
Turrets is a plugin which allows players to build automatic firing turrets to defend their base. Turrets are easy to build, but by default, somewhat costly to upgrade. You can upgrade a turret by right clicking it and place upgrades into it. By default emeralds upgrade damage, diamonds upgrade range, iron adds ammo, chests increase ammo capacity, and gold increases health.

Build or destroy
Turrets can be destroyed by the owner via command, with a weapon or your fist, or explosions. To build a turret simply put any skull item on top of a normal fence. Turrets will have the head of the player who created the turret (unless disabled in the config)

What do they shoot?
A turret will only target one player / mob by default, but you can set it up to attack everything around it at once. Turrets can also attack hostile mobs. If you want to use turrets on only one world you can add banned worlds to the config.

Premium player capabilities?
Turrets also has a premium permission which gives players access to build more turrets or unlimited turrets. This can be used to encourage voting or donating to your server.

Destroying a turret
Turrets may seem over powered with the default settings. They are very powerful, but since they provide a warning to players within a turrets range, players can strategically build up to a turret to destroy it. All arrow types have been tested with the default maxed out turrets, and they are able to be destroyed using a normal set of diamond armor.

How do they shoot
Arrows shot from turrets are spawned directly one block above the turret skull. Keep this in mind when setting turrets up in your base. Also ammo does not get subtracted unless it successfully hits a target. This is to avoid players from manipulating the AI to force it to lose ammo without getting hit.

Arrow types
Turrets also have multiple arrow types. Each type may be useful in a specific situation. Each arrow type has a different inaccuracy and/or a different minimum range.
  1. Normal: 0.5 Inaccuracy - 0 Minimum Range
  2. Explode: 7 Inaccuracy - 6 Minimum Range
  3. Blindness: 2 Inaccuracy - 0 Minimum Range
  4. Poison: 6 Inaccuracy - 5 Minimum Range
  5. Fire: 5 Inaccuracy - 0 Minimum Range
  6. Slowness: 2 Inaccuracy - 3 Minimum Range
  7. Gravity: 2 Inaccuracy - 0 Minimum Range
Exploding arrows will explode on impact, but will not destroy blocks. Blindness arrows will make a player go blind for a few seconds. Poison arrows will make a person have poison for a few seconds. Fire arrows will make a person burn. Slowness arrows will give a player the slowness potion effect for a few seconds. Gravity arrows will pull a person toward the turret with each successful hit. Each arrow type can be disabled. The default arrow type will always bypass any disabled arrow types, so be sure to change the default arrow type based on what arrow types are enabled.

Adding Upgrades:
Upgrades can be added to a turret in two different ways. You can use a command (explained in the commands section), or you can use the turret GUI. To use the turret GUI right click a turret and click on the upgrade you want to add or setting you want to change. The only time upgrades can not be added, is if it is fully upgraded or you do not have the items needed for that upgrade.

Other information about turrets
Turrets will not fire on faction members if you have factions installed. Turrets will also make a gun like sound effect when shooting.


How to use (For users)


User Commands:

  • /turret help [page] - shows command information.
  • /turret myTurrets - lists turrets you own or are added to. For admins it shows a list of all turret ids.
  • /turret GetArrowTypes - Lists the arrow types with their id.
  • /turret <id> - Shows information about a turret.
  • /turret <id> addAdmin <player> - Adds an admin to a turret.
  • /turret <id> addUser <player> - Adds a user to a turret.
  • /turret <id> removeAdmin <player> - Removes an admin from a turret. (Not a server admin, a turret admin)
  • /turret <id> removeUser <player> - removes a user from a turret
  • /turret <id> SetType <type> - Sets a turret's arrow type (Note: Each type has a different inaccuracy and/or minimum range)
  • /turret <id> destroy - destroys a turret. (Only owner or server admin can do this. Must be run twice to confirm)
Admin Commands:

  • /turret <id> admin repair - Fixes any missing blocks for a turret.
  • /turret <id> admin move - moves a turret to another location.
  • /turret <id> admin tp - Teleports you to a turret.
  • /turret <id> admin setOwner <OnlinePlayer> - Sets the owner for a turret.
  • /turret <id> admin setAmmo <ammo> - Sets the ammo for a turret
  • /turret <id> admin setMaxAmmo <ammo> - Sets the max ammo for a turret.
  • /turret <id> admin setHealth <health> - Sets health for a turret.
  • /turret <id> admin setMaxHealth <health> - Sets max health for a turret.
  • /turret <id> admin setRange <range> - Sets range for a turret.
  • /turret <id> admin setDamage <damage> - Sets damage for a turret.
Admin Config Commands:

