SuperLuckyBlock - NOW WITH WANDS! - The LuckyBlock Plugin That Gives You FULL Control!

 SuperLuckyBlock - NOW WITH WANDS! - The LuckyBlock Plugin That Gives You FULL Control! 3.3.5 (Downgraded)

SuperLuckyBlock - NOW WITH WANDS! - The LuckyBlock Plugin That Gives You FULL Control!

3.0.0 has been released! A lot of features have been added and things like the config and other features have been improved!
Because of this, support for any versions below 3.0.0(yes, even the alpha and the beta) has been dropped immediately. Please upgrade ASAP.


Always wanted to have luckyblocks in your server, but you don't want to install the mod?
Are your players getting bored, and do they want something new?
Are you getting bored of those overused lootboxes?

If you answered yes to any of these questions SuperLuckyBlock is THE plugin you are searching for!

SuperLuckyBlock is a luckyblock plugin which gives you FULL control over its features.
You are able to create your own surprises, create your own custom luckyblocks, edit settings of existing surprises and much more!
The best thing is that you are able to use SuperLuckyBlock in any way you want!


Custom Surprises
Exclusive to SuperLuckyBlock: create your own surprises and modify them to your own likings.
Spawn mobs, drop items, create buildings, execute commands or all of these at once!

Custom LuckyBlocks
SuperLuckyBlocks allows you to create your own CUSTOM luckyblocks.
You are able to set the skin of the skull, require a permission, create custom surprises and more!
You are able to use these as lootbox, a donation perk or just a block that is craftable.

Wands are special weapons which all do different, special things. They can shoot entities, spawn lightning or even heal the player. Because the feature is relatively new(added in 3.0.0), there are only 6 wands at the moment. What these wands do can be found in the spoiler below:

- Slime Wand - Lets the player shoot a slime of configurable size.
- TNT Wand - Shoots a primed TNT.
- Blaze Wand - Shoots a blaze.
- Fireball Wand - Shoots a configurable amount of fireballs with a 0.5 second delay.
- Lightning Wand - Strikes lightning on the block the player is aiming at.
- Heal Wand - Heals the player with the configured amount of health.

Custom Skull Textures
SuperLuckyBlock allows you to use skin textures from websites like by using their texture url(example: You can also use a player's skin.

Chance Based Surprises
Surprises in SuperLuckyBlock aren't just randomly selected, they use a chance system so you can decide which surprises are rarer than the other ones!
Don't want to see everyone walking around with a pretty strong lucky sword? No problem! Just lower the chance and it should be solved!

Only getting luckyblocks from crafting would be boring, right?
That's why SuperLuckyBlock contains a system named LuckyActions!

LuckyActions gives your players a configurable chance to get a luckyblock while performing certain actions in the game.
This makes being active on your server more fun and rewarding.
Currently supported actions are:
- Mining
- Other actions will be added later!

Custom Messages
SuperLuckyBlock allows you to add message to each surprise, including custom surprises!

Crafting Recipe
LuckyMining isn't the only way to get luckyblocks.
You are able to enable and customize a crafting recipe, so your players are able to craft the luckyblocks.

Buying and Selling
Want your players be able to buy or sell luckyblocks?
This is possible with the sell and buy signs SuperLuckyBlock provide.
Easily allow your players to buy or sell luckyblocks for the prices you specified in the config.
This feature requires Vault and an economy plugin(Essentials for example).

See the compatibility section if you want to know how to create the signs.

1.14 support
Most luckyblock plugins don't support 1.14 yet, but with SuperLuckyBlock you are able to enjoy luckyblocks on 1.14!

PlaceholderAPI support
PlaceholderAPI can be used to display information of SuperLuckyBlock and the player data collected.
More info can be found in the compatibility section.

Full control
SuperLuckyBlock allows you to change and manage a lot of things.
You can disable luckyblocks in a specific world, you can set permissions, change the skull skin, customize the sound and particles on break and a lot more.

Premium support
I always try to reply within 24 hours and reported bugs will be solved as fast as possible.
If you have any questions, suggestions or found any bugs, don't hesitate to contact me!


In my opinion luckyblocks make survival way more fun. Players like testing their luck.
Will they get a lucky sword, or maybe an explosion? It makes their experience a bit more unique and fun.

Lucky Skywars
You can give your skywars minigame a unique twist by adding luckyblocks to it.
I recommend adding some extra custom surprises like buildings so it's even more fun!

