ServerSelectorPlus - Dynamic server gui selector!

 ServerSelectorPlus - Dynamic server gui selector! 2.0.2

▶ ChestCommands Support:
✔ Chest commands now works fine with this plugin. I've fixed this bug in last update. :)

▶ Introduction
✔ ServerSelectorPlus is ideal for lobby servers. The plugin has dynamic gui and servers sorting system.

▶ Requirements
✔ Java 7 or higher
✔ Bukkit/Spigot 1.7 or higher
✔ ProtocolLib

▶ Features
✔ Sorting system.
✔ Dynamic inventory.
✔ Multiple types of servers.
✔ Fully configurable.
✔ BungeeCord support.
✔ Commands and permissions.
✔ Vip mode.
✔ Modules support

▶ Installation
✔ Put the ServerSelectorPlus.jar into plugins folder.
✔ Restart or reload the server.
✔ Configure plugin.
✔ Reload the server or use /serversreload command (not recommended).
✔ Enjoy! :)

▶ Commands and Permissions

▶ Modules
✔ Modules works as same as bukkit plugins. When you put the module.jar to the modules folder, then you get more features. The default modules written by author can be downloaded with the plugin.

▶ Modules pack
✔ NPC BETA -With this module you can create your own npc, which opens the server menu. Use /npc to configure. To open npc menu you need to have permission To manage the npc you need to have permission npc.admin.

▶ Modules Installation

✔ Put the module.jar into the modules folder. (plugins/ServerSelectorPlus/modules)
✔ Restart the server.
✔ Enjoy! :)

▶ Configuration
✔ Messages configuration (config.yml):
Code (Text):
connecting: '&7Connecting to &6{NAME}&7...'
full: '&cServer is full.'
only-vip: '&cServer is in only-vip mode.'
invalid-motd: '&cServer is ingame.'
no-permission: '&cCheck your permissions.'
server-no-permission: '&cYou cannot join to that server!'
server-error: '&cThat server is not valid!'
invalid-type: '&cThat type not exists!'
player-not-online: '&cThat player is not online!'
menu-open-player: '&aOpenned servers menu to {PLAYER}!'
menu-open: '&aOpenned servers menu!'
plugin-reloaded: '&aPlugin reloaded!'
only-player: '&cThat command cannot be executed by console!'
menu-command: menu #Command to open the menu
✔ Servers configuration (types/YourTypeName.yml):
Code (Text):
'1': #The number of server. If you have to add more than 1 servers set this number to 1, 2, 3 and so on.
name: '&3Example Server' #Name of the server in gui
bungee-cord-server-name: Server-1 #Name of the server in bungee cord config
ip: localhost #Ip of the server
hide-motd: #List of motd when server is hided in gui
- ingame
- restarting
port: '25565' #Port of the server
join-item: '35:5' #Item in gui when you can join to server
vip-slots: '4' #Slots for vip. If your server has 20 slots and 4 slots for vip, players with permission can join when online players count is greater or equal to 16
vip-item: '35:4' #Item in gui when server is in only-vip mode
full-item: '35:14' #Item in gui when server is full
error-item: '35:15' #Item in gui when plugin cannot connect to server
online-item-amount: 'true' #If set to 'true', amount of item in gui is online players count
allow-full-join: 'false' #Allow to join full server
hide-if-full: 'true' #If set to 'true', server will be hidden in gui
permission: '-' #Permission to join. Set to '-' to disable
join-layout: #Layout in gui when you can join
- '&7Online: &6{ONLINE}/{MAX}'
- '&7Motd: &6{MOTD}'
full-layout: #Layout in gui when server is full
- '&7Online: &6{ONLINE}/{MAX}'
- '&7Motd: &6{MOTD}'
- '&cFull!'
error-layout: #Layout in gui when plugin cannot connect to server
- '&cError!'
vip-layout: #Layout in gui when server is in only-vip mode
- '&7Online: &6{ONLINE}/{MAX}'
- '&7Motd: &6{MOTD}'
- '&cOnly VIP!'

✔ Inventory configuration (inventory.yml):
Code (Text):
inventory-size: 54 #Size of the inventory
inventory-name: Servers #Name of the inventory
'1': '{SERVER}' #Put the {SERVER} string if you want to display server in this slot. Number '1' is the number of the slot.
'2': '267:0 name:&6<<_&aJoin_best_server amount:1' #You can add the bukkit materials to inventory. Note: in the name, spaces are replaced by _ .

▶ Screenshots



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File size
376.4 KB
First release
Last update
4.50 star(s) 2 ratings

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Great Stuff
If anyone was wondering the permission to open the menu is <3