SpaceStacker // Spawner Stacking | Spawner Upgrades | Item Stacking | Mob Stacking

SpigotVIP SpaceStacker // Spawner Stacking | Spawner Upgrades | Item Stacking | Mob Stacking 1.8

SpaceStacker // Spawner Stacking | Spawner Upgrades | Item Stacking | Mob Stacking
The Gist:
This plugin allows a simple and useful stacking/upgrading experience, this plugin reduces lag on servers by around 40% (Entity Lag). Servers this was made for are ones with game modes that are heavy on spawning mobs for example SkyBlock. This plugin also allows players a more unique experience with spawner upgrades where you upgrade the drops that the mob killed drops. This is an ever-expanding plugin and will grow with time if you would like to see something let me know and I'll see about adding it!

  • Vault
  • Holographicdisplays

/spacespawners give <player> <entitytype> <material> [amount] : This command gives the player specified the spawner that is input must have the "spacespawners.admin" permission.

/spacespawners reload : This command reloads all the upgrade types as well as settings/ messages once again requires the "spacespawners.admin" permission.

spacespawners.admin : This is currently the only permission available as I feel having too many permissions is a nuisance.


Above: shows an upgraded Zombie as well as spawner
Below: shows the default GUI for the SpaceStacker upgrades this is fully configurable (thankfully)

Everything that is text is configurable


The hovering item and text above spawners requires Holographic displays

Code (Text):

## ############# ##
## ############# ##
## ############# ##
## ############# ##
########## ##########
#### ####
#### ####
#### ############# ####
#### ############# ####
#### ############# ####
#### ############# ####
# SpaceStacker by Joeyoey <3
debug: false
inv-name: '&b%entity% Upgrade Spawner'
inv-size: 27 # must be multiple of 9 up to a maximum of 54
filler-material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
filler-data: 0 # this can allow you to choose the color of glass and stuff like that.
filler-name: ' ' # recommend it staying empty
color-for-upgrade-text: '&b'
- ''
- 'Cost: %cost%'
- '%costP%'
- ''
- 'This is already upgraded.'
- ''
savefrequency: 3000 # in ticks
holo-view-dist: 20 # requires protocolLib
merge-distance: 10
# Damage Causes required for the entire stack to die... can be found here
- 'FALL'
- 'LAVA'
max-spawner-stack: 10000
max-item-stack: 10000
max-entity-stack: 10000 # There is a hard cap at 10,000 as drop calculation is rough past that... This will be fixed in the future.

itemstack-mode: false # This enables a mode of which upgrades will be gotten as an itemstack which includes lore name and data!

nerf-mobs: true

stack-reasons: # detailed list of spawn reasons

entities: # You can add any and all entities as long as their name matches spigots Entity names. Just follow the below format.
cost: 100
slot: 11
#data: # these are active in Itemstack mode which is located above.
cost: 150
slot: 13
cost: 200
slot: 15

# Format for the spawner item in the inventory of the player.
name: '%entity% spawner'
lore: # Amount and Upgrade is NECCESARY otherwise plugin will assume only one spawner is placed or a null upgrade is placed.
- ' '
- 'Upgrade: %upgrade%'
- 'Amount: %amount%'
- 'Entity: %entity%%'
- ' '

# To any of these formats you can add or remove Color, placeholders and all the sorts.
# Name above the entity. Placeholders: %amt%, %mobType%, %drop%
entity-name-format: '%amt%x &b%mobType% &7&o(( %drop% ))' # None of these placeholders are required so you can remove them if you wish.

# Name above the items on the ground. Placeholders: %amt%, %matType%
item-name-format: '%amt%x &b%matType%' # None of these placeholders are required so you can remove them if you wish.

# Name above the spawners. Placeholders: %amt%, %mobType%, %drop%
spawner-name-format: '%amt%x &b%mobType% Spawner &7&o(( %drop% ))' # None of these placeholders are required so you can remove them if you wish.

# This is to enable/disable the floating item above the spawner showing the upgrade tier.
hover-upgrade-drop: true

# Sent to the player when they dont have a silk touch pick or they dont have the required permissions to mine the spawner.
no-silk: 'You dont have permission to keep broken spawners, you can get that permission here URL here' # Can use color codes for all text in the message area.

# This message is sent to the player when they purchase an upgrade in the upgrade menu.
purchase-success: 'You have successfully purchased %upgrade%'

# This message is sent to players when their purchase fails ( most often due to no money )
purchase-fail: 'You dont have the funds to do that.'

# This gives a message so the time to open the menu ( usually very fast async ) doesnt seem too long.
load: 'The menu is currently loading...'

# Message sent to player when they try to repurchase an upgrade.
already-upgraded: '&cYou have already gotten this upgrade...'

Q: Will you support 1.8?
A: Refer to this link The short answer is no to a degree, the main core features work, however, there are features that are 1.9+

Q: Can you just give this to me for free?
A: Short answer, No. The long answer is maybe but would take ALOT.

Q: I removed the amount and upgrade from the lore and its broken.
A: The plugin isn't broken, I don't want to use hidden utils to save upgrades and amounts to the item nor do I know if that's even persistent after restart so that's why the comment is there saying those two must be included in the lore. <3

Q: Will there be a developer API?
A: Yes, there will be one I just need to get around to putting it together!

Q: Why don't the spawner upgrades work with my island top plugin?
A: The API isn't out or you aren't using my Island Top plugin (Not currently released but will be very soon)

Q: Will you work for my server?
A: No, but thanks for asking.

Q: Why isn't this a spawner provider for ShopGUIPlus?
A: I fiddled around for longer on trying to get that to work than actually making the plugin itself. If I figure it out I'll update this. <3

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