With the use of sponge mode you can use sponges in your prison mines to make mining a lot more interesting, fun and rewarding for your players!

Other Minigames
You can use SuperLuckyBlock with any minigame that allows you to break blocks as long as it saves your map or rolls it back.

You know, those boxes most popular servers use? Not that unique right?
What if you give your players luckyblocks as reward?
They can use them anywhere they want and get a nice (or not so nice) surprise.

Of course you can use luckyblocks just for fun.
You could play with your friends, create maps or staircases with luckyblocks and do a luckyblock race or just see who is the luckiest. Everything is possible!



Why should I choose SuperLuckyBlock?
SuperLuckyBlock provides you a lot of features and customization that you usually don't see in other luckyblock plugins. New features are also constantly being added.

Will SuperLuckyBlock cause any lag?
No, I try to keep the performance as good as possible and will try to fix any performance issues.
No one likes a laggy server.

I hate surprise X, am I able to disable it?
Yes, all surprises can be disable by setting their chance to 0.

Could you implement surprise X?
I will be able to implement most ideas when suggested.
Please contact me so we can talk about it and work it out.

Players get too much luckyblocks from LuckyMining. How can I solve this?
Try to lower the chance in the LuckyMining section.
You can also try to enable the timeout or set the timeout time to a higher value.

Is there a developer API available for SuperLuckyBlock?
Yes there is! You can find the javadocs here:


Minecraft 1.8 or higher is required.
Java 8 or higher is required.
Other plugins listed below are optional.

SuperLuckyBlock contains one placeholder at the moment:
%superluckyblock_luckyblocksbroken% - allows you to display the amount of blocks broken.

SuperLuckyBlock supports the buying and selling of luckyblocks via signs.
You will need Vault and an economy plugin(you can just use essentials if you don't know one).

You can create the signs by entering the following:

Line 1: [SLB]
Line 2: buy
Line 3: the name of the luckyblock file without .yml
Line 4: the price

Line 1: [SLB]
Line 2: sell
Line 3: the name of the luckyblock file without .yml
Line 4: the price

WorldEdit is required to spawn buildings when using custom building surprises.
This feature can only be used on Minecraft 1.12.2 and below at the moment.


- /slb help - shows the help page
- /slb give <amount> [player] - gives yourself or a player the amount of luckyblocks specified
- /slb giveall <amount> - Give all players in the server the specified amount of luckyblocks.
- /slb givecustom <player> <luckyblock filename> <amount> - Give a player a custom luckyblock. Filename is CaSe-SeNsItIvE.
- /slb debug - Generates and uploads a debug report. Please include this when reporting a bug or when asked for.


- - gives you permissions to use /slb help
- superluckyblock.give - gives you permission to use /slb give
- superluckyblock.giveall - gives you permission to use /slb giveall
- superluckyblock.createsign - gives you the permission to create signs starting with [SLB]
- superluckyblock.luckymining - allows luckymining when LuckyMining.EnablePermission is enabled in the config.
- superluckyblock.notify - Notifies a user when an update is available.
- superluckyblock.givecustom - gives you permission to use /slb givecustom
- superluckyblock.debug - gives you permission to use /slb debug


You can find the default configurations in the spoiler below. You can check them to see all the features SuperLuckyBlock has to offer.

#                                                 #
#    SuperLuckyBlock By SickSkillz at SpigotMC    #
#                Config Version: v3               #
#                                                 #

