TAB [1.7.x - 1.17.X] PREMIUM

SpigotVIP TAB [1.7.x - 1.17.X] PREMIUM 2.9.2

- Added 1.17.1 support
- Fixed disconnect on bungeecord
- Fixed error
- Fixed startup error caused by misconfiguration
- Added workaround for viaversion not returning correct player version, resulting in various issues
- Fixed NPE in API
- Added * support for per-world settings & disabling features in worlds (such as lobby-* would include all worlds starting with "lobby-")
- Fixed fix-pet-names option causing problems on 1.17
- Fixed bossbar progress always showing full on creation
- Small performance and memory optimizations
- Debug config option is now public
- Removed placeholderapi expansion downloader to avoid rare harmless error
Hotfixed 2 critical issues
Added 1.17 support
Added support for Thermos & forks
Added new feature "PingSpoof" - shows everyone as having the same configured ping value in green par (for example 0)
Added support for using % symbol without breaking placeholders after it - use %% to display it
Added anti-override logging so you know if your plugins are not configured correctly & oonfig options to disable anti-override
Added permission group & node forwarding from bukkit server to the proxy if...
additions and fixes
fixes and additions

fixed unloading when entering disabled world
Update to ViaVersion 4.0.0
1.17 bungeecord
fixes and cleanup

fixed wrong config option name in bungee
Support to obtain bukkit permissions from bungee.
fixed some console command problems
- added support for bukkit vanish plugins into global playerlist
- using new method (also supports essentials vanish now)
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    H @ hakaneren112: xcord v1.63 has been cracked...