
Another bank note plugin!?
Yes. And at the surface, that's all your playerbase needs to know. However for you, Server Admin, you will enjoy insights and history into your physical-note-economy that you previously never had access to.

What's different? SimpleWithdraw connects with the MySQL server you already use to power your game server. Because of this, we're able to give you stats and analytics on currency that exists on your server that previously was untrackable: Bank notes! On top of that, we can also prevent item duplication for bank notes, and even give you a heads up when someone tries.

If you have any current /withdraw or bank note system on your server, here's why you should change immediately:


  • Fully compatible with all economy plugins that integrate with Vault
  • MySQL based using UUIDs for notes, meaning one database works over multiple servers - even if you share items over multiple servers
  • Simple commands for players, just: /withdraw <#> or /withdraw all
  • Configurable withdraw fees - either a flat amount, percentage, or none
  • Configurable minimum withdraw amount
  • Configurable maximum withdraw amount
  • Commands to give specific notes to a player from a chosen signer, or give all online players a note
  • View the history of all note-related transactions (Withdraw history: A history of all notes a player has created, or Deposit history: A history of all notes a player has used)
  • Ability to void notes created by a specific player, or all notes, between a specified time. Voided notes will never be able to be deposited
  • Anti-dupe measures: Once a note has been used, it can never be used again, even if it was duplicated via an exploit or bug on your server. We'll even notify your staff when someone tries.
  • View total currency in circulation in un-deposited bank notes, average note value for what's in circulation, and the total number of notes in circulation
  • View the top 10 largest unused notes, what they're worth, and who created them
  • View the top 10 richest players based on notes they've created, but not used
  • Configurable "note" item to be anything you like, with any name, and any lore
  • Ability to issue "random" notes that can have values between two amounts
  • Extremely lightweight. Data is only loaded when needed, and all database calls are performed asynchronously
  • Extremely performant. The only command that may bog down with load is your statistics command, everything else is just inserts, updates, and searches.
  • Fail safe. If we lose connection with your database, the ability to create new withdraws and deposit current notes is suspended

Access an in-game help reference with /withdraw. You'll only see commands you have permission for.
  • /withdraw <#|all> - Withdraw a specific amount of money, or your entire balance
  • /withdraw give <Player|All> <$> [creator] - Give a specific player (or all online players) a bank note for the given value. If you specify a creator player, then these notes will be signed by the given player
  • /withdraw history w|d <Player> [since] [before] - View withdraw or deposit history for a player. If you don't specify since, it will default to 1 week before today, and if you don't specify before, it will default to current time
  • /withdraw void <Player|All> [since] [before] - Void created bank notes between the specified times. (Either all bank notes, or ones made by a specific player) If you don't specify since, it will default to 1 week before today, and if you don't specify before, it will default to current time
  • /withdraw stats - Provides you stats about notes in circulation, including total currency, amount of notes, average value, top 10 most valuable notes, and richest players based on notes
Random Value Notes
You can give a random value note with the /withdraw give command if you specify the amount in this format: #:# where the first value is the minimum amount, and the second value is the maximum amount.

Specifying Time
Time is specified using relative values. If I used /withdraw void all 1d, then all notes made in the past day would be void. You can also get extremely specific, such as: 1d5h30m10s for 1 day, 5 hours, 30 minutes, and 10 seconds.


  • simplewithdraw.withdraw - Grants the ability to withdraw your balance
  • simplewithdraw.admin - Grants the ability to use admin commands. Players MUST have this permission, as well as any of the following to access them:
  • simplewithdraw.give - Allows giving bank notes of any value
  • simplewithdraw.give.all - Allows giving bank notes to all players at once
  • simplewithdraw.void - Allows voiding bank notes
  • simplewithdraw.void.all - Allows voiding bank notes from all players (not just by a specific player)
  • simplewithdraw.history - Allows checking note history for players
  • simplewithdraw.stats - Allows viewing the stats for withdraws
  • simplewithdraw.notify - Allows you to view staff-only notifications


Default bank note. (Title, item, and lore are fully configurable.)


In-Game Help Reference


Staff notification when a player tries to deposit an already deposited note.


Player view, when they try to deposit an already deposited note


In-Game history lookup (Currency display is formatted by your eco plugin)


In-Game overview of your note-based economy (Currency display is formatted by your eco plugin)


  1. Ensure you're running a 1.8 server. Only 1.8 is tested and supported at this time. You accept risk for using this plugin on any other versions at this time.
  2. Download and install an economy plugin. (You likely already have one installed!)
  3. Download and install Vault - this will allow SimpleWithdraw to communicate with your economy plugin of choice
  4. Drag and drop SimpleWithdraw-Release.jar into your plugins folder, then restart your server. SimpleWithdraw-Release will not enable fully.
  5. Stop your server, then go to plugins/SimpleWithdraw/config.yml
  6. Enter the details for the MySQL database you want to connect SimpleWithdraw to. Make sure you use an already existing database. (SimpleWithdraw will make the table for you, but not the database)
  7. Configure any other aspects of the plugin that you like. Keep in mind that what your currency is called and how it's formatted is determined by your economy plugin, not SimpleWithdraw.
  8. Configure your permissions to determine who should have what.
  9. Start your server and enjoy!
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