RPG Inventory Premium - Stable 1.9! | 1.7.10 - 1.9.x

 RPG Inventory Premium - Stable 1.9! | 1.7.10 - 1.9.x 1.3.3

RPG Inventory Premium - Stable 1.9! | 1.7.10 - 1.9.x
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
OsipXD, Acurity and Shado47

Please, don't write about bugs/features to my PM or on forum.
Write it HERE (bug pattern).

To write about bug, you need to register or login using Google, GitHub, Yahoo! or AOL
In this bug tracker you can write about bugs/new features, comment and like other bugs/feature requests, and watch the progress of correction.

If you write about bug to bug tracker, I'll not forget about it and fix it as fast as possible.
It will be more convenient for me and you.

Sincerely yours, OsipXD
Click to expand...
New inventory, pets, items and much more
Other forums: RuBukkit | Bukkit Dev


If you need to pay more or less then 7.50 USD, click this button and write me PM

This plugin requires ProtocolLib and Lib's Disguesses to function! Some features also require Vault.


| Configuration example | Simple pet creation | Simple pet food creation |
| Simple slot creation | For plugin developers (API) |

Q: Shopkeeper not compatible with this plugin?
A: Try this

Q: Plugin breaks my other plugins based on chest GUI, how to fix it?
A: Just set resource-pack.mode in config to DISABLED

Can I change title "RPG Inventory"?
A: Yes, see lang files


  • Support all 1.9.x, 1.8.x versions and 1.7.10
  • Slot fot elytra
  • Backpacks
  • Mounts
  • Automatic notify about updates
  • Not client mod
  • You can use it without RP!
  • It will be work if player denies RP dowloading
  • Custom items with flexible stats
  • Fully configurable slots
  • Slots for gloves, rings, amulet, artifacts, pet and all that you want
  • Flexible pets
  • Pet skins
  • System of buying inventory slots (money/lvl)
  • The ability to automatically "whip out" the weapon when attacking
  • No commands on the player side
  • Flexible and easy configuration
  • Compatible with many RPG plugins
  • API
  • etc.
Planed features
  • Purse
  • More slot types
  • Food with a temporary effect to pets
  • Your ideas?
Default: En | Ru
Faithful 32x (Outdated): En | Ru


  1. Copy .jar file into folder plugins
  2. Start server
  3. Configure resource-pack section and other in config.yml
  4. Set flag enabled: true
  5. Restart server
/rpginv - Show plugin commands
/rpginv open - Open inventory
/rpginv textures (player) [enable|disable] - Enable/disable textures for player
/rpginv reload - Reload plugin config
/rpginv list [pets|food|items|bp] - Shows pets or items or backpacks or food list
/rpginv pet [player] [pet] - Gives pet to player
/rpginv bp [player] [backpack] - Gives backpack to player
/rpginv item [player] [item] - Gives item to player
/rpginv food [player] [food] (amount) - Gives food to player

rpginventory.admin - Gives access to all RPGInventory commands
rpginventory.user - Gives access to all user commands (open and textures)
rpginventory.container - Allows you to open containers
rpginventory.open - Allows you to open inventory by command
rpginventory.textures - Allows you to enable/disable textures
rpginventory.textures.others - Allows you to enable/disable textures for you or other players
rpginventory.keep.items - Player with this permission will not lose items on dead
rpginventory.keep.armor - Player with this permission will not lose armor on dead

Recommended plugins
  • MoreItems - Alternative tool to create custom items (rings, artifacts, etc.) and applies them effects to player

Known bugs
  • Problems with some types of pets (Player)
  • Problems with pet speed stat
  • If you use other plugin that ups your HP, do not use option HEALTH for custom items in my plugin. They may conflict

Latest updates

  1. 1.3.3


Latest reviews

Please update :O
Update this plugin please!
Epic plugin

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