Tested Minecraft Versions:
This is a fully automated mini-game based on the original TheTowers mini-game that was created using vanilla. This will let you have multiple arenas running at the same time and let you change all the messages. Its a really fun mini-game.
The documentary is a WIP
Looking for the page in french? Visit here: http://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/thetowers/
Thanks @Mr_Raik for the page translation!
Important: This plugin needs Vault and WorldEdit to work. WorldEdit for the rollbacking.
All user pemissions will be thetowers.user
/thetowers join <ArenaName> | Joins the specified arena
/thetowers leave | Leaves the current arena you are in
/thetowers listarenas | List all the available arenas
All setup pemissions will be thetowers.setup
/thetowers setup setlobby | Sets the Arena's lobby point.
/thetowers setup setspec | Set the spectator's point.
/thetowers setup setredspawn | Sets team red spawnpoint.
/thetowers setup setredselection | Sets red's goal area, which they have to protect.
/thetowers setup setbluespawn | Sets team blue spawnpoint.
/thetowers setup setarenaselection | Set the arena's area with worldedit.
/thetowers setup setblueselection | Sets blue's goal area, which they have to protect.
/thetowers setup setmaxplayers <amount> | Set the amount of maximum players that can join.
/thetowers setup setminplayers <amount> | Set the amount of minimum players required to start.
/thetowers setup setitem <iron|xp> | Set the location where the items will spawn.
/thetowers setup setmainlobby | Set the main lobby.
/thetowers setup createarena <arenaName> | Creates an arena witht the specified name.
/thetowers setup deletearena <ArenaName|Confirm> | Deletes the specified arena.
/thetowers setup createsign <ArenaName> | Create a sign for a specific arena.
All admin pemissions will be thetowers.admin
/thetowers admin forcestart | Force start a game.
/thetowers admin forceend | Force end a game.
/thetowers admin reload | Reloads the config.
All kits pemissions will be thetowers.kits
/thetowers kits createkit <name> | Create a new kit with your inventory
/thetowers kits editkit <kitName> | Start editing the specified kit
/thetowers kits name <name> | Sets the name of the kit you are editing.
/thetowers kits cost <cost|free> | Sets the cost of the kit you are editing
/thetowers kits item | Sets the display item of the kit you are editing
/thetowers kits items | Sets the items of the kit you are editing to your inventory
/thetowers kits lore <line to add(leave blank if you want it to clear)>| Clears or adds lore to the item.
/thetowers kits set <dropable|giveonrespawn> <true|false> | Sets a variable value of the kit you are editing.
-Guide coming soon
- 1.7
- 1.8
This is a fully automated mini-game based on the original TheTowers mini-game that was created using vanilla. This will let you have multiple arenas running at the same time and let you change all the messages. Its a really fun mini-game.
The documentary is a WIP
Looking for the page in french? Visit here: http://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/thetowers/
Thanks @Mr_Raik for the page translation!
Important: This plugin needs Vault and WorldEdit to work. WorldEdit for the rollbacking.
- Economy
- Arenas saved as schematics
- Kits!
- Configurable blocks per second when rollbacking
- Customizable signs
- GUI to choose which game to play
- BungeeCord Support (partially)
- Spectator
- Main lobby (where all players will get teleported when the arena ends)
- Lobby per Arena
- VIPMenu (To choose a team on the lobby)
- Armor and food per respawn
- Armor and food does not drop when player egts killed
- Fully custom arenas
- Item spawning (like the original towers)
- Permission support
- Multiple Arenas
- Force start and end
- Effects on respawn
- Whitelisted commands
- Delete arenas
- List arenas
- Join signs
- Messages.yml file
- Api for developers (Coming Soon)
- Inventory
- Potion effects
- GameMode
- Health
- FoodBar
- XP level
- Fly state (enabled or disabled)
- Blocks
- Chests
- Entities
All user pemissions will be thetowers.user
/thetowers join <ArenaName> | Joins the specified arena
/thetowers leave | Leaves the current arena you are in
/thetowers listarenas | List all the available arenas
All setup pemissions will be thetowers.setup
/thetowers setup setlobby | Sets the Arena's lobby point.
/thetowers setup setspec | Set the spectator's point.
/thetowers setup setredspawn | Sets team red spawnpoint.
/thetowers setup setredselection | Sets red's goal area, which they have to protect.
/thetowers setup setbluespawn | Sets team blue spawnpoint.
/thetowers setup setarenaselection | Set the arena's area with worldedit.
/thetowers setup setblueselection | Sets blue's goal area, which they have to protect.
/thetowers setup setmaxplayers <amount> | Set the amount of maximum players that can join.
/thetowers setup setminplayers <amount> | Set the amount of minimum players required to start.
/thetowers setup setitem <iron|xp> | Set the location where the items will spawn.
/thetowers setup setmainlobby | Set the main lobby.
/thetowers setup createarena <arenaName> | Creates an arena witht the specified name.
/thetowers setup deletearena <ArenaName|Confirm> | Deletes the specified arena.
/thetowers setup createsign <ArenaName> | Create a sign for a specific arena.
All admin pemissions will be thetowers.admin
/thetowers admin forcestart | Force start a game.
/thetowers admin forceend | Force end a game.
/thetowers admin reload | Reloads the config.
All kits pemissions will be thetowers.kits
/thetowers kits createkit <name> | Create a new kit with your inventory
/thetowers kits editkit <kitName> | Start editing the specified kit
/thetowers kits name <name> | Sets the name of the kit you are editing.
/thetowers kits cost <cost|free> | Sets the cost of the kit you are editing
/thetowers kits item | Sets the display item of the kit you are editing
/thetowers kits items | Sets the items of the kit you are editing to your inventory
/thetowers kits lore <line to add(leave blank if you want it to clear)>| Clears or adds lore to the item.
/thetowers kits set <dropable|giveonrespawn> <true|false> | Sets a variable value of the kit you are editing.
-Guide coming soon
- Download the latest file
- Drag and drop the plugin in your server's plugins folder
- Start the server
- Stop the server
- Edit the config
- Start it up and enjoy!
- None