⚔ Ultimate Clans V3 ⚔ | The best and most complete system of clans and lands

 ⚔ Ultimate Clans V3 ⚔ | The best and most complete system of clans and lands 3.2.3

  • Removed pvp block when player hits himself.
  • Added to remove CombatTag at end of wars.
  • Started work to support bedrock.
  • Changed search mode for combat logs plugins.
  • Increased clan log system, chests and errors.
  • CombatLog now defaults to false when starting the plugin for the first time.
  • Changed banner upload system.
  • Removed errors in sidebar.
  • Added number formatting in config file.
  • Other small errors and Task with NullPointerException
  • Added item organizer in Clan Chest.
  • Added new reflection methods.
  • Added blocking and verification when entering the war.
  • Added new placeholder %uclans_points_to_nextlevel% (shows how many points are left until next update).
  • Fixed Task bug in wars.
  • Added check for clans at war, and blocked clan ff, kick and leave when the clan is at war.
  • Fixed color permission for tags.
  • Added to turn off button and message of clan members when logging in or logging out.
  • Changed member counting system.
  • Added loading of member information on plugin reload.
  • Added Top Level Clan List.
  • Fixed error in BossBar count.
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