[S] Awesome Tutorial Maker [Now for 1.8.X - 1.9.X - 1.10.X] [IDEAS NEEDED] [TAKING YOUR REQUESTS]

 [S] Awesome Tutorial Maker [Now for 1.8.X - 1.9.X - 1.10.X] [IDEAS NEEDED] [TAKING YOUR REQUESTS] Stall Build

[S] Awesome Tutorial Maker [Now for 1.8.X - 1.9.X - 1.10.X] [IDEAS NEEDED] [TAKING YOUR REQUESTS]

Hey everyone,
Ever wanted a cool custom tutorial plugin for your server? Well here's one worths the buy!

**TitleApi is needed!
**Now in the .zip!

Ideas needed!
I'm currently in the process of adding in the new features of the brand new STutorial!

I'm currently in need of ideas and I want you guys to help me!
Pm me your ideas via spigot or send me and email to my email address and I will respond to everyone and tell them if there ideas have been taken or not!


Multiple lobby compatible

Fully customisable (scroll down to Informations.yml)
Easy to use
Light weight
Permissions friendly


Moving armor stand (for bigger terrain view)
Title Api compatible - > Done
Vault compatible

Custom events for an eventual Api
Fix the chunk loading errors - > Done


**New update features!

Fixed 1.10 issues

**New update features!
You can now just write 'null' and the title won't display, just like the chat messages.

**New update features!
Added Multi line messages
Added chat disable in tutorial
Added automatic first join tutorial
Modified config

**New update features!
Updated to spigot 1.10_R1 release!

**New update features!

Fixed chunk loading issues by teleporting the player 10 ticks before setting up the armostand and it worked! :D
**New update features!
Added more control over action bar messages (Thanks to blty :D)
You can now just type 'null' like the chat messages in the action bar message zone and it won't send any action bar message :D

**New update features!
Now compatible with 1.9.4

**New update features!
Fixed version bugs 1.8 and 1.9

Fixed TitleApi Delay not working properly

**New update features!
You can now have and edit Action Bar messages!

**New update features!

Better 1.9 code optimization

Better 1.8 code optimization
Added display control for the chat messages.

Simply add 'null' as the message you want to send and STutorial will detect it and won't send the message.

Code (Text):
#Add more messages if your views is greater than 5
#Template: Message<PositiveNumber>: <Text>
#Null so the chat message won't be displayed
Message1: 'null'
Message2: 'null'
Message3: '&aMessage 3'
Message4: 'null'
Message5: '&aMessage 5'

In this example only the message 3 and 5 will be displayed.

**New update features!
Added Signs! Just place a sign and in the first line type : [stutorial] and in the second one the lobby id

fixed bugs with armorstand
Now compatible with 1.8 and 1.9
Now compatible with TitleApi
New Config
New permission : stutorial.signs
**New update features!
Fixed the /stutorial rl error were the mob wouldn't disappear.

Added new command : /stutorial start LobbyId
Added new permissions : stutorial.startcmd
The "end" location now adds 0.5 to X and 0.5 to Z so the player spawns in the middle of the block


This plugin uses the player spectator mode mechanics to preview a tutorial and guide to your server. It's also a lightweight fully customisable low server ressources plugin.

**This plugin is still in beta phase so please report any bugs to my email address and feel free to ask me any questions about my plugin!
- The only problem you can encounter is to see a part of the armor stand in your screen

Email : [email protected]


Code (Text):
#Edit your settings!
#Message when a player doesn't have a permission
ErrorMsg: '&cSorry but you cannot perfom this action!'

#Message when player trys to quit a tutorial without being in it
ErrorMsg2: '&cSorry but you are not in a tutorial!'

#Number of location the player is going to get teleported while in tutorial
Views: 5

#This is the delay between each teleportation
#Delay is in seconds
Delay: 5

#GameMode at the end of tutorial
GameMode: 2

#Your server prefix
#Shown in chat when player is in tutorial
ServerPrefix: '&7[&aServerName&7]'

#Titles over start villager head
NPCPrefix: '&cCustom Entity'
NPCSuffix: '&7(Right Click)'

#First Join Automatic tutorial
First_Join_Tutorial: True
Tutorial_Id: 1

#Title API
#Add more if you have more than 5 views
Title_Message1: '&aTitle 1'
SubTitle_Message1: '&aSubTitle 1'
Title_Message2: '&aTitle 2'
SubTitle_Message2: '&aSubTitle 2'
Title_Message3: '&aTitle 3'
SubTitle_Message3: '&aSubTitle 3'
Title_Message4: '&aTitle 4'
SubTitle_Message4: '&aSubTitle 4'
Title_Message5: '&aTitle 5'
SubTitle_Message5: '&aSubTitle 5'

#Action Bar Messages
ActionBar1: '&a Action Bar Message 1'
ActionBar2: '&a Action Bar Message 2'
ActionBar3: '&a Action Bar Message 3'
ActionBar4: '&a Action Bar Message 4'
ActionBar5: '&a Action Bar Message 5'

#Profession of the villager
Profession: 1

#Sign Text
Sign_Line_1: '&aLine 1'
Sign_Line_2: '&aLine 2'
Sign_Line_3: '&aLine 3'
Sign_Line_4: '&aLine 4'

#Add more messages if your views is greater than 5
#Template: Message<PositiveNumber>: <Text>
#Null so the chat message won't be displayed
-'&aMessage 2'
-'&aMessage 3'
-'&aMessage 4'
-'&aMessage 5'


Commands in red
Inputs(numbers) in blue

/stutorial A help menu and main command
/stutorial create LobbyId Use this to create a tutorial
/stutorial set {Npc, end, view} LobbyId ViewId Sets the locations
/stutorial clear If you're stuck with flying holograms use this
/stutorial leave/quit Quits the tutorial
/stutorial reload/rl Reload the config and the plugin
/stutorial start LobbyId Starts the tutorial with a command.


- Stutorial (Folder)
- README.txt
- STutorial_1.8.jar
- STutorial_1.9.jar
- STutorial_1.9.4.jar
- STutorial_1.10.jar
- TitleApi-1.7.3.jar


The installation is simple, you just need to drag the correct version of Stutorial in the plugins folder along with the TitleApi provided in the .zip and finally theStutorial folder found in the zip file.


1. You first want to create a tutorial for a lobby(if none then use a number that you'll remember).
2. After, your want to set the locations for the good lobby.
3. Then, customize your configs in the Informations.yml file.
4. Finally, reload the plugin or the server to see the effects!


stutorial.start Allows the player to start the tutorial
stutorial.commands Allows the player to execute commands
stutorial.starcmd Allows the player to start the tutorial with a
stutorial.signs Allows the player to start the tutorial with using a sign.


Create a sign like this:
Change LobbyId with the your lobby id


**Old video

Sorry for the bad english :D <3
Special thanks to ApertureSciences05 for the idea.


I spent many hours making this project so if you like it or enjoy the idea please donate a single $ to the project :D


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    FoxH @ FoxH: i found a page to see last resources i looked at but its limited