TimedFly 3 | MySQL Support | 1.8 - 1.13 3.4.2

FREE TimedFly 3 | MySQL Support | 1.8 - 1.13 3.4.2 2018-10-18

TimedFly 3 | MySQL Support | 1.8 - 1.13 3.4.2
Native Minecraft Version:
Legacy (< 1.13)
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
  • 1.13
Source Code:
False, BrayaanPS, Elijah
Languages Supported:
Spanish, German, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Customize it in your own


Perfect for survival servers. With this plugin you can charge players for the ability to fly over the worlds for a limited amount of time. Now all players will have the opportunity to be able to fly, your players will thank you.


  • 100% customizable messages.
  • MySQL and SQLite (flat file) Support.
  • Custom items with custom actions.
  • Add as many items that you want.
  • Add time if you have some time left already. (example: I have 5 minutes left and I want more I buy a 15 minutes fly, I now have 20 minutes left)
  • Anti death when flight disables. (if a player runs out of time and is in the air he won't take damage for 6 seconds)
  • Save the player's time if the server goes off so players don't waste their money.
  • Automatic fly mode if the player has time left when he joins the server.
  • Enable the plugin in the world of your choice.
  • ActionBar time left message.
  • PlaceholderAPI support.
  • Custom Sounds.
  • Announce time left in either titles, chat or both.
  • Custom items and inventory size.
  • In-game customization. (not 100% but its something :D)
  • Enable fly mode forever.
  • Enable fly mode for another player.
  • Custom open fly menu command.
  • Visual countdown time, with automatic update.
  • Hoverable an clickable help messages.
  • Refund system.
  • Multiple currencies supported.






Permissions for each item are customizable in the config.yml




Iranian server: hub.madcraft.ir (you need to vote the get access, survival and skyblock) Cracked.

Spanish server: play.minestom.com (you need to vote the get access, surival) Cracked.

greenpeace.mcnetwork.me 1.12.2 Premium Server. (Paid Minecraft only)

German Server: Woodymc.de 1.8 - 1.12.2 Premium Server. (Paid Minecraft only)

IP: play.toxicmc.gq Website: toxicmc.gq

if your server is using this plugin PM me with the IP and website (optional) of your server if you want it to be here.


  • Make different files (lang.yml, items.yml, config.yml) Added ???(I don't remember)
  • MySQL conexión, I don't know for what, but I'll leve it here just in case. Added v.2
  • Enable the plugin in specific worlds. Added v.1.4.1
  • Option to disable flight time when the player is offline. Requested by Elijah Added v.1.5.2
  • Add the ability to add any item in the interface which includes PlaceholderAPI support. Requested by Elijah Added v.1.5.2
  • Add customizable /fly command. Requested by several people. Added v.2
  • Anything else you ask me, please ask me :D

For sound you need to use the sound name depending on you spigot server version, by default is using 1.12 sounds. You can find all sounds here:
1.8: http://docs.codelanx.com/Bukkit/1.8/org/bukkit/Sound.html
1.9+: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html

This plugin recollects data like player and servers using this plugin with Bstats.

Thanks for the +1000 downloads :D
  • 48668.png
    10 KB · Views: 196

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