Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9

Do battle with players in the sky! Loot chests for equipment, build bridges to other player's islands, raid the loot chest in the middle, and fight to be the last player standing.



  • Bungee Mode and Multi Arena Mode
  • MySQL or SQLite
  • Custom Economy
  • Stats
  • Kits
  • Sign System
  • Custom Chests


  • /sw reload
  • UUID Support
  • More Stats






  • COMING SOON - Official Test Server - Non Premium
  • - SimulaCraft - Premium (Multi Arena)
  • - Mine Sound - Non Premium (Multi Arena)
  • - Sky Craft
  • - Tacoland - Non Premium (Multi Arena)
  • - MCNetwork - Premium (Multi Arena)

  • skywars.admin - Access to all commands
  • skywars.admin.forcestart - Access to /sw forcestart
  • skywars.admin.spectate - Spectate Arenas in Game
  •,lshop - Open Lobby Kit Shop
  • skywars.settings.*
  • - Coins multiplier x2
  • - Coins multiplier x3
  • - Allow chat for players before game start
If you set true kit_permssion in config.yml, the players need the permission:
  • skywars.kit.kitname
  • skywars.kit.builder
  • skywars.kit.noobly


< > - Required
[ ] - Optional

EditMode true:
  • /sw create <Arena-Name> - Create new arena
  • /sw load <WorldName> - Load world in folder map
  • /sw tp <WorldName> - Teleport to another world
  • /sw addspawn - Add spawn point from arena
  • /sw removespawn [#] - Remove spawn point from arena (latest or specific)
  • /sw set <min/max> <number> - To set Min/Max players on the map where you are
  • /sw setspect - To set the spectator spawn on the map where you are
Lobby/MultiArena Commands:
  • /sw lobbyspawn - To set Lobby Spawn (Multi Arena Mode)
  • /sw addhologram - To add Hologram Stats (Multi Arena Mode)
  • /sw removehologram [#] - Remove Hologram Stat (latest or specific)
EditMode false:
  • /sw forcestart - To force start the arena where you are
  • /sw coins - Get your coins (Economy: Custom)
  • /sw coins add <amount> [PlayerName] - add coins himself/other player (Economy: Custom)
  • /sw coins remove <amount> [PlayerName] - remove coins himself/other player (Economy: Custom)
Lobby/MultiArena Commands:
  • /sw open lshop - To open Lobby Kit Shop
  • /sw join [ArenaName] - Join to first game available or specific game


  • Do not use EssentialsSpawn
  • Incompatible plugins:
    • Any plugin that set Scoreboards to players every time
    • Plugins to set Spawn and Respawn Point
  • Avoid the use of:
    • Multiverse-Core or other plugin to load worlds
  • SkyWars in mode Lobby require MySQL, if you don't have access to MySQL you can't use mode Lobby for BungeeCord Servers
  • Highly recommended use in server for only SkyWars (MultiArena)

Code (Text):
# -------------------------------- #
# By CookLoco
# Battle with players in the sky
# -------------------------------- #

# Check if exists a new update (RECOMMENDED YOU LEAVE TRUE)
check_updates: true

# Debug mode
# enable if you have some crash/error and need send me (CookLoco) the server log
debug: false

# Available languages:
# en: English (Default)
# es: Spanish
# nl: Dutch
locale: en

# Rows/Lines from the Kit Menu (WAITING GAME)
kitmenu_rows: 3

# If is true, players with the permission (skywars.kit.KitName) can buy this kit
kit_permission: false

# Enable it if you need setup an arena or spawn points
editmode: true

# Maximum time for every arena/game
maxtime: 1200

# Lobby coords [MultiArena/Lobby]
# type /sw lobbyspawn with editmode: true to set the Lobby Spawn
spawn: ''

# Bungee lobby server to teleport when player leave or game ends (BungeeMode)
lobby_server: Lobby

# Lobby server list for random tp (BUNGEECORD SERVERS)
- Lobby

# max slots used per generated chest (IN GAME)
max_items_types_chest: 15

# Economy types:
# Custom: included per default in SkyWars (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
# Vault: hook with Vault and other plugin like Essentials or iConomy
# PlayerPoints: hook with PlayerPoints
# Craftconomy3: hook with CraftConomy3
mode: Custom
# Currency set when you has been configured CraftConomy3 (Default: Dollar)
craftconomy3_currency: Dollar

