A chat manager plugin, where with a command you can chat only with Admins, Mods, Staff, Helpers, Vips, Youtubers, Owners, Builders, Support, Manager and Developers! And only the people with the permission to use this command will read those messages!
- Checked support for versions 1.7.* and 1.8.* and 1.9.*
- The plugin accepts either spigot and craftbukkit!
- Developer Chat
- Manager Chat
- Owner Chat
- Builder Chat
- Vip Chat
- Youtuber Chat
- Support Chat
- Helper Chat
- Staff Chat
- Mod Chat
- Admin Chat
- You can edit the plugin's messages
- You can send the messages with a command
- You can send the messages with an alias
- You can send the messages toggling with out a command or alias toggling it on or off
- You can manage permissions
- You can set the format of the message
- You can config all the plugin and translate it in the config.yml
- You can change the messages colors (This messages are in the confg.yml file)
- BarAPI support
- This plugin has MCStats implemented!
- Enable and Disable system for the commands
- You can use the Enable and Disable system with commands
- Help tasks in the config.yml file
- Reload command
- More features will be added! Give ideas!
- /dev | Send a message to developers.
- /man | Send a message to managers.
- /o | Send a message to owners.
- /b | Send a message to builders.
- /v | Send a message to vips.
- /y | Send a message to youtubers.
- /supp | Send a message to support.
- /h | Send a message to helpers.
- /s | Send a message to staff.
- /mod | Send a message to mods.
- /a | Send a message to admins.
- /developerchat | Toggle DeveloperChat on or off so you dont have to do /dev everytime you send a message for Developers.
- /managerchat | Toggle ManagerChat on or off so you dont have to do /man everytime you send a message for Managers.
- /ownerchat | Toggle OwnerChat on or off so you dont have to do /o everytime you send a message for Owners.
- /builderchat | Toggle BuilderChat on or off so you dont have to do /v everytime you send a message for Builders.
- /vipchat | Toggle VipChat on or off so you dont have to do /v everytime you send a message for Vips.
- /youtuberchat | Toggle YoutuberChat on or off so you dont have to do /y everytime you send a message for Youtubers.
- /supportchat | Toggle SupportChat on or off so you dont have to do /supp everytime you send a message for Support.
- /helperchat | Toggle HelperChat on or off so you dont have to do /h everytime you send a message for Helpers.
- /staffchat | Toggle StaffChat on or off so you dont have to do /s everytime you send a message for the Staff.
- /modchat | Toggle ModChat on or off so you dont have to do /mod everytime you send a message for Mods.
- /adminchat | Toggle AdminChat on or off so you dont have to do /a everytime you send a message for Admins.
- /developertoggle | Enable or Disable Developer's commands without using the config.yml
- /managertoggle | Enable or Disable Manager's commands without using the config.yml
- /ownertoggle | Enable or Disable Owner's commands without using the config.yml
- /buildertoggle | Enable or Disable Builder's commands without using the config.yml
- /viptoggle | Enable or Disable Vip's commands without using the config.yml
- /youtubertoggle | Enable or Disable Youtuber's commands without using the config.yml
- /helpertoggle | Enable or Disable Helper's commands without using the config.yml
- /supporttoggle | Enable or Disable Support's commands without using the config.yml
- /stafftoggle | Enable or Disable Staff commands without using the config.yml
- /modtoggle | Enable or Disable Mod's commands without using the config.yml
- /admintoggle | Enable or Disable Admin's commands without using the config.yml
- ' } + message' Write this and you will send a Developer Message
- ' ] + message' Write this and you will send a Manager Message
- ' - + message' Write this and you will send a Owner Message
- ' = + message' Write this and you will send a Builder Message
- ' ! + message' Write this and you will send a Vip Message
- ' < + message' Write this and you will send a Youtuber Message
- ' _ + message' Write this and you will send a Support Message
- ' + + message' Write this and you will send a Helper Message
- ' * + message' Write this and you will send a Staff Message
- ' # + message' Write this and you will send a Mod Message
- ' @ + message' Write this and you will send an Admin Message
- staffandvipchat.* | Acces to all staffandvipchat commands!
