Unlike the previous hot-fix update, this one is not required to download, but it provides many incremental improvements in the internals of Spartan's processes, so it's definitely recommended.
- The plugin will now max out its time division to 30 instead of 90 days.
- Completely rewritten a big part of KillAura check with new utilities and design, with the remaining awaiting completion.
- Introduced a new messages.yml configuration option named “console_name”.
- The Maximum Checked Players feature will now be more synchronized with its interactions.
- Major Incompatible plugins/features can now be toggled via compatibility.yml if you don’t want to account for them.
- Certain compatibilities were updated to work better on more recent versions of Minecraft.
- Completely rewritten the way the plugin understands yaw & pitch difference for more accurate calculations.
- Discordapp.com will now also work as a webhooks domain compared to only discord.com previously.
- Adjusted certain potion effect methods of the Player Data utilities to help improve detection stability.
- Adjusted the accuracy of the identification of jump movement down to 6 decimal places for less false positives.
- Did a general maintenance of many classes and replaced a lot of outdated & inefficient code.
- The previously secret option that allowed to toggle console logs has returned in settings.yml.
- Implemented new checks.yml options and removed old ones to adjust to the changes of the KillAura check.
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