Giphy from ThemeHouse unites XenForo 2 and Giphy with seamless integration for the first time, allowing easy access to gifs for every occasion. Includes content rating filters and endless fun (endless fun not guaranteed).
All you have to do is use the button provided in the text editor on XenForo. Click on that before viewing either a module or the bottom of the editor. Searching a keyword will allow Giphy to randomly pick a gif using the Giphy API. After doing so, select which GIF fits best before posting your thread.
Features include:
Giphy from ThemeHouse unites XenForo 2 and Giphy with seamless integration for the first time, allowing easy access to gifs for every occasion. Includes content rating filters and endless fun (endless fun not guaranteed).
All you have to do is use the button provided in the text editor on XenForo. Click on that before viewing either a module or the bottom of the editor. Searching a keyword will allow Giphy to randomly pick a gif using the Giphy API. After doing so, select which GIF fits best before posting your thread.
Features include:
- Content Rating Filter
- Two different keyword display options
- Seamless Giphy integration