UHC Meetup | Multi Arena | Team, Elo, Solo, Kits, Options, Voting and More

 UHC Meetup | Multi Arena | Team, Elo, Solo, Kits, Options, Voting and More 1.6.0

UHC Meetup | Multi Arena | Team, Elo, Solo, Kits, Options, Voting and More

This is the first Meetup plugin with multi sand system based on a fully editable template world, with single and team mode, custom kits, voting scenarios, special equipment selector and statistical system and MySQL, you also have the custom edge for sand and shrinked by sand, fast restart and MLG system.


⇀ Multi Arena Mode - Multi arena system that works with a menu.
⇀ Team/Solo - Solo and Team mode of the amount you want.
⇀ MLG System - At the end of a game the user can use /uhccsim mlg or /mlg (this last command only works if it is activated in the configuration)
⇀ Voting System - System of voting of scenarios by game, you have the following scenarios, TimeBomb, RodLess, BowLess and NoCleanUp.
⇀ Special Team Selector - A special equipment selector that when the equipment is filling becomes yellow and when it is full it turns red.
⇀ Fancy Message Starting - When a game is about to start, a clickable message is sent to all online players to enter the game.
⇀ Max Votes - Special permission for a maximum of votes of scenarios per game.
⇀ Custom Border - Edge of custom sizes and types for each sand.
⇀ Chat Format - Custom Chat format only for arenas.
⇀ Scoreboard - Custom Scoreboard completely optimized and editable.
⇀ Spectator Fly Speed - You have an item that allows you to change your flight speed when you die.
⇀ Spectator TP Players - You have an item that allows you to teleport to the players in the arena.
⇀ Custom and Random Kits - You can create custom kits and the amount you want for the arenas.
⇀ ReRoll CMD - You can use the ReRoll with a permit but only once per arena.
⇀ Stats - Game statistics for now there are only Win and Kills.
⇀ MySQL & SQLite - Two systems for saving statistics.
FancyEditable - It was added that the clickable message of when a game is about to start. Be editable In the fany section of the lang.yml.
PlaceholderAPI - Support for PlaceholderAPI was added, both in messages, in the scoreboard and with custom Placeholders. You have the ones available here below.
API Events - Added the event API for the developer's. For now, only the following are available.
Spawn In Horses - Now users can appear on invisible horses if activated in the general configuration.
Multi World Template - You must put in the template folder the world that is to be downloaded ... And when you create the sand, it will be copied to the maps folder and you will be able to edit the template as you wish, it is forced to use the coordinates 0 100 0 and remember to put the appropriate size.
Play Again - When you die the player if you have the permission uhcsim.random you will see the message of Play Again editable in the lang.yml.
Random Join - Way to enter the game more full and random using the command /uhcsim random.
Lobby Board - Scoreboard in the main lobby that can be activated and deactivated to suit each one.
Elo System - Elo system that gives you elo to kill and win but you can also lose it when you die.


/uhcsim leave - Leave the game.
/uhcsim start - Force to start your game.
/uhcsim join <arena> - Join player to arena.
/uhcsim random - Join a more full and random game.
/uhcsim stats - Show your stats.
/uhcsim elo - Show your elo.
/mlg - Start mlg challenge.

/uhcsim create <name> - Create new arena.
/uhcsim setmainlobby - Set the main lobby.
/uhcsim tp <name> - Tp to arena.
/uhcsim addspawn <name> - Add spawns to arena.
/uhcsim join <player> <arena> - Join player to arena.
/uhcsim setlobby <name> - Set the Lobby location for arena.
/uhcsim setspect <name> - Set the Spect location for arena.
/uhcsim setmin <name> <min> - Set the min players for arena.
/uhcsim setmax <name> <max> - Set the max players for arena.
/uhcsim setmode <name> FFA/TEAM - Set team enabled.
⇀ /uhcsim setteamsize <name> <max> - Set the max players per team.
⇀ /uhcsim reload plugin - Reload lang and config.
⇀ /uhcsim reload arena <name> - Reload arena and enable.

/uhcsim kit save <#> - Kit to create or save kit.
/uhcsim kit give <#> - Kit to give kit.


⇀ uhcsim.admin » Permission for setup commands
⇀ uhcsim.join » Permission for join arenas with /uhcsim join <player> <arena>
⇀ uhcsim.reroll » Permission for /uhcsim reroll
⇀ uhcsim.start » Permission for force start the game.
⇀ uhcsim.random » Permission to join a random game.
⇀ uhcsim.vote.max.<#> » Permission for max votes scenarios.


1.- Buy the plugin.
2.- Put the plugin in the folder /plugins of your server and upload it.
3.- Use the commands that are in the commands section.
4.- The plugin has dependencies WorldBorder and optional NametagEdit.

If you want to contact me you can for these places:
- Skype: leonardovillodas0013_yt
- Discord: Leonardo0013YT#9922
- Twitter: @LeonardoGYT
- Private Message in MC Market


Proof of Ownership

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