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 [UHC PLUGIN]★ Ultra Hardcore ★ (Configurable Venix UHC Plugin) 3.8.2

Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.7
  • 1.8

* This is a fully customizable UHC plugin which was originally made for - "Venix Network" for hosted UHC's.

* For custom plugins you can message me on Twitter @TenHitss

* This plugin contains: InGame config, Config file, UHC scenarios, Scoreboard, Spectating system, Teams, Shrinking Borders, Stats (SQL) and more.

* If I don't answer here you can DM me on my twitter @TenHitss.

*Note: This plugin contains world creator but it does not load the chunks for you, there is a plugin called "World Border" which is loading chunks for you. There is an option to enable world border in the config.yml. To do it, download the plugin from Bukkit and set the section "using-world-border-plugin" to true.
I Recommend using this version:

*This plugin is confirmed by the main developer of Venix.

*I want to give full credit to Badlion Network for all the amazing features they have created which I am using as well. (Scoreboard format, /scenarios, /config, /team list, /kc, /kt)

Spigot Staff:
If you need a proof its confirmed by the network please PM me and I will give you proof for it.

* I will be more than happy to answer all your questions and support/add features.

*This plugin does not have CombatLogEntity but I sell a combat entity plugins. PM me for more info.

* Please contact me for any bug you find.

* If you need any help setting up the plugin please message me.

How to install the plugin:

1. Download the plugin.

2. Move it to your plugins folder.

3. Restart your server and a folder called UHC will appear in the plugins folder. Open the UHC folder and open the config.yml file.

4. Change the config.yml to your liking.
In the config.yml don't forget to set "spawn-world-name:" to your spawn/lobby world name and don't forget to set "restart-command" to your server restart command.

5. If you want to load the map chunks download a plugin called WorldBorder I recommend this version:
In the config.yml set "using-world-border-plugin:" to true.

6. Restart your server and everything is ready.


*Stats requires SQL to work, its NOT gonna work without it.

To enable stats:
Code (Text):

enabled: false
ip: localhost
database: databasehere
table: tablenamehere
user: userforDatabase
password: passForUser

First set enabled to true.

Then fill all the SQL details
Your SQL database IP.
Your SQL database name.
Table could be whatever you want. I recommend "uhc_stats".
Your SQL database username.
Your SQL database password.


The scoreboard contains:

InGame FFA scoreboard:
"Title" - You can change it in the config.yml.

"Time" - The time since the game started.

"Players Alive" - The amount of players alive.
"Spectators" - The amount of spectators.

"Your Kills" - The amount of kills you have.

"Border" - The current border size.
"IP" - You can change it in the config.yml.

InGame Teams scoreboard:
"Title" - You can change it in the config.yml.

"Time" - The time since the game started.

"Players Alive" - The amount of players alive.
"Teams Alive" - The amount of teams alive.
"Spectators" - The amount of spectators.

"Your Kills" - The amount of kills you have.
"Team Kills" - The amount of kills your team has.

"Border" - The current border size.
"IP" - You can change it in the config.yml.

Waiting Lobby Scoreboard:
"Title" - You can change it in the config.yml.

"Players Online" - The amount of players online.
"> Host:" - The game host.
"Type" - The game type, for example FFA, To2, To3.

"IP" - You can change it in the config.yml.


Format: /command <arguments> (permission) - Description.

1. /killtop, /kt - To display the top 10 killers of the game.

2. /recreatemap (uhc.createuhc) - Use this command if you don't like the map that was generated. (If you don't like 0, 0 and you want a new map.)

3. /game <add/remove> <player> (uhc.addfriend) - Use this command if you would like to add 1 friend to the game (donator perk).

4. /h <player> - Use this command to see other players health.

5. /helpop <message> - This command sends a message to all the moderators/host in the game. To add a moderator use the /mod command.

6. /host <add/remove> <player> ( - Use this command to set or unset someone as host. You can only have 1 host!.

7. /invsee <player> (Host/Mod) - Use this command to view someone's inventory. Must be host/mod to use this command!.

8. /armour <player> (Host/Mod) - Use this command to view someone's equipped armour. Must be host/mod to use this command!.

9. /killcount, /kc <player> - Use this command to see how many kills/team kills the specified player has.

10. /list - Lists: Players online, host, moderators, players alive and spectators.

11. /mod <add/remove> <player> (uhc.mod) - Use this command to add/remove someone from the moderators list.

12. /rescatter (uhc.rescatter) - This command re-scatter's a player. This command can only be used once in the first 30 seconds of the game. (donator perk).

13. /respawn <player> (uhc.respawn.command or Host/Mod) - This command is used to respawn a player if he died to a hacker or any reason.

14. /latescatter <player> (uhc.revive or Host/Mod) - This command is used to add a specific player to the game.

15. /specchat <message> (Host/Mod) - This command sends a message to all the spectators in the game. Must be host/mod to use this command.

16. /spectator <add/remove> <player> (Host/Mod) - This command adds a player to the spectators list. Must be host/mod to use this command.

17. /startuhc (uhc.start or HOST) - This command starts the UHC.

18. /stats <player> - To view someone's statistics.

19. /stopuhc (uhc.stop or HOST) - This command stops the UHC.

20. /whitelist <add/remove/on/off/clear/all> - This command controls the whitelist.

21. /border <size> - Manually shrinks the border (In game use).

