Cards that invokes mobs on the field, so you can attack with them 1 time each turn, each mob has his damage and health, you can use your spells or mobs to kill the enemy mobs or direcly the enemy.
- Mana to allow you to use the cards.
- Create own cards.
- Various language supported (more soon, suggest on discussion)
- Placeholder {rolcardsElo} to use it on scoreboard plugins (need
MVdW Placeholders) - Spanish Server - Spanish Server - German Server
- /rolcards : shows the help menu
- /rolcards play : join the game
- /rolcards leave: leave the game
- /rolcards spawn set : set the spawn where players will respawn after each match
- /rolcards join: join a random queue
- /rolcards elo : shows the elo you own
- /rolcards stats : shows your stats
- /rolcards top: shows a top 10 ordered by elo
- /rolcards info: shows the health of your enemy
- /rolcards elo [player] : show the elo the [player] has
- /rolcards stats [player] : show the stats of the player [player]
- /rolcards card create: create your own cards.
- /rolcards elo give [player] [amount] : give an amount of elo to a player
- /rolcards elo set [player] [amount] : set an amount of elo to a player
- /rolcards arena create [ID] : create an arena (by default the spawn 1 and 2 are the location where you are at the moment you do the command)
- /rolcards arena setspawn1 [ID] : set the 1st spawn of an arena
- /rolcards arena setspawn2 [ID] : set the 2nd spawn of an arena
- /rolcards arena setmobspawn1 [ID] [number] : set the mobspawn place [number] to the arena [ID] of the player 1.
- /rolcards arena setmobspawn2 [ID] [number] : set the mobspawn place [number] to the arena [ID] of the player 2.
- /rolcards arena setdeathmatch1 [ID]: set the 1st deathmatch spawn of an arena
- /rolcards arena setdeathmatch1 [ID]:set the 1st deathmatch spawn of an arena
- /rolcards reload : reloads the plugin
- /rolcards test : command to test the cards, it will join you to a match with you as player1 and player2.
RolCards use 1 permissions for each card, all has the same structure:
- rolcards.class.[classname].[cardname]
The card Poison Ball of Hunter:
- rolcards.class.hunter.poisonball
- rolcards.class.normal
- rolcards.class.hunter
- rolcards.class.warrior
- rolcards.class.mage
The command permissions are:
- rolcards.spawn.set : /rolcards spawn set
- play
- rolcards.leave:/rolcards leave
- rolcards.join: /rolcards join
- rolcards.elo : /rolcards elo
- rolcards.stats : /rolcards stats
- rolcards.stats.other : /rolcards stats [player]
- /rolcards top
- : /rolcards info
- rolcards.card.create : /rolcards card create
- rolcards.elo.other : /rolcards elo [player]
- rolcards.elo.give : /rolcards elo give [player] [amount]
- rolcards.elo.set : /rolcards elo set [player] [amount]
- rolcards.arena.create : /rolcards arena create [ID]
- rolcards.arena.spawnset : /rolcards arena setspawn1 [ID] or /rolcards arena setspawn2 [ID]
- rolcards.reload : /rolcards reload
- rolcards.test : /rolcards test
- rolcards.bypass : allow you to use commands while you are playing
This plugin will be constantly updated to add more cards and classes, things that I want to do too are:
- Create an API
- Make a support for different plugin that you suggest me.
- Make it more customizable
- Drag the RolCards.jar on your plugins folder.
- Start the server.
- If the plugin crash, check if you have Vault.jar
- Configure the MySQL on config.yml.
- Do /rolcards reload
- Enjoy the plugin!
That screenshots and the video are done on the version 1.5 more or less, the plugin has grown up a lot, I will add new Screenshoots soon
That screenshots and the video are done on the version 1.5 more or less, the plugin has grown up a lot, I will add new Screenshoots soon
That screenshots and the video are done on the version 1.5 more or less, the plugin has grown up a lot, I will add new Screenshoots soon
That screenshots and the video are done on the version 1.5 more or less, the plugin has grown up a lot, I will add new Screenshoots soon
I did the video with optifine, disabling almost all particles because I dont have a good enough PC to record it at high FPS, but the plugins do animations on all cards.
That screenshots and the video are done on the version 1.5 more or less, the plugin has grown up a lot, I will add new Screenshoots soon
That screenshots and the video are done on the version 1.5 more or less, the plugin has grown up a lot, I will add new Screenshoots soon
That are examples, there are more cards
That screenshots and the video are done on the version 1.5 more or less, the plugin has grown up a lot, I will add new Screenshoots soon
Remember to set the spawn of the game with /rolcards spawn set, if you dont configure that it will throw an error when a match finish and the plugin wont work correctly.