Sudden Death >> 30+ New Features! | Mob Abilities | Survival/Realistic Features | GUI

 Sudden Death >> 30+ New Features! | Mob Abilities | Survival/Realistic Features | GUI 1.4

Sudden Death >> 30+ New Features! | Mob Abilities | Survival/Realistic Features | GUI
LEAKERS NOTE: This resources is donated by @Demonsphere
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Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12
Contributors: DarkBlade12 (ParticleEffect API)
Tired of your old & easy survival worlds? Try Sudden Death.
It'll give you a hard time surviving and will add extra uniqueness to your server by implementing a lot of different hardcore features and cool new abilities to monsters.


New mechanics!
  • Bleeding: players can start bleeding anytime when taking damage! Bleeding deals damage on time and can be stopped using a Bandage.
  • Infection: a zombie attack can cause an Infection to a player. He will slowly lose life and see strong halucinations (confusion and strange background noises). Infection can be stopped using a Strange Brew.
Rare hardcore events
Each of these events has a chance to appear when night arrives.
  • During a Bloodmoon, only zombies with Speed, Resistance and Strength will spawn. Players take additional damage and are slowed when taking damage.
  • Thunderstorm: lightning bolts randomly appear around players. Lightning bolts deal additional AoE damage and knockback.
Survival features
  • Monsters deal insane damage and are more difficult to kill.
  • Monsters walk way faster.
  • Players get slowed down when hit by an arrow.
  • Players walk slower when wearing an iron, gold or diamond armor set.
  • Players get permanent nausea when hungry.
  • High falls cause players to be slowed down for a few seconds.
  • Players drop bones, raw human flesh and a custom skull.
  • Players take damage when punching stone.
  • Players can get an electricity shock when walking on redstone wires, torches, repeaters and comparators.
  • Coal ores can explode when mined by players.
Monster abilities
  • Monsters can deal critical strikes when attacking players.
  • Silverfishes spawn when zombies die.
  • Spiders can powerfully leap on players.
  • Creepers can explode when dying.
  • Players get blinded when hitting endermen, shulkers, endermites and enderdragons.
  • Players get poisoned when hitting slimes.
  • Skeleton arrows shock players for a few seconds (quickly move their camera; really annoying).
  • Zombies get mad (Speed & Strength) when taking damage.
  • Skeleton can throw exploding & player-killing bone grenades!
  • Spiders shoot slowing and damaging cobwebs at players!
  • Magma cubes, pigmen and blazes can reflect player attacks using a magma shield.
  • Blazes can summon beams of fire that ignite nearby players.
  • Witches can summon a magical shield to block player attacks.
  • Witches summon old runes (linear projectiles) that attack nearby players and slow them down.
  • Wither Skeletons can quickly blink to players, dealing damage.
  • Wither Skeletons can fire damaging coal pieces.

New monsters
  • Undead Gunners, zombies shooting exploding rockets at players!
  • Bone Wizards, skeletons that can summon firebolts and ice curses to kill players.
  • Freddy, an enderman who can be summoned when a player leaves his bed. boo!
Custom mob system!
You can create custom monsters with configurable stats and spawn chance! List of editable tags:
  • Attack Damage (1.9+)
  • Maximum Health
  • Movement Speed (1.9+)
  • Right & Left Hands
  • Equipment (Helmet -> Boots)
  • Display Name
  • Enchantments & leather armor colors for equiped items
  • Spawn Chance
  • Potion Effects

5 Custom Difficulties
Players can select among the 5 different difficulties the one that fits the most their playstyle! Difficulties increase damage taken by all sources and reduce the players' health bar length.
The difficulties are:
  • Sandbox (100% damage, 20 max health)
  • Difficult
  • Hardcore
  • Death Wish
  • Sudden Death (200% damage, 10 max health): players with no armor get annihilated by a stone sword attack.
Admin and player GUI
  • Admins can use the admin GUI (/sds admin) to see all features, and to disable/enable them.
  • Players can access a status GUI that shows them if they're bleeding, infected.. by using /sds.

Cool particle effects for each ability!

/sds shows your current status (bleeding, infected...).
/sds admin opens up the Admin GUI, where operators can freely enable and disable features.
/sds get <item_name> gives you a specific plugin item.
/sds itemlist shows every custom item, and how to get them.
/sds reload reloads the configuration file (pretty useless).
/sds clean removes bleeding, infected... effects.
/sds help shows the available commands.

/sdmob create <type> <mob-id> creates a new custom monster.
/sdmob remove <type> <mob-id> deletes an existing monster.
/sdmob edit <type> <mob-id> opens the Mob Editor GUI.
/sdmob list type shows supported monster types.
/sdmob list <type> shows every custom mob of a certain type.

suddendeath.status allows you to open the status GUI. It is supposed be the only permission normal players have.
suddendeath.op allows you to do every other OP plugin command.

This section is made to show you how the plugin configuration looks like. As new features get added in every update, these lists won't be updated. These config files correspond to the config files.

Almost every value is configurable!

Go in the modifiers.yml file in order to change the values you want.
In-game, configurable values appear in white in the Admin GUI.
  additional-dmg-percent: 25.0
  damage: 0.5
  chance-percent: 10.0
  damage: 0.5
  chance-percent: 15.0
  slow-duration: 3.0
  shock-duration: 2.0
  chance-percent: 35.0
  min: 1.0
  max: 2.0
Configurable items' names, descriptions and crafting recipes.
Special items can be customized in the items.yml file.
Item changes will apply after a server reload.
  name: Bandage
  - Stops §nBleeding§r.
  craft-enabled: true
  name: Strange Brew
  - Stops §nInfection§r.
  craft-enabled: true

Translatable in-game messages
Every message and every text in the status GUI is translatable via the language/messages.yml file.
"Admin" messages are currently not translatable as the most important are the messages the players can see.
now-bleeding: You are now bleeding. Quickly find a bandage or you'll die within seconds.
now-infected: You're starting to feel very wieird...
use-strange-brew: You are no longer infected.
use-bandage: You cured all your wounds.
gui-name: Your Status
gui-bleeding-name: Bleeding
- You are slowly losing life! Quickly
- find or craft a bandage to stop bleeding!
gui-infected-name: Infected
- You're feeling very wieird.. Find a
- Strange Brew to stop that.
gui-no-special-status-name: No special status
- You seem clean.. for now.
not-enough-perms: You don't have enough permissions.
open-trapped-dungeon-chest: The chest you opened happened to be trapped!
Data storage (bleeding/infected...)
Player status data is stored in the \userdata folder using UUIDs.
Do not ever change these files. You might experience serious bugs.
armor-equipped: []
bleeding: false
infected: false
config.yml file (per world configuration)
Choose in which worlds each feature is enabled.
You can change these values manualy, but this will require a /sds reload for the changes to apply.
- world
- world
- world
- world
- world
- world
- world


While downloading the plugin, you agree to the following:
  • You are not allowed to -Redacted-, resell, or give this plugin to anyone else.
  • You are not allowed to modify or decompile the plugin.
  • You can only use it for your network.
  • You are allowed to download this plugin from the official site only.
  • Bugs may be reported in the discussion section.
  • I reserve the right to change the terms at any time; therefore you have to agree the most recent version of them.
  • You will not receive any refund.
Support me by donating here ;)

Latest reviews

Update plase
Good plugin but need update to latest version.

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