# reward that receive every survivor when a player die
death: 1
# reward for kill some player
kill: 2
# reward for winner
win: 10

# Plugin Modes:
# BungeeMode: Only one game per server (better performance)
# MultiArena: Unlimited games per server (underperforming with many games)
# Lobby: Only Lobby System for Bungee Servers (before SkyWarsLobby)
plugin: MultiArena
# Auto Start when a game ends (BungeeMode)
bungee-autostart: true
# Select a random map from configured arenas
bungeerandom: true
# Select the same map all the time (BUNGEERANDOM MUST BE FALSE)
bungeemapset: default

# BungeeMode settings for Sign System (MySQL REQUIRED)
# enable if this server is in BungeeMode and you have other server (Lobby)
# with SkyWars in mode Lobby for the Sign System (MySQL REQUIRED IN BOTH SERVERS)
enabled: false
# bungee name that correspond to this server
bungeeid: SkyWars-1

# Types:
# SQLite: Local File (Default)
# MySQL: MySQL Server required
type: SQLite
# MySQL server address/ip
server: localhost
# database name
db: SkyWars
# MySQL User
user: root
# MySQL Port
port: 3306
# MySQL password
password: password
# Table name of player data
data: SkyWars_Data
# Table name of custom economy data
economy: SkyWars_Economy
# Table name of servers info
servers: SkyWars_Servers

# enable or disable weather in arena worlds
weather: false
# enable or disable mobs spawn in arena worlds
creaturespawn: false
# save inventory when player join to the game and restored when leave
saveInventory: true
# force teleport to spawn when a player join
forceLobbySpawn: true
# sequencial spawn points in arena
orderedSpawnPoints: true
# disable pvp in Lobby world
disablePvP-Outside-The-Arena: false
# disable all damage in Lobby
disableDamage-Outside-The-Arena: false
# enable or disable leave message when player leave from the server
leaveMessage: false
# enable or disable join message when player join to the server
joinMessage: false
# disable leave item (bed)
disableLeaveItem: false
# disable separated Tab per world (RECOMMEND YOU LEAVE FALSE FOR 1.8 & 1.9 SERVERS)
disablePerWorldTab: false
# disable separated chat per world
disablePerWorldChat: false
# disable spectator mode when player die
disableSpectatorMode-Death: false

# Commands blocked for players in game (in arena)
- help
- spawn
- home

In addition to these files, the plugin create others called "messages_xx" that contains all messages in different languages


Code (Text):
1) Drag SkyWars.jar in plugins folder (rootFolder/plugins/)

2) Start your server

3) Drag all arena worlds in "maps" folder generated in root directory (rootFolder/maps/)

4) Type /sw lobbyspawn to set Lobby Spawn Point

5) Create an arena with /sw create <ArenaName>

6) Load the Arena World with /sw load <ArenaName> (Must be the same that the created previously)

7) To teleport to the world type /sw tp <ArenaName>

8) Add spawn points with /sw addspawn

9) Set Max/Min players in arena, type: /sw set <min/max> <number>

10) Set Spectator Spawn with /sw setspect

11) Go to Lobby World with /sw tp <LobbyWorld>

12) Place a sign with the following format:

13) To create more arenas, repeat steps 5 to 13

14) When you finish to setup your arenas, stop your server

15) Change in config.yml the option "editmode" to false

16) Enjoy!

