Stickers [Huge images in Minecraft!]

 Stickers [Huge images in Minecraft!] 1.4.7

Stickers [Huge images in Minecraft!]

Have you ever wanted to share a funny picture with your friends on your server? Or do you want to decorate your enviroment with any picture from the world wide web? If yes, take a look at this tool, which is also a perfect perk for Donators ;).
Completely without mods or dependencies!




There are basically two different stickers: temporary and permanent ones. The temporary stickers are intendend for things like sharing funny pictures, the permanent ones for decorating your house or spawn permanently ;).
  • Download any image from the world wide web
  • Place any picture at plugins -> Stickers -> images, and it will be added on startup!
  • Basically the stickers can have every size - also 20*30 blocks! (This will use a lot of ram while creating and it isn't recommended to create such big stickers)
  • Save the stickers persistently or just until the next restart
  • Place the stickers everywhere, so everyone can see them
  • Configurable cooldown for temporary stickers
  • GUI with information when right-clicking a sticker: Ability to report (User) and delete (Admin) the sticker
  • Ability to monitor your users: print out every action related with the sticker like placing or downloading (Click on the message in the chat to teleport to the user)
  • Retrieve information about a sticker (name, id, url, creator) with the new command /stickerinfo
  • Ability to set a cooldown for downloading and placing stickers to prevent spamming
  • Ability to set a maximum download size for a picture to prevent lagging because of big pictures
  • Load already created pictures, so you don't need to download them again
  • Too long URL? Add three points at the end of the URL and split it
  • [NEW] Define sticker packs which your users can have access to - a great perk if you don't want your players to download pictures!
  • Limit the amount of permanent stickers a player can place


Here are all commands and permissions listed. Note: Instead of /sticker, you can write /s and instead of /permsticker, you can also write /ps.
  • /sticker <URL>: Downloads an image from the world wide web, the URL needs to end with ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg" or ".gif" (moving pictures aren't supported yet)
    Permission: ""
  • /sticker <number>: Load an already existing sticker with an ID, mostly you won't need this command
    Permission: "sticker.load"

  • /permsticker <name> <url>: Downloads an image and saves it with the defined name. The name is needed to remember the image ;)
    Permission: ""
  • /permsticker list: This sends a message with the name of every saved sticker (Here you see the name again!)
    Permission: "permsticker.list"
  • /permsticker all: Opens a GUI with every saved sticker
    Permission: "permsticker.all"
  • /permsticker <name>: Loads a sticker with the defined name
    Permission: "permsticker.load"
  • /permsticker placedstickers <playername> [reset]: Get the amount of placed stickers by a player - only works, if the config value of "general.maximumplaceamount" is > 0
    Permission: "sticker.op"

  • /permsticker <name> <URL> NumberX*NumberY: Creates a big sticker with the given name - NumberX is the amount of blocks how long it will be, NumberY is the amount of blocks how high it will be (Note - as cool as this feature is: it is highly recommended that you don't give this permission to anyone, because it causes small lags while downloading (It has to split a big image into a lot of chunks) and uses a lot of space - a 20*30 sticker contains 600 small stickers, keep that in mind!)
    Permission: ""
  • /permsticker <name> big: Loads a big sticker. This works only if you've created the sticker with the command above before
    Permission: "permsticker.load.big"

  • /packitem: Returns the "Pack Manager"-Item - see beneath at pack-information
    Permission: "sticker.pack"

  • /stickerinfo <name>: Get Information (name, ID, URL, creator) about a sticker
    Permission: "sticker.op" (see beneath)
With the permission "sticker.op" you will recieve the monitor messages, and you will be able to delete stickers. Furthermore you won't need any other permission, because this one includes all the other ones.


You don't want to give your users the permission to download stickers from the world wide web? No problem, you can define custom sticker-packs with permissions! You can have unlimited sticker-packs, and every pack can have unlimited stickers. As a user, you have to type /packitem to receive the item. Then right-click a wall - a GUI with every pack you have the permission for will pop up. When clicking on a pack in the GUI, another GUI with the stickers (you have the permission for) will appear. Then you have to click on a sticker and it will be placed.

The Configuration of sticker-packs may seem to be a bit complicated at the beginning, but it is actually pretty straightforward. Here is an example config with two sticker-packs:

Code (Text):
# +------------------------------------------------------+
# | |
# | S t i c k e r s |
# | |
# | |
# +------------------------------------------------------+

#general options
#What is the maximum size of a downloaded picture? (To prevent lags because of extremely big images) (in kb -> 1000 would be 1mb)
maximumdownloadsize: 3000

#Should the plugin broadcast the actions of players (downloading, placing etc) to every staff with the permission "sticker.op"?
notificateactions: true

#If you are in survival, should the sticker item be removed after using?
removeitem: true

#Should temporary stickers be saved permanently, too? (This may take some space, depending on the size of your server - make sure to delete the images from time to time)
savetempstickers: false

#sticker options
#The time until a sticker vanishes (in seconds)
decaytime: 60
#The cooldown until a player can download the next image (To prevent lags and spamming) (in seconds)
downloadcooldown: 30
#The cooldown until a player can post the next sticker (To prevent spamming) (in seconds)
placecooldown: 15

#permanent sticker options (These are stickers which won't vanish!)
#The cooldown until a player can download the next image (To prevent lags and spamming) (in seconds)
downloadcooldown: 60
#The cooldown until a player can post the next sticker (To prevent spamming) (in seconds)
placecooldown: 15

packs: #<-here begins the sticker pack section

foodpack: #<-this is the id for the first pack
name: '&aFood Pack' #<-this is the name which will be displayed when opening the GUI
- '&8May contain nuts!' #<-this is the first line of the lore which will be displayed
- '&8..Or Bacon' #<-this is the second line
stickers: #<- Beginning of the sticker-section. Here is every sticker of the food pack
firststicker: #<-identifier of the first sticker
name: '&cBacon Sticker' #<-name of the first sticker
lore: #<-lore of the first sticker
- '&7Tasty!'
imagepath: bacon.png #path to the image: this is the name of the image in the folder "images"
secondsticker: #<-identifier of the second sticker
name: '&6 Bread Sticker'
- '&7Not as tasty as bacon!'
imagepath: bread.png

mysecondpack: #<- identifier of the second pack
... #repeat the scheme
After "secondsticker" you can also add another sticker in the same scheme, and also the same for the packs. This will lead to unlimited packs and stickers per pack.

The permission for a pack is "sticker.pack.<pack-id>", in this example it would be "sticker.pack.foodpack" for the first pack.
The permission for a sticker in a pack is "sticker.pack.<pack-id>.<sticker-id>" - in this example "sticker.pack.foodpack.firststicker" and "sticker.pack.foodpack.secondsticker".

If you need help when configuring the packs, send me a pm and I'll help :).


This plugin uses the particle effect library by Darkblade12, great job :)
Because of minecraft, it isn't possible to have a bigger resolution than 128x128.

Any questions left? Post it in the discussion thread, I am looking forward to awnser your questions! :)


Finally, here are some screenshots :)


This is an example of a big sticker - but of course it can be any image ;).


This is what the chat monitoring looks like - you can click on the chat message and you will be teleported.


This would be a good example for a temporary sticker - a funny picture to share with your friends ;)


Like the sticker above


You could use this as a permanent sticker - maybe some people would like extra ores :)




And now some gifs:

This is the information GUI for an admin


Unfortunately, the resolution is a bit low. But all I do is typing "/s <URL>", then I'm getting the sticker and placing it ;)


Here you can see a temporary sticker with a very small decay time, of course it is much higher by default and also customizable.

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