
 Twitter4Spigot 1.0.4

Native Minecraft Version:
Legacy (< 1.13)
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
Source Code:
Twitter display for Spigot
What exactly is this?
Very simple explanation: Twitter4Spigot can display tweets ingame.
Complex explanation: With Twitter4Spigot you are able to display tweets matching a certain criteria ingame! Whether you'd like to see the latest tweet of -Redacted- or a popular tweet of #Minecraft, you can configure everything ingame!

Why is this a premium resource even though it is open source?
Every premium resource on Spigot gets leaked eventually, so I thought I can prevent that by making it Open Source. Everyone who does not have the money to buy it or who simply does not want to support me ( :cry: ) can head to the GitHub page and build a fresh copy.

Holographic Display

How do I use it?
1. Drop the plugin into your plugins folder.
2. Restart your server.
3. Head to the config.yml and edit it (see 'How do I configure it?' for a explanation).
4. Restart your server again.
5. Go ingame go to town with this plugin!

How do I configure it?
(This section talks about the basic configuration. For a full explanation head to 'The configuration file in detail')
To use this plugin you will need to create a Twitter app. Just follow the instruction below to create one.

After you created your app you can switch to a tab called 'Keys and tokens'. You will see a field called 'Access token & access token secret' and a button called create; click it.
Fill in the representative fields in the config with the tokens and restart your server.
Go ingame and create your first subscriber. A subscriber handles all the tweet criteria and the tweet displaying.
Type "/t4s subscriber add <Mode> <Tag>" to create one. For a explanation for the Mode and the Tag go to the GitHub page.
After you created your subscriber you need to add at least one Information Holder to it. A information holder represents holograms for the tweet, the likes, the author, the retweets and the comments.
Create a information holder with "/t4s subscriber edit <Sub. Id> createInformationHolder".
Your nearly done! You just need to set the hologram positions. You can do that with "/t4s subscriber edit <Sub. Id> editInformationHolder <I.h. Id> set..." (e.g. "/t4s subscriber edit 7 editInformationHolder 3 setTweetHolo")
Done! :)

The configuration file in detail
The configuration looks like this:

enable-metrics: This plugin uses bStats to collect anonymous informations that help me to improve this plugin. Please consider to leave it enabled.
twitter-consumer-key: Paste your consumer key here.
twitter-consumer-secret: Paste your consumer secret here.
twitter-access-token: Paste your access token here.
twitter-access-secret: Paste your access secret here.
skull-textures: Here you will find a collection of textures used for the skulls on the holograms. To change a texture simply change the skull url. Note: The texture you want to use must be a texture from or a Base64 texture value (value-mode must be enabled to use texture values)!

What features are planned?
- Save tweet images to maps Done (see "image chests" update)
- Make the update time configurable
- Add more modes
You are welcome to suggest features! :)


I need help!
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Whats the permission for the command?

How often does a subscriber refresh?
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