 # This will be appended to any message the plugin sends.
  Prefix: "&e&lSLB >> &f"
  # When a player is given a luckyblock or receives a luckyblock while mining, drop the luckyblock on the
  # player instead of adding it to the inventory.
  # When disabled, players can't receive luckyblocks when their inventory is full.
  DropOnGive: true
   # When enabled, it will broadcast a message on every luckyblock break.
    Enabled: false
    # The message which will broadcast.
    # %player% will be replaced with the user which broke the block.
    # %surprise% will be replaced by the executed surprise. The names of the surprises are currently hardcoded.
    # PlaceholderAPI is supported.
    Message: '%player% broke a LuckyBlock and got %surprise%!'
   # When enabled, an actionbar will be send to the player after breaking the luckyblock. Currently doesn't work on 1.14
    Enabled: false
    # The message which will be sent.
    # %player% will be replaced with the user which broke the block.
    # %surprise% will be replaced by the executed surprise. The names of the surprises are currently hardcoded.
    # PlaceholderAPI is supported.
    Message: 'You broke a luckyblock and got %surprise%!'
   # When enabled, a title will be sent to the player on break. Currently doesn't work on 1.14.
    Enabled: false
    # The title to send(top line).
    # %surprise% will be replaced by the executed surprise. The names of the surprises are currently hardcoded.
    # PlaceholderAPI is supported.
    Title: "&e&lSuperLuckyBlock"
    # The title to send(top line).
    # %surprise% will be replaced by the executed surprise. The names of the surprises are currently hardcoded.
    # PlaceholderAPI is supported.
    Subtitle: "You broke a luckyblock and got %surprise%!"
    # Fade in effect in seconds.
    FadeIn: 1
    # How long the title will stay on screen in seconds.
    Duration: 2
    # Fade out effect in seconds.
    FadeOut: 1
   # When user breaks a luckyblock in the worlds written in this list, it will not give any surprises. Worlds are case-insensitive.
   - Example1
    - Example2
    # Prevent players from placing luckyblocks in disabled worlds.
    DenyPlace: false
    # Prevent players from Breaking luckyblocks in disabled worlds.
    DenyBreak: false
    Enabled: true
    # Effect names can be found here:
    ParticleEffect: FLAME
    # The amount of particles.
    ParticleAmount: 200
  # Sound settings
    Enabled: true
    # Sound names can be found here:
    # For 1.9 and 1.8 they can be found here:

   # If you enable this, specified blocks can't be exploded by ANYTHING.
    Enabled: false
    # Valid modes:
    # 1 - Whitelist - Protect listed blocks
    # 2 - Blacklist - Protect all blocks except the listed onces.
    # NOTE: The mode should be entered as a number!
    Mode: 1
    # Block list:
    # Format: (block name):(data value)
    # If you don't know the data value enter 0.
   - STONE:6 # Polished Andesite
    - STONE:4 # Polished Diorite

   # When enabled you have a chance of getting a luckyblock when mining.
    Enabled: true
    # The chance of getting a luckyblock
    Chance: 5.0
    # When true, player require the permission superluckyblock.luckymining to get lucky blocks while mining.
    UsePermission: false
    # When true, players with creative mode won't get any luckyblocks while mining.
    DontAllowCreative: false
    # The minimum Y coordinate(depth) a user has to be on to get rewarded. To disable, set to anything above your max build height (default height: 256).
    MinimumYLevel: 300
    # Places the block instead of giving it to the player. Useful for prison servers.
    PlaceInsteadOfDrop: false
      Enabled: true
      Message: 'You got a luckyblock from mining!'
      Enabled: true
      Effect: FLAME
      Amount: 200
      Enabled: true
    # Timeout specifies how long a user has to wait in seconds before having a chance to get another lucky block while mining
      Enabled: true
      Time: 60
      Enabled: false
       # When a player has one of the permissions the chance of getting a luckyblock while mining the chance you specified will be used. 7
        superluckyblock.luckymining.mod: 9
     # Prevents players from getting luckyblocks from placed blocks. May use a lot of ram on bigger servers as all block places are kept in memory. Small servers should probably enable this.
      # This won't prevent players from getting luckyblocks after a server restart!!
      BlockPlaceAbuse: false
    # Players only have a chance to get a luckyblock by mining the blocks specified below.
   - STONE
    - GOLD_ORE
    - IRON_ORE
    - COAL_ORE
# All options related to buying and selling luckyblocks.
# NOTE: You will need vault and an economy plugin for this!
# This plugin doesn't provide an economy system!
 #When true, players with creative mode can't buy or sell luckyblocks.
  DontAllowCreative: false

 # Prevents breaking by water and lava.
  PreventBreakingByWater: true
  # Drop the luckyblock when you right click on it while placed.
  DropOnRightClick: false
  # Opens the luckyblock when you right click one.
  # Make sure that DropOnRightClick isn't enabled if you want to use this feature.
  OpenOnRightClick: false
  # When true, no player data for this plugin will be saved. Useful for minigames.
  # This will disable a few features, currently these are: placeholders and banning.
  DontSavePlayerData: false
  # When true, players with creative mode aren't allowed to break luckyblocks while in creative mode.
  DontAllowCreative: false