Code (Text):
1) Drag SkyWars.jar in plugins folder (rootFolder/plugins/)

2) Start your server

3) Drag all arena worlds in "maps" folder generated in root directory (rootFolder/maps/)

4) Create an arena with /sw create <ArenaName>

5) Load the Arena World with /sw load <ArenaName> (Must be the same that the created previously)

6) To teleport to the world type /sw tp <ArenaName>

7) Add spawn points with /sw addspawn

8) Set Max/Min players in arena, type: /sw set <min/max> <number>

9) Set Spectator Spawn with /sw setspect

10) To create more arenas, repeat steps 4 to 9

11) When you finish to setup your arenas, stop your server

12) Change in config.yml the option "editmode: true" to false

13) Change in config.yml the option "plugin: MultiArena" to "plugin: BungeeMode"

13.1. If you want map rotation (random) when a game ends, leave the option "bungeerandom" in true (required 2 or more configured arenas)

13.2. If you want only the map that you want, change "bungeerandom" to false and "bungeemapset: default" to "bungeemapset: ArenaName"

14) Enjoy!

Lobby Mode is only for BungeeCord servers (Lobby Server) and only work with MySQL.


Code (Text):
1) Drag SkyWars.jar in plugins folder (rootFolder/plugins/)

2) Start your server

3) Setup your MySQL and change "server enabled: false" to true in all Game Servers (SkyWars Servers in BungeeMode)

3.1. Change in all Game Servers the option "bungeeid" to the Bungee Server Name that correspond to the server

4) Setup your MySQL in your Lobby Server

5) Change in config.yml the option "plugin: MultiArena" to "plugin: Lobby"

6) Start all Game Servers

7) Start Lobby Server

8) Type /sw lobbyspawn to set Lobby Spawn Point

9) Place your signs with the following format:

10) Stop your Lobby Server and change in config.yml "editmode" to true

11) Start your Lobby Server

12) Enjoy!

Setup Video (Without Sound) - Multi Arena
Using latest spigot version (1.8.8)

Signs (Multi Arena Mode)


ArenaName is Optional in Rotation Mode

How to create a SkyWars Sign in your Lobby Server


Before buying this plugin you must read all, if you have any questions ask me via PM

When you buy this plugin, you agree to the following:
  • You know all features, limitations and requirements.
  • No refunds.
  • This plugin only can be used in your server or network.
  • I reserve the right to change these Terms at any time, and you agree to abide by the most recent version of this.
  • I'm not obligated to do updates, but that doesn't mean I wont update frequently the plugin.
  • Support is only given to the account who bought it. Support to "friends", "brothers", "developers" or "co-owners" will not be given.
  • The price may change at any time without notice.
  • If you want support or has some question, PM me or contact me via Skype.
  • If you contact me via Skype for support with the plugin, you need let me know what is your SpigotMC username and PayPal email with you bought the plugin.
  • You are responsible for what happens to the plugin after downloading. Accidental distribution or leaking will not be used as an excuse. You are responsible for the security of the plugin.
Last ToS changes: [02/06/2016]
Last Limitations Changes: [06/06/2016]
Last Requirement Changes: [24/04/2016]
Skype: kevinchat14

Latest updates

  1. Minor abilities fix

    Fix: Load for abilities
  2. Abilities!

    Added: Abilities! File: abilities.yml (With documentation) Automatically added in Shop Triple...
  3. Various fixes

    Fix: LeaderHeads stat: Wins Fix: Clear inventory fix Fix: Command crashes

Latest reviews

It was working fine until it said Please Contact black spigot 0x0
Fix now!
Update this por favor
exelect plugin men thanks
Please update this plugin :3
Actualiza el Plugin por favor y subelo asi como lo descargas no modifiques nada pls!! saludos crack!
yo lo subo tal cual como esta ya que lo subo de otra pagina
cuando la actualicen en la otra pagina subo el update
Reportame si quieres yo no copio yo lo saco de otra pagina si el lo saca de la pagina que yo no es mi culpa
Sigue sin funcionar..
Por favor para de copiar el recurso, yo lo estoy actualizando. :)
yo no te copio yo saco lo mio amigo así que para de decir que me copio gracias
up version pls :)
Amigo cuando inicio el server, me dice
[02:34:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [SkyWars] Enabling SkyWars v1.6
[02:34:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [SkyWars] [Loading all config files
[02:34:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [SkyWars] Disabling SkyWars v1.6"

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