22. /ismapgenerated (Permission: uhc.checkmap) to check if the map was generated or not. (WorldBorder only)

- You can now use /latescatter <player> to scatter players. (Host and mods.)

/scenarios - Explained below.

/config - Explained below.


/config - to view the config.
/config <configType> <true/false/number> (uhc.config or HOST) - To change a config value.

For example - /config applesrate 3 - That will make the apples rate 3%
Or /config nether false - That will disable the nether.

Config values:






/scenarios - For all the enabled scenarios.
/scenario <scenario> <enable/disable> (uhc.scenario or HOST) - To enable/disable a scenario.
/scenario <listall> (uhc.scenario or HOST) - Opens a GUI with all the scenarios. Click the Item to enable/disable.
/backpack - A Team scenario to open a team inventory.
/extrainventory - A scenario to open an extra inventory.

CutClean: Ores drop smelted., Food drop cooked. Flint, Leather and Feathers, drop rates are 100%

RiskyRetrieval: All the gold/diamonds you mine, will go to the enderchest which is placed in 0,0.

TripleOres: Food and ores are tripled when mined / harvested. All TripleOres games are CutClean.

BareBones: Enchantment tables/Anvils can't be crafted or used, Golden apples can't be crafted either. The Nether is disabled. Players drop 1 Diamond, 2 Golden apples, 32 Arrows and 2 String on death.

TimeBomb: When player dies, their loot will drop into a chest. After 30s, the chest will explode.

ExtraInventory: Use - /extrainv - To open your extra inventory.

NoFallDamage: You cannot take fall damage.

Fireless: You cannot take fire damage.

Soup: Mushroom Stew heals 2 hearts.

BackPacks: Use - /backpack - To open the team inventory.

Diamondless: You cannot mine diamonds. Players drop 1 diamond on death.

Goldless: You cannot mine gold. Players drop 8 gold on death.

Bowless: Bows cannot be crafted/used.

Rodless: Fishing rods cannot be crafted/used.

Vanilla+: Flint and Apple rates are up.

Timber: Break the whole tree by breaking 1 block.

GoldenRetriever: Players drop 1 golden head on death.

BloodDiamonds: Every time you mine diamonds, you take 0.5 heart of damage.

Switcheroo: Every time you shoot someone with a bow, you both switch your current locations.

GoneFishing: You start with 64 anvils, infinite levels, and a fishing rod with luck of the sea 250.

LuckyLeaves: There is a small chance of a golden apple to drop from trees.


This is an example of our configuration:

  wmu: false
  wrs: false
  name: VenixUHC
  version: 3.0
  restart-command: /restart
  uhc-prefix: '&7[&5VenixUHC&7]&r'
  border-prefix: '&7[&5Border&7]&r'
  config-prefix: '&7[&5Config&7]&r'
  helpop-prefix: '&7[&5HelpOp&7]&r'
  teams-prefix: '&7[&5Teams&7]&r'
  host-prefix: '&4[Host]&b'
  moderator-prefix: '&2[UHC-Mod]&b'
  spectator-prefix: '&5[Spectator]&e'
  main-chat-color: GOLD
  secondary-chat-color: AQUA
  uhc-world-name: uhc_world
  spawn-world-name: spawn
    x: 0
    y: 6
    z: 0
  default-map-size: 2000
  random-border-shrink-at-and-below: 500
  starter-food-item: COOKED_BEEF
  kill-player-on-quit-after-minutes: 10
  helpop-cooldown-seconds: 10
  kick-player-on-death: true
  kick-player-on-death-message: '&bYou died in the UHC, thanks for       playing!'
  kick-on-death-after-seconds: 25
  restart-on-game-finish: true
  using-world-border-plugin: true
  load-chunks-per-second: 120
  restart-on-chunk-load-finish: true
  scoreboard-title: '&5VenixUHC'
  scoreboard-ip: '&a@TheVenixNetwork'
  enabled: false
    ip: localhost
    database: db
    table: uhc_stats
    user: username
    password: pass



/teams reset (uhc.teams.edit or HOST) - To reset all teams.
/teams true (uhc.teams.edit or HOST) - To enable teams.
/teams false (uhc.teams.edit or HOST) - To disable teams.
/teams damageteam <true/false> (uhc.teams.edit or HOST) - To enable/disable team damage (Ability to damage your team members).
/teams size (size) (uhc.teams.edit or HOST) - To change the teams max size.
/team create - To create a team.
/team solo - To be alone in your own team.
/team invite <player> - To invite a player to your team.
/team accept - To accept the most recent team invitation.
/team deny - To deny the most recent team invitation.
/team leave - To leave your current team.
/team kick <player> - To kick a player from your team.
/team list <player> - To list someone's team.
/teamchat <message> - To send a message in the team chat.
/teamchat toggle - To toggle team chat and enable/disable it as your default chat.
/sendcoords - To send your coords to your team.


The permission nodes for the commands are in the "Commands" section.

Some other permissions:
Open inventory on right-click when spectating: "uhc.spec.openinv"
Spectate on death: "uhc.spectate"
Spectate on late join: "uhc.spectate"
Late scatter on join: "uhc.joinlate"
Join when map is generating: ""
Whitelist bypass: "uhc.whitelist.bypass"
Max players bypass: "uhc.maxplayers.bypass"

* Please note the "Max players" in config does not override the actual server max players!!!
Extention type
File size
197.9 KB
First release
Last update
1.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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almost of command doesnt do anything even in console log
Doesn't work, it disables.

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