 # Check if a new update is available on startup
  CheckUpdate: true


 # Please note that all messages start with the PluginSettings.MessagePrefix except the HelpMessage.
  1LBReceived: 'You received a luckyblock.'
  AmountNotSpecified: 'You need to specify the amount of luckyblocks.'
  ConfigReloaded: 'The config has been reloaded!'
  DisabledWorldBreak: "You are not allowed to break luckyblocks in this world."
  DisabledWorldPlace: "You are not allowed to place luckyblocks in this world."
  GiveallBroadcast: '%sender% gave everyone in the server %amount% luckyblocks!'
  MultipleLBReceived: 'You received %amount% luckyblocks.'
  NoInteger: 'The amount must be a number.'
  NoPermission: "You don't have permission to use this command."
  PlayerGave1LB: '%sender% gave you a luckyblock.'
  PlayerNotFound: 'Player %target% not found. Make sure this player is online!'
  PlayerNotSpecified: 'You need to specify the player you want to give the luckyblock.'
  TooManyArguments: 'Too many arguments! Usage: /slb give <amount> [player]'
  WrongUsage: 'Wrong command usage! Use /slb help for help.'
 - "&cBecause you didn't specify a command this help page is shown."
  - '&e&lSuperLuckyBlock Commands'
  - '&e<> = required [] = optional'
  - '&f/slb help - Shows this help page.'
  - '&f/slb give <amount> [player] - Gives you or a player a luckyblock.'
  - '&f/slb giveall <amount> - Give all players in the server the amount of luckyblocks.'
  - '&f/slb givecustom <player> <luckyblock name> <amount> - Give a player a custom luckyblock. Luckyblock name must be the same as the file, without .yml.'
 # You can add messages for any surprise you want, these are just examples.
  # Please be sure to enter the exact name of the surprise.
  # You can find the names in default.yml.
  LavaHole: "You feel the floor disappearing..."
  RandomBlocks: "Enjoy some random blocks :)."
  TamedWolf: "WOOF!"


 # Time between wand usage.
  Cooldown: 30
    Enabled: true
    DisplayName: "&a&lSlime Wand"
    Material: SLIME_BALL
    # A higher multiplier means that a slime thrown further, a lower multiplier means it will land closer to the player.
    StrengthMultiplier: 2
    # 1, 2 and 4 are natural sizes. Minimum: 1, Maximum 256.
    SlimeSize: 4
    # The number of times a wand can be used before it breaks.
    Uses: 10
    Enabled: true
    DisplayName: "&4&lTNT Wand"
    Material: STICK
    # A higher multiplier means that a slime thrown further, a lower multiplier means it will land closer to the player.
    StrengthMultiplier: 0.15
    Uses: 10
    Enabled: true
    DisplayName: "&6&lBlaze Wand"
    Material: BLAZE_ROD
    # A higher multiplier means that a slime thrown further, a lower multiplier means it will land closer to the player.
    StrengthMultiplier: 1
    Uses: 10
    Enabled: true
    DisplayName: "&c&lFireball Wand"
    Material: FIREBALL
    FireballAmount: 4
    Uses: 10
    Enabled: true
    DisplayName: "&b&lLightning Wand"
    Material: NETHER_STAR
    # The maximum range of blocks a player can fire lightning to. Values that are really high(50+) can cause lag.
    MaxRange: 15
    Uses: 10
    Enabled: true
    DisplayName: "&a&lHeal Wand"
    Material: POPPY
    # 1 = a half heart, 2 = a whole heart
    HealAmount: 5
    Uses: 10

