This server includes 9 player ranks, 3 Donator ranks and 6 staff ranks, Ive setup them all in LuckPerms so its easy for you to add and remove perks and permissions. I also made it so Donator ranks are worth buying and have good but not overpowered kits and permissions with them.
Player Ranks:
Player Ranks:
- Coal
- Iron
- Gold
- Lapis
- Redstone
- Diamond
- Emerald
- Obsidian
- Bedrock
- Manager
- Owner
- Admin
- Helper
- Moderator
- Builder
- VIP+
- Blocks
- End/Nether Items
- Farming
- Mining
- Dyes
- 36 Tags
- Rankup system (9 player ranks)
- 3 Donor ranks
- Staff ranks setup
- /wild Teleport system
- Grief protection
- 2 Amazing crates
- Customized Tab List
- Essentials Messages
- Donator Perks and Kits
- PVP Toggle
- Amazing Spawn
- Holograms
- Auction House
- Land Claiming
- Regions and WorldGuard
- Party System