- staffandvipchat.toggle.* | Acces to all staffandvipchat toggle commands!
- staffandvipchat.developer| Acces to /dev and /developerchat commands! Default: Default: OP's can use it
- staffandvipchat.manager| Acces to /man and /managerchat commands! Default: Default: OP's can use it
- staffandvipchat.owner| Acces to /o and /ownerchat commands! Default: Default: OP's can use it
- staffandvipchat.builder | Acces to /b and /builderchat commands! Default: Default: OP's can use it
- staffandvipchat.vip | Acces to /v and /vipchat commands! Default: Default: OP's can use it
- staffandvipchat.youtuber | Acces to /y and /youtuberchat commands! Default: Default: OP's can use it
- staffandvipchat.support | Acces to /supp and /supportchat commands! Default: Default: OP's can use it
- staffandvipchat.helper | Acces to /h and /helperchat commands! Default: Default: OP's can use it
- staffandvipchat.staff | Acces to /s and /staffchat commands! Default: OP's can use it
- staffandvipchat.mod | Acces to /mod and /modchat commands! Default: OP's can use it
- staffandvipchat.admin | Acces to /a and /adminchat commands! Default: OP's can use it.
- staffandvipchat.toggle.developer| Acces to /developertoggle command! Default: OP's can use it.
- staffandvipchat.toggle.manager| Acces to /managertoggle command! Default: OP's can use it.
- staffandvipchat.toggle.owner| Acces to /ownertoggle command! Default: OP's can use it.
- staffandvipchat.toggle.builder | Acces to /buildertoggle command! Default: OP's can use it.
- staffandvipchat.toggle.vip | Acces to /viptoggle command! Default: OP's can use it.
- staffandvipchat.toggle.youtuber | Acces to /youtubertoggle command! Default: OP's can use it.
- staffandvipchat.toggle.support | Acces to /supporttoggle command! Default: OP's can use it.
- staffandvipchat.toggle.helper | Acces to /helpertoggle command! Default: OP's can use it.
- staffandvipchat.toggle.staff | Acces to /stafftoggle command! Default: OP's can use it.
- staffandvipchat.toggle.mod | Acces to /modtoggle command! Default: OP's can use it.
- staffandvipchat.toggle.admin | Acces to /admintoggle command! Default: OP's can use it.
This is how you will see when someone of any group chat sends a message! (You can edit the colors and the prefix as you want!)
Groups that are not in this picture: Support, Owner, Manager and Developer. You can recommend more groups!
- Add more groups... Please send ideas!
You can download BarAPI plugin here: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/bar-api/ (This plugin is made by confuser).
With BarAPI you will see in the BossBar when you are in a group!
You can enable/disable this system. And if you dont have the plugin BarAPI, StaffAndVipChat will work perfecly.
NOTE: It is not recommended to use BarAPI in 1.8 versions, because minecraft has a bug with BossBar.
- [Temporal] The toggle commans were removed temporaly due to an inconvenience with the config.yml . (With the toggle commands i mean: /admintoggle ; /stafftoggle ; etc. The commands which change you the true/false of the enable. For now you can change it manually and then /staffandvipchat reload). In a future next version this commands will be readded! (They were removed in version 2.1.2, but maybe the were causing problem before)
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By purchasing and downloading the plugin you agree to:
1. Not -Redacted- this plugin, share any part of the code or resell it.
2. Only use the plugin on one server or network. And you can only run this plugin in the server/network you own.
3. Not edit any of the plugin's code, decompile the plugin, or take some parts of it.
4. You cant ask for a refund.
5. Not to give the plugin to anyone even your friends or family.
6. You will not post our source code online or offline any website.
7. If i ever stop updating this plugin, which I will try not to, you wont't get any refund. I am not obliged to update the plugin. That does NOT mean I won't update it.
8. You are purchasing virtual goods, not anything physical.
9. There will not be any legal actions against me.
10. I conserve the right to edit the plugin's price whenever i want.
11. I conserv the right to add, edit, or remove the Terms and Conditions whenever i want.
Discord Channel:
Thank you very much! If you have a question, I will be pleased to answer it. For reporting bugs, dont use the reviews, use the "Discuss this resource" section, or PM me!