LuckyBlock files

# This file is the default luckyblock file. Here you can change all settings related to surprise and you can create your own surprises.
# If you want to create a custom luckyblock/have multiple luckyblock, please create a copy of this file in the same directory.
# After you did that you should make sure the HeadOwner of the new file is set to a different minecraft player and that the name of the file isn't the same.
# After this you can configure the new luckyblock to your own likings.
# The default luckyblock can be given to players with /slb give, custom ones should be given with /slb givecustom. Please see /slb help for more info.
# You can have an unlimited amount of custom luckyblocks!
# If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me :)!
 # If you want to use sponges instead of skulls, set this value to SPONGE (all capital letters). Only works in the default.yml file.
  # If you want to use a texture from, for example, Copy the Minecraft-URL and paste it here(make sure it starts with https://).
  # Example:
  # HeadOwner: ""
  HeadOwner: "Luck"
  DisplayName: '&e&lLucky Block'
   - "This is line one"
    - "&aLook! You can use colors!"
    - "This is my favorite line, wait it's not..."
   # When disabled, you will not be able to craft the luckyblock.
    Enabled: true
    # When enabled, the crafting recipe won't have a shape.
    # This means players can place a material anywhere in grid, as long as the right materials are being placed there.
    Shapeless: false
    # Here you can set the crafting recipe. 1 is at the top left and 3 is at the top right.
    # 7 is down left and 9 down right.
    Slot1: IRON_INGOT
    Slot2: IRON_INGOT
    Slot3: IRON_INGOT
    Slot4: IRON_INGOT
    Slot5: DROPPER
    Slot6: IRON_INGOT
    Slot7: IRON_INGOT
    Slot8: IRON_INGOT
    Slot9: IRON_INGOT
    Enabled: true
    # Effect names can be found here:
    Effect: FLAME
    # The amount of particles.
    Amount: 200
    Enabled: true
    # Sound names can be found here:
    # 1.13 sound names can be used on any version, Remain will take care of the conversion.
   # When a chance is set to 0, the surprise will be disabled.
    # The chance can be any number you want. The total of the chances DON'T have to be 100.
    Apples: 100
    Blaze: 100
    Bookshelfs: 100
    Buckets: 100
    CraftingTable: 100
    DiamondBlock: 100
    DiamondTools: 100
    Dirt: 100
    ElderGuardian: 0
    EmeraldBlock: 100
    EnchantmentItems: 100
    EnderChests: 100
    EnderDragon: 0
    EnderPearls: 100
    Explosion: 0
    FallingTNT: 100
    FlyingSkeletons: 100
    FlyingTNT: 100
    FlyingXPBottles: 100
    Food: 100
    Furnace: 100
    Ghast: 100
    GhastArmoredGiant: 0
    GhastTear: 100
    GiantMagma: 0
    GiantSlime: 0
    GiantZombie: 0
    GoldBlock: 100
    GoldenApples: 100
    GoldTools: 100
    Guardian: 100
    Husk: 100
    IronBlock: 100
    IronTools: 100
    Launch: 100
    Lava: 100
    LavaHole: 0
    Lightning: 100
    LightningCreeper: 100
    LuckyBow: 100
    LuckyPickaxe: 100
    LuckySword: 100
    Materials: 100
    MineCart: 100
    NetherStar: 100
    Obsidian: 100
    ObsidianCage: 100
    Pistons: 100
    PolarBear: 100
    PrimedTNT: 100
    RandomBlocks: 100
    RedstoneBlocks: 100
    RedstoneDust: 100
    RottenFlesh: 100
    SlimeBlocks: 100
    SoulSand: 100
    Stick: 100
    StickyPistons: 100
    StoneCage: 100
    StoneTools: 100
    Stray: 100
    SugarCanes: 100
    TamedOcelot: 100
    TamedWolf: 100
    TNTItems: 100
    UsefulBlocks: 100
    VillagerTower: 100
    Witch: 100
    Wither: 100
    Wood: 100
    WoodenTools: 100
    Zombies: 100
    KnockbackStick: 100
    UselessSword: 100
    Wands: 100
    CustomSurprises: 100

    MinExplosionPower: 2
    MaxExplosionPower: 6
    DropLapisBlock: true
    DropAmount: 16
    DropAmount: 16
    DropAmount: 32
    DropAmount: 4
    DropAmount: 12
    DropAmount: 32
    DropAmount: 16
    DropAmount: 16
    DropAmount: 16
    DropAmount: 16
    DropAmount: 12
    DropAmount: 16
    DropAmount: 24
    DropAmount: 4
    DropAmount: 1
    DropAmount: 1
    DropAmount: 1
    DropAmount: 4
    DropAmount: 4
    DropAmount: 6
    DropAmount: 4
    DropAmount: 4
    SetNight: false
    FoodType: COOKED_BEEF
    DropAmount: 4
    Size: 14
    Size: 14
    SpawnAmount: 1
    SpawnAmount: 1
    SpawnAmount: 1
    SpawnAmount: 3
    SpawnWater: true
     # These count as different surprises.
      # True = enabled, false = disabled and next will be chosen.
      WoodenTools: true
      StoneTools: true
      GoldTools: true
      IronTools: true
      DiamondTools: true

