Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.12
  • 1.13

Spigot 1.13 (use Latest)
Spigot 1.12 (use v1.0.1)
Hunt for treasure!

Spawn treasure chests in random locations and search for them with a map!

- Choose when and where treasure chests spawn
- Automatically spawn chests in a world
- Spawn under water or lava
- Require minimum players online
- Announce when treasure chests are disappearing
- Create custom treasure chest types
- Create custom treasure items
- Treasure chest protection
- UUID support
- Extensive customization

  • /th - View all commands that you have permission for.
    • Aliases: /treasurehunt
  • /th help - View treasure hunt help.
    • Aliases: /th ?
  • /th list - Show available treasure chests.
    • Aliases: /th chest, /th chests
  • /th top - Show top treasure hunters.
    • Aliases: /th rank, th ranks
  • /th start - Start a treasure hunt.
    • Aliases: /th spawn
  • /th despawn - Despawn all treasure chests.
    • Aliases: /th remove
TreasureHunt has the following permissions:
  • treasurehunt.item - Use the treasure hunt item.
    • Enabled for everyone by default
    • Use "-treasurehunt.item" to remove
  • - View treasure hunt help.
    • Enabled for everyone by default
    • Use "" to remove
  • treasurehunt.command.list - Show available treasure chests.
    • Enabled for everyone by default
    • Use "-treasurehunt.command.list" to remove
  • - Show top treasure hunters.
    • Enabled for everyone by default
    • Use "" to remove
  • treasurehunt.command.start - Start a treasure hunt.
  • treasurehunt.command.despawn - Despawn all treasure chests.
Click the links below to view the configuration files:
config.yml (Latest) or (v1.0.1)

Report a Bug
If you would like report a bug or error, please feel free to fill out the form below. I will attempt to get back to you as soon as possible if you provide your contact information.
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    9 @ 932wqrjiaksmdf: Someone have BattleLevels plugin source?