  • /turret admin setMaxTurrets <amount> - set max turrets per user.
  • /turret admin UsePlayerSkulls <true/false> - Sets whether or not the skulls on turrets will look like the turret owner's head.
  • /turret admin SetDefaultType <type> - Sets the default arrow type for new turrets.
  • /turret admin UseTurretType <type> <true/false> - Enable / disable turret types.
  • /turret admin AttackMobs <true/false> - Makes turrets attack hostile mobs.
  • /turret admin SingleTarget <true/false> - Makes turrets only be able to attack on target at a time.
  • /turret admin setMaxDamage <amount> - set max damage for turrets.
  • /turret admin setDefaultDamage <amount> - set default damage
  • /turret admin setDamagePerItem <amount> - sets how much damage is added per upgrade item.
  • /turret admin setAddDamageItem <itemID> [durability] - sets item which is used to upgrade damage.
  • /turret admin setMaxRange <amount> - sets max range for turrets/
  • /turret admin setDefaultRange <amount> - sets default range for turrets.
  • /turret admin setRangePerItem <amount> - sets how much range is increased per upgrade item.
  • /turret admin setAddRangeItem <itemID> [durability] - sets the item used to upgrade range
  • /turret admin setMaxAmmo <amount> - sets max ammo
  • /turret admin setDefaultAmmo <amount> - sets the default ammo
  • /turret admin setDefaultMaxAmmo <amount> - sets the default max ammo for turrets.
  • /turret admin setAmmoPerItem <amount> - sets how much ammo is added per ammo upgrade item.
  • /turret admin setMaxAmmoPerItem <amount> - sets how much ammo capacity is added per max ammo upgrade item.
  • /turret admin setAddAmmoItem <itemID> [durability] - sets the item used to add ammo to a turret.
  • /turret admin setAddMaxAmmoItem <itemID> [durability] - sets item used to increase ammo capacity for a turret.
  • /turret admin setMaxHealth <amount> - sets max health for turrets.
  • /turret admin setDefaultHealth <amount> - sets the default health for turrets.
  • /turret admin setDefaultMaxHealth <amount> - sets the default max health for turrets.
  • /turret admin setHealthPerItem <amount> - sets how much each health upgrade adds.
  • /turret admin setAddHealthItem <itemID> [durability] - sets the item used to increase a turrets max health.
  • /turret admin setHealthRegain <amount> - sets the amount of turret health regained per minute (When turret is not in battle).
  • /turret admin setHealthRegainBattle <amount> - sets the amount of health turret earn per (1/4) second while in battle.
  • /turret admin listBannedWorlds - Lists the worlds turrets are banned on.
  • /turret admin addBannedWorld <world> - adds a banned world.
  • /turret admin removeBannedWorld <world> - removes a banned world.
  • /turret admin getConfig - shows the config information in chat.
  • /turret admin getTurretCount - gets how many turrets there are.
  • /turret admin getFailedTurretCount - gets how many turrets failed to load and tells you how to repair them.
All /turret commands can be used with /turrets instead.

  • Turrets.use - Access to make turrets.
  • Turrets.admin - Access to admin commands.
  • Turrets.premium.X - Able to build a premium amount of turrets defined in the config. The X must be a number listed in the config section "premiumTurrets".
  • Turrets.unlimited - Able to build unlimited turrets.
  • Turrets.adminConfig - Able to edit the config in game and use all other admin config commands.
  • Turrets.noshoot - Turrets will not shoot players with this permission.

maxTurrets: 2
- '3'
- '4'
- '5'
- '6'
usePlayerSkulls: true
defaultType: 1
useType1: true
useType2: true
useType3: true
useType4: true
useType5: true
useType6: true
useType7: true
attackHostileMobs: true
attackPlayers: true
singleTarget: true
useFactions: true
maxDamage: 6.0
defaultDamage: 0.4
damagePerItem: 0.1
addDamageItem: 388
addDamageItemDamage: 0
maxRange: 32
defaultRange: 5
rangePerItem: 1
addRangeItem: 264
addRangeItemDamage: 0
maxAmmo: 30000
defaultAmmo: 50
defaultMaxAmmo: 50
ammoPerItem: 50
maxAmmoPerItem: 50
addMaxAmmoItem: 54
addMaxAmmoItemDamage: 0
addAmmoItem: 265
addAmmoItemDamage: 0
maxHealth: 300.0
defaultHealth: 20.0
defaultMaxHealth: 20.0
healthPerItem: 1.0
addHealthItem: 266
addHealthItemDamage: 0
destroyExplode: 2.0
healthRegainInBattlePerFourthSecond: 0.0125
healthRegainPerMinute: 20.0
shootSoundEffect: true
- '{OWNER}''s turret demolished {VICTIM}'
- '{VICTIM} got to close to {OWNER}''s turret'
- '{VICTIM} was slaughtered by {OWNER}''s turret'
- '{OWNER}''s turret sent {VICTIM} to the grave'
- '{VICTIM} lost his life because of {OWNER}''s turret'
bannedWorlds: []
turrets: []
failed: []

Servers using Turrets
The following server(s) uses this plugin:
  • play.GallifreyCraft.com
  • ophion.cc
  • skykingdoms.stonerbros.org
Get YOUR SERVER here! Use this plugin and message "forseth11" here on spigot.

If you experience any problems or you find a bug, please post information about it in the discussion or message me. Do not post a request in a review. Requests should be in the discussion board.

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