# Since version 2.0.0, you are able to combine the modes!
# You can add an unlimited amount of surprises! If you need help with creating don't hesitate to contact me!
# If you want to add a new surprise, you have to create a new key by typing CustomSurpriseX where X is the surprise number.
# Please note the spacing(DO NOT USE TAB), yaml is very strict!
# Make sure you increase the number for every new surprise, also make sure you don't skip numbers.
# Don't remove CustomSurprise1! Disable Surprises.CustomSurpriseHandler if you don't want to use them!
 # CustomSurprise example with all modes used, except a building surprise.
  # For the building surprise see CustomSurprise2
  # This surprise is not enabled.
   # Chance works the same as for normal surprises.
    Chance: 100
    # A custom permission required to get this surprise
    Permission: "superluckyblock.custom.permission"
    # A list of commands that will be executed when this surprise is ran.
   - 'give %player% minecraft:dirt 2'
    - 'give %player% minecraft:cobblestone 4'
    # A list of items that will be dropped when this surprise is ran.
    # If you want to drop the item multiple times, use the following format:
    # {ITEM}:{AMOUNT}
    # You can find the valid values here:
    - COAL:6
    # A list of entitites that will be spawned when this surprise is ran.
    # You can find the valid values here:
   - 'PIG'
    - 'SHEEP'
    # A message that will be sent after the surprise ran.
    # PluginSettings.MessagePrefix will be used in front of it.
    Message: "Enjoy the test surprise!"

  # This surprise will not be triggered unless you install WorldEdit and create the schematic file.
  # I recommend to remove or edit this surprise, as it's just an example.
  # Schematics should be saved in plugins/SuperLuckyBlock-Pro/schematics
    Chance: 100
    # Name of the schematic that should be spawned
    Schematic: dirthouse.schematic
    # Location accepts the following values: player and block. This field is REQUIRED for building surprises.
    # When you select player, it will spawn the building at the player's location.
    # When you select block, it will spawn it at the block's location.
    Location: player

   # The luckyblock will be changed into this block after the surprise is ran. If this option is removed the luckyblock will become AIR.
    # You can find the valid values here:
    Block: DIRT
    Permission: ""

Latest updates

  1. 3.3.5

    3.3.5 (Downgraded)
  2. 3.3.5

  3. 3.1.0


Latest reviews

I love this pluin and this work perfectly, but can i have some help for change from head to normal block for luckyblock? Thanks
Is there an update for the 1.15.1Ver? Thanks a lot for this wonderful plugin! i love it!
The villager tower doesn't work they spawn on ground
Plugin kills server. Spam in the console after a while.

16.05 14:30:06 [Server] Server thread/INFO SLB >> The schematic in custom surprise 'CustomSurprises.CustomSurprise2' does not exist. Please make sure you configured it the right way.
16.05 14:30:06 [Server] Server thread/INFO SLB >> The schematic in custom surprise 'CustomSurprises.CustomSurprise2' does not exist. Please make sure you configured it the right way.
16.05 14:30:06 [Server] Server thread/INFO SLB >> The schematic in custom surprise 'CustomSurprises.CustomSurprise2' does not exist. Please make sure you configured it the right way.
16.05 14:30:06 [Server] Server thread/INFO SLB >> The schematic in custom surprise 'CustomSurprises.CustomSurprise2' does not exist. Please make sure you configured it the right way.
16.05 14:30:06 [Server] Server thread/INFO SLB >> The schematic in custom surprise 'CustomSurprises.CustomSurprise2' does not exist. Please make sure you configured it the right way.
16.05 14:30:06 [Server] Server thread/INFO SLB >> The schematic in custom surprise 'CustomSurprises.CustomSurprise2' does not exist. Please make sure you configured it the right way.
16.05 14:30:06 [Server] Server thread/INFO SLB >> The schematic in custom surprise 'CustomSurprises.CustomSurprise2' does not exist. Please make sure you configured it the right way.
16.05 14:30:06 [Server] Server thread/INFO SLB >> The schematic in custom surprise 'CustomSurprises.CustomSurprise2' does not exist. Please make sure you configured it the right way.
16.05 14:30:06 [Server] Server thread/INFO SLB >> The schematic in custom surprise 'CustomSurprises.CustomSurprise2' does not exist. Please make sure you configured it the right way
Can you not post that spam bullshit in the review section? Try to fix the fucking problem before coming here.
I had trouble getting this to work, I kept getting errors, you sure it works?

Thanks again!
I'm 100% sure it works as I've tested it on multiple servers/machines. If you really can't get it to work, feel free to contact me, I could maybe help you. Thanks for the review, best regards.

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