TeeMobile | Vehicles for Your Minecraft Server

TeeMobile | Vehicles for Your Minecraft Server 1.94

TeeMobile | Vehicles for Your Minecraft Server

The vehicle plugin you've always needed.
No connection to T-Mobile®.
Please don't sue me.

* NEW *
Try out my plugins before you purchase!




TeeMobile is a fully featured vehicle suite for Minecraft which gives you the ability to easily create and ride the most configurable vehicles available. The possibilities are endless - from cars to boats, helicopters and tanks. You are limited only by your own imagination.

Included within TeeMobile is an equally configurable suite of ballistics - weapons for your vehicles. Shoot your lame Spigot server into the future by installing TeeMobile. Minecraft's wooden boats - even horses will become a thing of the past.

  1. Create an unlimited number of highly configurable flying, swimming, floating and/or driving vehicles along with an equally unlimited number of configurable ballistics that can be applied to any vehicle.
  2. Custom configurable mob spawners to spawn vehicles automatically in your world.
  3. Permission-based access to vehicles.
  4. Lockable cars with physical key objects.
  5. Commands to buy cars using your favorite economy plugin (or free).
  6. Choose to use fuel and get customizable notifications when your vehicle is running out!

There are a few other vehicle plugins on the market, but none stack up to the features that TeeMobile offers.

  1. Allow vehicles to tip front-back as well as left-right.
  2. Give your vehicles custom particles for driving as well as being damaged or idling.
  3. Customizable sounds for idling, driving, locking, unlocking, attempting to unlock while locked, and shooting the gun.
  4. Fully customizable horn sounds.
  5. Easy ability to add any number of extra passengers and name seats.
  6. Allow your vehicles to float, go underwater, fly, drive, or any combination of the prior.
  7. CrackShot support for guns, as well as access to arrows, snowballs, eggs and TeeMobile ballistics.
  8. Hoverable vehicles.
  9. Custom health bars for all vehicles.
  10. Vehicles are damageable by all normal Minecraft damage sources.
  11. Vehicles will emit smoke when almost dead and explode with a configurable magnitude when they die.
  12. Max vehicle speed depends on vehicle health.
  13. Vehicles have configurable bounding boxes so you can collide properly with all other vehicles and entities.
  14. Configurable vehicle inventories, health regeneration, max height, speed, acceleration, and over 50 other options!
  15. NCP compatibility.


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  • play.curiocore.com
  • far-craft.club

Setting up TeeMobile is extremely simple.

  1. Download the TeeMobile Suite ZIP file.
  2. Open the compressed file using WinRAR or any similar program.
  3. Drag and drop TeeMobile.jar into the plugins folder of your Spigot server.
  4. Open Minecraft. Navigate to Options -> Resource Packs and click "Open resource pack folder".
  5. Drag and drop TeeMobile.zip into the folder that opens.
  6. Back in Minecraft, click "Done" and then reopen the Resource Packs page.
  7. Click the arrow on the pink TeeMobile icon (on the left column) to set it as an active resource pack.
  8. You're ready to go!


In order to create and modify vehicles/ballistics, you must have FTP access to your server. Start your server once with TeeMobile installed in order to generate the default vehicles and help files. Once this is done, navigate into the /TeeMobile folder.

To edit or create vehicles, navigate to the /vehicles folder. If you're on a fresh install of TeeMobile, you should see 4 built-in vehicles and a help file.

The help file describes each setting that can be modified per-vehicle. A few important notes:
  1. Sound files can be loaded either from resource packs or Minecraft defaults. To use Minecraft defaults, you must open the folder where Minecraft is installed and navigate to the "resources" folder. Each sound name is similar to the file path to the sound without the first folder name (ie. "newsound/portal/portal.ogg" would be loaded by specifying "portal.portal").
  2. If you wish to add seats, you must do so in YAML list format. A vehicle with no seats should read "seats: []". Otherwise, each seat must be given a new line, beginning with a dash-space ("- ").
After creating or editing your vehicles, execute "/tmobile reload" or restart your server to apply the changes.

To edit or create ballistics, navigate to the /ballistics folder. If you're on a fresh install of TeeMobile, you should see a built-in ballistic and a help file. The help file describes each setting that can be modified per-ballistic.

After creating or editing your ballistics, execute "/tmobile reload" or restart your server to apply the changes.

  • key item: The Minecraft item that will act as a vehicle key. To create a key, this item should be combined with the vehicle you wish to make a key for in a crafting window.
  • key format: The name format that keys will have. "$vehicle" is a placeholder for the name of the vehicle.
  • call lore: The lore of each vehicle in the call GUI. Each placeholder is specified and by the path to the desired config option in the vehicle or ballistic YML file.
  • spawner max range: The maximum range that TeeMobile vehicle spawners are allowed to be set to.

TeeMobile requires you to be running any non-Cauldron Minecraft server on at least 1.8.5, now including 1.9!

TeeMobile works great by itself, but if you want to cars to have any monetary value, you'll have to install Vault as well as an economy plugin of your choosing.

TeeMobile also goes great with MyZ, allowing you to escape the post-apocalyptic smart zombies, giants, pigmen and more in style.



Every TeeMobile command must be prefaced by either "teemobile" or its alias "tmobile".

  1. call [page]: Opens the call GUI to the specified page (or the first page if no page number is provided).
  2. list: Lists all loaded vehicles.
  3. reload: Reloads the config as well as all vehicles and ballistics.
  4. spawn [vehicle]: Spawns the specified vehicle at the block the player is looking at.
  5. spawner: Adds a custom TeeMobile vehicle spawner to the player's inventory. Arguments are shown in-game.
Every command has a corresponding permission, "teemobile.<command>" (ie. "teemobile.call" grants access to the call command). If you're an OP, executing "/tmobile" without any more arguments will show you all the permission nodes. If you're not an OP, doing the same thing will show you all the commands you have access to.

Every command has a beautiful and efficient tab completion that makes sure you speed through the easy commands and get every argument right.



The vehicle models that are built into TeeMobile are credit to NullBlox. He's a talented 3D modeller and graphic designer (he designed these banners for me too!). Without him, you'd be riding around on note blocks and sea lanterns, so make sure you give him a big thank you!

Check out more of the work done by NullBlox in his vehicle pack entitled K.O.R.E. A fantastic set of mechatronic war machines and more at amazing high quality.


Love TeeMobile but want more variation? Download Cubik to create more block models! The more you make, the more you can ride. Need inspiration? How about a Tank? Helicopter? Bike, Skateboard, UFO, Sailboat, Spaceship, VTOL, Airplane, Boat, Dune Buggy? Your options are endless!

Get your creative juices flowing by checking out NullBlox's ready-for-use K.O.R.E pack which includes a whole suite of vehicle models.


Make sure you understand that TeeMobile requires your server to be at least 1.8.5+ otherwise it will not work. Another recommended (although not required) element is a resource pack to provide you with beautiful vehicle models. See above.

Also recognize that TeeMobile is still in development, and features will continuously be added. As more features are added, the price is sure to increase, so make sure you grab it early before the price goes up!

Still not sold? Think of your server - running a good Minecraft server isn't cheap. TeeMobile isn't just a purchase of a plugin - it is an investment in the longevity of your Minecraft server. Sure to attract tons of attention and great for donator/reward perks, TeeMobile is the easiest, fastest way to take your server to the next level.

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