
 UltimateAnnounce+ 1.5

Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
This is an auto announcement plugin that supports Chat, Title and Action!
And also runs commands :)

The plugin is using PlaceholderAPI for placeholders!
Click here to download PlaceholderAPI

Rate this plugin after download. So, i can now do you like it or not :)

This plugin supports only version 1.8 or above!
If you are running 1.7 server you will not be able to use Title and Action!
I will not accept any refunds!


  • Auto announcement.
  • Chat messages + Prefix, Header and Footer.
  • Title messages
  • Action messages
  • Easy configuration + ingame configuration.
  • Support any color and format.
  • Use %n for new line in the chat.
  • If a message starts with %c% it will be centered. Experimental.
  • Runs commands if you use "/uan chat add /command". Example: "/uan chat add /say hi" will run /say hi :D
Servers using this plugin:
  • play.zeotho.net --- Mineguy_'s server.
  • Play.sandstonecraft.be --- Jordi2010's server.
  • mc.RodianGaming.com --- cocokat1's server.
  • mc.hyperprison.us --- Dane2dawg's server.
  • HexaPrison.com --- LukeMango's server.
  • play.gtamc.net --- Hayden's server.
  • mc.Kaboomsb.com --- ItzEnderPlays's server.
  • Pm me your server IP and i will put it here :)
Why is this plugin Premium ?
I made this as premium plugin because i've spend many of my time to get this done.

Plugin Videos:
Remember to like the videos after watching so, the Youtubers will be happy!;)


IIf you make another language video PM me and i will put it here :)

Thanks to Dane2dawg for the images. :)



  • /uan reload - Reloads the config.
  • /uan version - Displays plugin version.
  • /uan chat help - Displays the Chat help.
  • /uan chat add <message> - Adds a message ti the chat list.
  • /uan chat remove <id> - Removes a message from the chat list.
  • /uan chat list - Lists the current chat messages.
  • /uan chat enable - Enables chat messages.
  • /uan chat disable - Disables chat messages.
  • /uan chat prefix <prefix/off> - Changes the chat prefix.
  • /uan chat header <header/off> - Changes the chat header.
  • /uan chat footer <footer/off> - Changes the chat footer.
  • /uan chat space - Toggles space between messages.
  • /uan chat sound - <sound/off> - Changes the sound when chat message is displayed.
  • /uan chat sound list - Lists all the sounds that are available.
  • /uan chat broadcast <id> - Manually broadcasts an chat message.
  • /uan chat say <message> Broadcasts chat message with prefix.
  • /uan chat interval <seconds> - Changes the interval time between chat messages.
  • /uan chat random - Toggles chat random mode on/off.
  • /uan action help - Displays the Action help.
  • /uan action add <message> - Adds a message to the action list.
  • /uan action remove <id> - Removes a message from the action list.
  • /uan action lists - List the current action messages.
  • /uan action enable - Enables action messages.
  • /uan action disable - Disables action messages.
  • /uan action broadcast <id> - Manually broadcasts an action message.
  • /uan action say <message> - Broadcasts action message.
  • /uan action interval <seconds> - Changes the interval time between action messages.
  • /uan action duration <seconds> - Changes how many seconds the action message will be displayed.
  • /uan action random - Toggles action random mode on/off.
  • /uan title help - Displays the Title help.
  • /uan title add <message> - Adds a message to the title list.
  • /uan title remove <id> - Removes a message from the title list.
  • /uan title title <title> - Changes the title.
  • /uan title list - Lists the current title messages.
  • /uan title enable - Enables title messages.
  • /uan title disable - Disables title messages.
  • /uan title broadcast <id> - Manually broadcasts an chat message.
  • /uan title say - Broadcasts title message.
  • /uan title interval <seconds> - Changes the interval time between title messages.
  • /uan title random - Toggles title random mode on/off

  • uan.reload - Permission to reload the config
  • uan.version - Permission to display the plugin version
  • uan.chat.receive - Permission to receive chat announcements
  • uan.action.receive - Permission to receive action announcements.
  • uan.title.receive - Permission to receive title announcements
  • uan.chat.help - Permission to display the chat commands.
  • uan.chat.add - Permission to add chat message.
  • uan.chat.remove - Permission to remove chat message.
  • uan.chat.enable - Permission to enable chat messages.
  • uan.chat.disable - Permission to disable chat messages.
  • uan.chat.list - Permission to display a list of chat messages.
  • uan.chat.prefix - Permission to change the chat prefix.
  • uan.chat.header - Permission to change the chat header.
  • uan.chat.footer - Permission to change the chat footer.
  • uan.chat.sound - Permission to change the sound.
  • uan.chat.broadcast - Permission to broadcast chat message.
  • uan.chat.random - Permission to toggle random chat mode.
  • uan.chat.say - Permission to say a chat message.
  • uan.chat.interval - Permission to change the chat interval.
  • uan.chat.space - Permission to toggle chat space on/off
  • uan.action.help - Permission to display the action commands
  • uan.action.add - Permission to add action message.
  • uan.action.remove - Permission to remove action message.
  • uan.action.enable - Permission to enable action messages.
  • uan.action.disable - Permission to disable action messages.
  • uan.action.list - Permission to display a list of action messages.
  • uan.action.broadcast - Permission to broadcast action message.
  • uan.action.interval - Permission to change the action interval.
  • uan.action.duration - Permission to change the action duration.
  • uan.action.say - Permission to say a action message.
  • uan.action.random - Permission to toggle random action mode.
  • uan.title.help - Permission to display the title help
  • uan.title.add - Permission to add title message.
  • uan.title.remove - Permission to remove title message.
  • uan.title.enable - Permission to enable title messages.
  • uan.title.disable - Permission to disable title messages.
  • uan.title.list - Permission to display list of title messages.
  • uan.title.broadcast - Permission to broadcast title message.
  • uan.title.title - Permission to change the title.
  • uan.title.interval - Permission to change the title interval.
  • uan.title.say - Permission to say a title message.
  • uan.title.random - Permission to toggle random title mode .
Terms of use:
You are not allowed to give this plugin to anyone!
You are not allowed to decompile this plugin or upload it anywhere!
Use this plugin only for your own server/network!

If you find a bug, there is a problem with the plugin or you have a suggestion you can contact me on:
Skype: marin.maniaka

Email: [email protected]

Issue Tracker

Or PM me in spigotmc.org.

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