TitleAction | Show title in any actions!

 TitleAction | Show title in any actions! 3.10.9-B

TitleAction | Show title in any actions!
TitleAction (AreaTitle)
Show a title with any actions!

Note ###
  • This plugin support Spigot / Bukkit 1.8 ~ 1.9 version
  • Other support hook plugin are require latest version
  • Use Java7 or latest
  • Run on Linux, Mac OS X or Windows
What can I do with this? ###
  • When you get in to a area, will show a title in the screen center
  • For RPG server when enter a town to show the title
Features ###
  • Show title with many actions
    - Player login
    - Player Death
    - Player Kill other player
    - Pickup item
    - Furnace infromation
    - Attack a player / mobs
    - Craft item
    - Item break alert
    - And more features!
  • Customize title per area
  • Show title on a location /titleaction addblocktitle
  • Enter a area with sound
  • Support hook with area plugins
    - WorldGuard (6.0.0 or latest)
    - Factions (2.7.5 or latest)
    - FactionUUID ( or latest)
    - Towny ( or latest)
    - GriefPrevention (10.4 or latest)
    - MineResetLite (0.3.6 or latest)
    - Districts (0.8 or latest)
    - Residence ( or latest)
    - PrisonReloaded (Prison Reset) (1.8.1 or latest)
    - PlotSquared (2.9.10 or latest)
    - PlotMe Core (0.17.4 or latest)
    - TerrainControl (2.6.4 or latest)
    - MultiverseCore (2.5 or latest)
    - LandLord (1.3 or latest)
    - PreciousStones (9.8.3 or latest)
    - PrisonMines (2.0 or latest)
    - Plotz (3.9 or latest)
    - RegionForSale (2.5.4 or latest)
    - AreaShop (2.1.5 or latest)
    - ASkyblock ( or latest)
    - RedProtect (6.3.7 or latest)
    - uSkyBlock (v2.3-HF3 or latest)
    - Will have more in the future!
  • Support each area plugin information variables
  • Per area title config
    (For example: a custom area named "myarea")
  • Support multi-language item name
    • en_us (USA)
    • zh_tw (Taiwan, Hong Kong)
    • zh_cn (China, Singapore)
    • ko_kr (Korea)
    • ja_jp (Japan)
    • fr_fr (France)
    • en_gb (Britain English)
    • de_de (Germany)
    • pl_pl (Poland)
    • es_es (Spanish)
    • Will be add more on the future!

Servers use this plugin ###
  • TheLastLog™
    http://bbs.thelastlog.com/ (mc.thelastlog.net)
  • If you have purchase TitleAction and want your server address post on here, please feel free to tell me on here =)




Installation ###
  1. Purchase this plugin
  2. Download this plugin, and put it on your server /plugin folder
  3. Start your server once and stop it
  4. Config the setting and areas (Config guide on below)
  5. Finish! And you can start to use this plugin!
    (Required at least one area plugin on above)
How to use ###
Just walk into a area or login you will see a title now!

Commands ###
/titleaction | Show the plugin informations
/titleaction help | Show this help
/titleaction addblocktitle | Add block title on your location
/titleaction toggle [title|actionbar|sound|all] | Toggle titles
/titleaction removeblocktitle | Remove block title on your location
/titleaction reload | Reload the plugin

Permission ###
titleaction.* | Gives access to all TitleAction commands
titleaction.plugininfo | /titleaction
titleaction.help | /titleaction help
titleaction.addblocktitle | /titleaction addblocktitle
titleaction.removeblocktitle | /titleaction removeblocktitle
titleaction.toggle | /titleaction toggle
titleaction.reload | /titleaction reload

Configuration ###
Main config (config.yml)
Code (YAML):
# +--------------------------------------+[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
# TitleAction
# config.yml
# +--------------------------------------+
# Hook:
# WorldGuard: <true/false>
# Factions: <true/false>
# Towny: <true/false>
# GriefPrevention: <true/false>
# MineResetLite: <true/false>
# Districts: <true/false>
# Residence: <true/false>
# PrisonReloaded: <true/false>
# PlotSquared: <true/false>
# PlotMe: <true/false>
# TerrainControl: <true/false>
# MultiverseCore: <true/false>
# LandLord: <true/false>
# PreciousStones: <true/false>
# PrisonMines: <true/false>
# Plotz: <true/false>
# RegionForSale: <true/false>
# PopulationDensity: <true/false>
# AreaShop: <true/false>
# ASkyblock: <true/false>
# RedProtect: <true/false>
# uSkyblock: <true/false>
# Biomes_Area: false
# Item_Default_Lang: <country_code More detail please see it on below>
# Available languages > en_us, zh_tw, zh_cn, ko_kr,
# ja_jp, fr_fr, en_gb, de_de,
# pl_pl, es_es
# Delay_Title_When_Login:
# Enable: <true/false>
# Delay: <delay tick> # 20 tick = 1 sec
# Broadcast:
# Enable: <true/false>
# Interval: <tick>
# FadeIn_Time: <tick>
# Stay_Time: <tick>
# FadeOut_Time: <tick>
# Active_Sounds: <Sound~Delay~Volume~Pitch>[;<...>] or ""
# Messages:
# - Override_User_Option: <true/false>
# Title: <Upper title> or ""
# SubTitle: <Small title> or ""
# ActionBar: <Message on action bar> or ""
# +--------------------------------------+
# Remarks
# -------
# Hook - Hook in other plugins
# Delay_Title_When_Login - Delay player
# title show when login
# Factions is included FactionsUUID and
# the latest version
# +--------------------------------------+

WorldGuard: true
Factions: false
Towny: false
GriefPrevention: false
MineResetLite: false
Districts: false
Residence: false
PrisonReloaded: false
PlotSquared: false
PlotMe: false
TerrainControl: false
MultiverseCore: false
LandLord: false
PreciousStones: false
PrisonMines: false
Plotz: false
RegionForSale: false
PopulationDensity: false
AreaShop: false
ASkyblock: false
RedProtect: true
uSkyBlock: false
Biomes_Area: false
Item_Default_Lang: en_us
Disable_Title_When_Spectator_Mode: false
Enable: false
Delay: 60
Enable: false
Interval: 600
FadeIn_Time: 10
Stay_Time: 60
FadeOut_Time: 10
Active_Sounds: ''
- Override_User_Option: false
Title: '&aDefault boardcast &fmessage!'
SubTitle: '&aTitleAction'
ActionBar: ''
- Override_User_Option: true
Title: '&6Default second boardcast &fmessage!'
SubTitle: ''
ActionBar: '&6~~~ TitleAction ~~~'

Phrase (phrase.yml)
You can set the message

Action config (action.yml)
Config action to show a title

Area config (In TitleAction/areas)
Config each area title format

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